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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kung fu nuns teach CERN scientists

Robert Evans, Reuters (via CalgaryHerald.com); Wisdom QuarterlyLama, center, poses with accompanying kung fu trained nuns (anis) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Meyrin, near Geneva (Valentin Flauraud/Reuters).   LHC at CERN (ts-dep.web.cern.ch)GENEVA, Switzerland - A dozen kung fu nuns from an Asian Buddhist order displayed their martial arts prowess to bemused scientists at CERN this week as their [Tibetan] spiritual leader explained how their energy was like that...

The Republican fantasy (cartoon)

This Modern World by Tom TomorrowWhen right wing Republican conservatives decided to create their own reality in Amer...

Amitabha: the lovable "Buddha"

Nitin Kumar, ExoticIndiaArt.com; edited and expanded by Wisdom QuarterlyAmitabha (Tibetan, Opame), the gentle, lovable "Buddha"AMITABHA is undoubtedly the most well known and popular of the Five Meditating "Buddhas." He is red in color, which in Tibetan Buddhism is the color of love, compassion, and emotional energy.   His direction is the west, where the sun sets....

Green Festival, Los Angeles (Nov. 17-18)

GreenFestivals.org; Wisdom Quarterly The LA stop of the Green Festival is this weekend at the LA Convention Center. Connect with local communities to find ideas and innovations to help take the next green steps. Hundreds of speakers, exhibitors, DIY workshops... It stops in downtown Nov. 17-18. See the Online Event Guide. Admission is affordable on any budget. The fest is beinh held at the LA Convention Center: 1201 Figueroa St., intersection of the Santa Monica (10) and Harbor (110) freeways....

Heathen's Greetings: Atheist Campaign

Rich Cholodofsky, Triblive.com, Nov. 17, 2012; FFRF.org; Wisdom QuarterlyAnnie Laurie Gaylor (ffrf.org)PENNSYLVANIA - Residents rallying to keep Ten Commandments tablets posted on school property in Connellsville and New Kensington are going up against the Freedom From Religion Foundation (ffrf.org), a Wisconsin-based atheist group with a growing presence in the state.In the past two years, the group has challenged discounts for churchgoers at restaurants and college basketball games, Nativity scenes...

Internet Download Manager 6.12 Final Build 25 with Patch Free Download

                                                                          Internet Download Manager 6.12 Final Build 25 Fixed compatibility problems with different browsers including Internet Explorer 11 Final, all Mozilla Firefox versions up to Mozilla Firefox Aurora, Google Chrome. Improved FLV grabber...