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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Jewel Praise praise the 'jewels' of the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha 1. Any creature that gathered here, the good of the world or from space, it may all beings be happy. Likewise, I hope they listen attentively to what was said. (222)2. Therefore, O beings, look good. Pancarkanlah affection to the people who make offerings to you day and night. Therefore, protect them with sincere hearts. (223)3. Any property that is here or in another world, or whatever priceless jewel is in the natural eco-paradise, there were no comparable Tathágata. This priceless...


Good Life The monks are advised dispel things that could make them deviatefrom the holy life 1. If people leave the married life, become a hermit and live a lifeof celibacy and pure, this is the most precious jewel. (274) 2. But if by nature he is too much talk, and glad to hurt the othersare rough, the lives of people like this to be of no benefit andincreased his...

NAVA1 Sutta

BoatHow to choose a good teacher and scholar1. People have to respect a person from whom he learned the Dhamma, like saluting the gods Indra. Educated person who respected it, because it pleased the pupils, will make the Dhamma clear. (316)2. After notice and consider it, the wise man even practicing the Dhamma, and thus become educated, intelligent and skilled. And because the alert, he was hanging out with teachers like that. (317)3. People who follow the stupid and humble teacher, who has not realized the meaning of the Dhamma, and the envious, will be close...


Correct Behavior Sariputta: 1. People with a character like what, what behaviors, what kind of action, which will be established so as to achieve the highest welfare? (324) The Buddha: 2. He is a person who salute the older, who does not envy, who knows a good time to meet his teacher, who knows a good time to listen attentively to the sermons that dibabarkan well by his teacher. (325)3. He is a man who met his teacher at the right time, the submissive, who throw kepalaannya violence. He remember and practice the teachings, have self-control and morality. (326) 4. He...


Vangisa received assurance that the teacher has achieved nirvana One time the Buddha dwelt at the monastery near Alavi Aggalava.At that time, Nigrodhakappa Majesty, Majesty Vangisa guidance counselor, recently died there. Then, a fruit-thought comes to mind YM Vangisa (who live alone) in meditation: does teacher mentor has achieved nirvana or not. Then in the evening, YM Vangisa [with friends] facing the Buddha and respectfully ask this:1. We asked the Buddha who has perfect wisdom, who can dispel doubts in the world-the famous monk, who has the grandeur and peace of mind, who...


Vangisa mendapat kepastian bahwa gurunya telah mencapai Nibbana Suatu ketika Sang Buddha berdiam di dekat Alavi di vihara Aggalava. Pada saat itu, Yang Mulia Nigrodhakappa, guru pembimbing Yang Mulia Vangisa, belum lama wafat di sana. Kemudian, suatu buah-pikir muncul di benak YM Vangisa (yang hidup menyendiri) dalam meditasinya: apakah guru pembimbingnya telah mencapai Nibbana atau belum. Maka di petang harinya, YM Vangisa [bersama teman-temannya] menghadap Sang Buddha dan dengan hormat menanyakan hal ini: 1.Kami bertanya kepada Sang Buddha yang memiliki kebijaksanaan sempurna, yang bisa menghalau...


Actions that Ensure SuccessDefinition of the highest blessingsSo I have heard: One time the Buddha dwelt near Savatthi, in the monastery Anathapindika Jeta Forest. On a beautiful night, came the gods with a brilliant light that illuminated the entire Jeta Forest.He went to the Buddha, giving respect, and stood on one side and said to the Buddha in the following verse:1. Many gods and men, for want of prosperity, have reflected on what the act of promising success. Explain whether the act was the highest that guarantee success? 1 (258) The Buddha:2. Not associating with people...