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Sunday, August 19, 2012

What we learn in college: Doors of Perception

Guy Noir and Saint Olaf English major (Prairie Home Companion); Wisdom QuarterlyWhat will we see when we can see what can be seen? (kozmedia.com)    (G)uy Noir: Nobody knew much about him, though I did find an English major who wrote about him in her journal. (E)nglish Major: It was more about feelings though.G: Your feelings about Shawn? E: Sort of. He's in this memoir I'm writing.G: A memoir of?E: A memoir of St. Olaf.G: But you're still at St. Olaf. (lilminx16.deviantart.com)E:...

The Four Vows Controversy (Zen)

Mara Shaeffer, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly, Kast, Ron, Don, Richard, Pasadharma.org Roshi Jeff Albrizze and his wife Amanda have a secret to reveal on or about Doomsday 2012.    What an amazing announcement. Highly impressed doesn't even begin to cover it. Congratulations! I am seriously considering trying to reincarnate this December just so I can have the coolest Hoodoo parents ever! But I guess I'll wait and give some other chap a chance to enter this realm. Looking forward...

Real "fasting" for Ramadan

Sabadabadooo (The Brown Girl Chronicles)  Moderate fasting help many paths to meditationIn light of Ramadan, now that Boudicaspeaks [almost as if the Bouddha, rather than Boudica, were speaking] has given you an overview of fasting beyond just no food or drink, I feel the need to discuss something that I strive to do any time of the year:    Remembering GOD or zikr. However, for me the intensification of Remembering God is a different one this year. Many will say that fasting...

India at 65: Independence Day 2012

Wisdom QuarterlySaffron, white, and green with Buddhist wheelAUGUST 15th marks India's independence from British oppression. Much like the United States, the "greatest experiment in democracy" (India) liberated itself from United Kingdom colonialism in 1947. Unfortunately, it meant the loss of a great deal of land ceded in the interest of the departing empire. It has kept India fighting with its neighbors (the new Pakistan and East Pakistan, now Bangladesh) ever since. Imperial UK strategists cut...