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Friday, February 1, 2013

Inilah Bahaya Tidur Dengan Lampu Menyala

         Hai, sahabat, Tips kesehatan. Tidur merupakan aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh setiap orang setiap malam hari. Banyak sekali manfaat yang dapat kita peroleh dari tidur di malam hari hari tersebut. Beberapa manfaat tidur malam tetsebut yaitu dapat mengistirahatkan fisik dan pikiran kita setelah seharian beraktivitas yang terbilang padat. Ada sebagian orang yang tidur dengan lampu menyala dan ada pula yang tidur dengan lampu mati. Lalu, adakah bahaya...

Mobile Quran arabic Free Download

The Holy Quran is the last and final revelation from Allah Almighty to mankind. It is a Book of Guidance and Al-Furqan for the whole world, and a constant reminder to those who wish to please their Lord, the One True God.If only we could carry it with us wherever we went. Reading it, memorizing it and understanding it in our own language. How wonderful would that be. A constant reminder and a source of Blessings and Mercy from Allah Almighty.Through Allah's grace, in recent times technology has...

Al-Quran Flash Portable Version Free Download

Al-Quran Flash Portable Version Quran Puk In This Bast Performance and Resume In The Bast Feature   We are pleased to offer our dear visitors the previous Quranflash application, as a standalone program for offline reading.Note : Please extract the file contents to a folder path not containing Arabic (or undefined) characters since this interferes with the operation of the program. Assallamualikum,Please do not be commercialized !!!Use of this Qur'an software and resume...

Oxford Dictionary 11th Edition Portable Full Version Free download

Concise Oxford English Dictionary: 11th Edition Revised 2008 Now in print through its various editions for almost a century, the Concise Oxford English Dictionary is one of the most popular choices in Oxford's renowned dictionary line, selected by decades of users for its up-to-date and authoritative coverage of the English language Concise Dictionary.Oxford Dictionary Oxford English DictionaryConcise Oxford English Dictionary 11th Edition PortableThis revised eleventh edition of the Concise...