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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How our "Hidden Brain" thinks for us

Morning Edition (NPR.org, 1/25/10); Wisdom QuarterlyAfter making a silly mistake, it's not uncommon for a person to say, "Oops -- I was on autopilot." In his new book, The Hidden Brain, science writer Shankar Vedantam explains how there's actually a lot of truth to that.Our brains have two modes, he tells NPR's Steve Inkseep -- conscious and unconscious, pilot and autopilot -- and we are constantly switching back and forth between the two.Hidden Brain (Read excerpt)"The problem arises when we [switch]...

World's Greatest Buddhist Site (photos)

UPDATE: Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; photostream by Michal Przedlacki (dziadek/flickr.com) Afghan archaeologist examines the remains of Buddha statues discovered inside an ancient monastic complex in MES AYNAK, Logar province, Afghanistan, on Nov. 23, 2010 (AP).Original story: World's Greatest Buddhist Site PHOTO GALLERY: Mes Aynak, Afghanistan...

F Rodeo Drive! "A People's Guide to LA"

Whitney Friedlander, LAWeekly.com; Ven. Piyananda; Wisdom QuarterlySaffron Days in L.A. (Read excerpts)Let the tour buses take the throngs to visit Marilyn Monroe's handprints at Grauman's Chinese Theater or to press their noses up to the windows on Rodeo Drive and wander Beverly Hills like they're Julia Roberts.    Despite what the entertainment industry would have us believe, the city of Los Angeles and its surrounding neighborhoods have a much richer, often conflicted history...

O, iPhone, how dost thou enslave me?

Let Me Count the Ways (AatmaStudio) Five amazing iPhone 5 concepts and holographic technologyiPhone slave camp closed after 2,000 riotFoxconn's Taiyuan plant reopened, no impact on supply Foxconn China plant closed after 2,000 riot Cracking your PIN code is easy China factory unrest a fresh headache for Fox...Foxconn China plant closed after 2,000 riotFoxconn says 40 hurt in fight at China plantApple supplier's factory back up after China... Chinese electronics factory closed after 2,000…News Summary: Foxconn factory restarts produce... Foxconn plant reopens after riot (Reuters)Foxconn...

Lady Gaga barfs on stage (video) + Sutra

Amber Dorrian, Bela, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; video courtesy of HowToGetMad (thehollywoodgossip.com)BARCELONA - Demonstrating the influence of little Justin Bieber to set trends, previously fashion-forward lipsyncher Lady Gaga vomited live on stage in Spain while performing "The Edge of Glory."    She was on the edge of finishing up her 24 song set when, sometime during Song 23, a visceral constriction created a spontaneous rhythmic ejection of the contents of her stomach with what...