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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mob in Maldives destroys Buddhist history

Hawwa Lubna (Minivannews.com,  Feb. 9, 2012)The Maldives is a formerly Buddhist nation of many islands (travel.nationalgeographic.com)    Several historical artifacts exhibited at the Maldives National Museum, including Buddhist statues were destroyed in a mob attack on Wednesday morning, an act of vandalism that is said to have caused “unimaginable damage” to the treasured Maldivian heritage.   Underwater restaurant (sweetydesign.com)Speaking to Minivan News, a museum...

Noah Levine teaches Against the (Dharma)?

Seth Auberon and Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly He's a Dharma punk and not dumb, so how does he know so little about the Buddha?In a devastating blow to Buddhist history, author and "Against the Stream" founder Noah Levine turned the Buddha's life into an unrecognizable mishmash of revisionist thought, doubt and outlandish speculation. At one point he had Siddhartha tying stones to his privates, all the while laughing and engendering laughter from an eager American audience. The constant refrain...

The Seven Bonds of Sexuality (sutra)

Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly translation (Methuna Sutra, AN 7.47)What does Buddhist philosophy say about sexuality? (Suite101.com)    WARNING: These "bonds" are applicable only to monastics and intensive practitioners (such as those on retreat) adopting Eight Precepts, which goes beyond the ordinary Five Precepts.  SAVATTHI, ancient India - The Brahmin Jāṇussoṇī approached the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him. When this courteous exchange was concluded, Jāṇussoṇī sat down respectfully...

The Great Liberation (Tibetan Book of the Dead)

Wisdom Quarterly; HCLivess A presentation of NHK Japan, Mistral Films of France, and the National Film Board of Canada  The Great LiberationThis is a companion piece to The Tibetan Book of the Dead, a Way of Life. It is a short film that centers around the premature death of a 42-year-old man in the Himalayas. He has returned to his family from a long journey and is suddenly stricken with an unknown illness. The film serves as a practical introduction to the Tibetan Book of the Dead...

Obon Fest: Orange County Buddhist Church

Orange County Buddhist Church (ocbuddhist.org)Obon festivities (lifetourist79)Obon is a Japanese Buddhist celebration honoring the dead. Zen tradition holds that Obon season, much like the West's Halloween or All Hallow's Eve, means a thinner veil between the worlds. Hungry ghosts (pretas) are appeased and fed, ancestors are honored, and respect is given to all who have passed. The celebration in the human world within the precincts of a Zen temple are joyous. There is line dancing (Obon Odori),...