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Saturday, September 29, 2012

7 Bahaya Akibat Kurang Tidur Bagi Kesehatan

     Bahaya akibat kurang tidur. Tidur merupakan aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh manusia untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh dan pikirannya. Banyak sekali manfaat yang dapat kita peroleh dari aktivitas tidur tersebut. Salah satunya yaitu tubuh akan lebih bugar dan segar ketika bangun. Sehingga kita siap menghadapi hari-hari yang berat dan melelahkan yang harus kita jalani hari ini.

Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Banyak diantara kita yang mengabaikan aktivitas tidur ini. Ini dapat dibuktikan, seringkali kita masih terjaga dimalam hari seperti menonton tv sampai larut malam, ngobrol dengan teman hingga di malam hari sampai lupa waktu atau melakukan aktivitas pada malam hari terkecuali mereka yang harus bekerja dimalam hari. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Kurang tidur di malam hari sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan anda. Berikut ini 7 Bahaya akibat kurang tidur bagi kesehatan :

  1. Jika anda seorang pekerja yang harus memakai mobil dan motor. Anda harus memiliki istirahat yang cukup dimalam hari. Ini dikarenakan, jika anda kurang tidur di malam hari, maka dapat dipastikan fokus anda ketika menyetir akan menurun. Ini bisa berbahaya bagi anda, karena kita tahu jumlah kendaraan dari tahun ketahun terus meningkat sehingga dapat dibayangkan. Anda kehilangan fokus di tengah banyaknya kendaraan di samping kiri, kanan, belakang, depan anda. Ingat nyawa taruhannya, akibat kurang tidur. Dilansir dari kompas.com, sebuah penelitan di amerika menunjukkan bahwa kualitas tidur yang rendah, maka hal itu dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan dan cedera saat bekerja.( 7 Tips Agar Tidur Lebih Berkualitas ).
  2. Tahukah anda, kurang tidur dapat menyebabkan konsentrasi menurun. Bagi anda yang berstatus pelajar atau anda yang harus bekerja menggunakan pikiran anda, kurang tidur dapat menyebabkan terganggunya konsentrasi ketika anda sedang belajar atau membutuhkan untuk  mengingat tentang sesuatu yang sudah dan belum anda kerjakan sebelumnya. ( 7 Makanan Yang Dapat Mencerdaskan Otak Anda  ).
  3. Akibat kurang tidur juga sangat buruk untuk kesehatan tubuh anda. Berbagai penyakit akan menghampiri anda seperti penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi, stroke bahkan diabetes. Anda tidak berharap mengalami itu semua kan....???? ( Tips Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Agar Selalu Sehat ).
  4. Akibat kurang tidur yang lain yaitu anda akan sering mengalami stress, sering marah-marah tidak jelas dan kelihatan sering murung di sela waktu aktivitas anda sehari-hari. ( Inilah 7 Tips Efektif Menghilangkan Stress ).
  5. Akibat kurang tidur yang kelima yaitu akan berdampak tidak baik untuk kulit dan mata anda. Dalam hal ini, kulit anda akan kelihatan pucat dan kusam serta kerutan halus yang nampak pada kulit anda dan mata anda  terlihat bengkak.( 8 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Mata Anda ).
  6. Anda sering lupa mengingat barang-barang yang anda taruh sendiri, ketika hendak membutuhkan barang tersebut. Ini di mungkinkan pula akibat anda kurang tidur di malam hari. Cobalah pikirkan sendiri, sudah cukupkah tidur malam anda selama ini. ( 6 Tips Agar Tidak Cepat Pikun atau Sering Lupa ).
  7. Akibat tidur yang ke tujuh yaitu obesitas atau kegemukan. Ketika kita selalu terjaga di malam hari, maka akan terjadi peningkatan rasa lapar dan hasrat atau nafsu makan yang selalu ingin tersalurkan yang akan memicu obesitas atau kegemukan dengan berat badan yang berlebih dari ukuran ideal. ( Inilah 7 Kebiasaan Buruk Pemicu Kegemukan ).
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           Begitu banyak akibat kurang tidur yang harus di alami oleh orang-orang yang selalu terjaga dimalam hari. Jadi alangkah baiknya, anda menghindarinya. Ini dapat dihindari dengan menerapkan pola tidur 7 atau 8 jam sehari. Semoga tips kesehatan yang membahas tentang Bahaya akibat tidur bagi kesehatan dapat berguna bagi pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : kompas).
    Image courtesy of photostock at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

    Healing Conversations Fall Series (audio)

    Wisdom Quarterly; Pam Oslie (AuraColors)

    Here is a wonderful opportunity to hear the latest from world-renowned, paradigm-shifting thinkers, healers, authors, and spiritual teachers. Aura specialist Pam Oslie has been invited to join 23 speakers on the free Healing Conversations Fall Series 2012.
    Join Pamala Oslie, Lynn McTaggert, Dan Millman, Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, Dr. Christine Page, Freddy Silva, and more! Sept. 25-Dec. 22, 2012. (Join in at any time). Oslie's interview on "Healing Conversations with Host Lauren Galey" is Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 3:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (4:00 pm MST, 5:00 pm CST, 6:00 pm EST). Register FREE

    Free registration allows listening to this interview and 23 other consciousness expanding ones that will also open hearts and provide powerful tools, meditations, and processes to help make 2012 a powerful year of mastery! With registration for this event, an email reminder of the show time and the link to join in the event will arrive.

    What has Lauren Galey put together this fall? With an intention to access to the most current information on this Shift of the Ages, which is actually a shift in consciousness, she explains:
    Feeling the call to discover a reason/intention for being on Earth? Want to break free of limiting thoughts, behaviors, and baggage to manifest ANYTHING? Ready to ascend into a higher vibration and open to unconditional love? Want to learn about quantum physics to heal?
    If so get ready to hear some amazing information from 24 incredible speakers on Healing Conversations Fall Series 2012. With two shows each week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) from Sept. 25-Dec. 22 hear about many fascinating topics such as:

    A step-by-step process to discover passion and purpose
    New forms of healing modalities to heal self and others
    Tips for achieving mastery of the mind
    What happens when we "Let go and let god"?
    Learn how to trust the inner committee to co-create reality
    True stories of telepathy, teleportation, and psychic ability
    Identifying soul contracts with various people in our lives
    How to hire the heavens and create a celestial committee
    - The latest discovery in Romania, the Transylvania Sphinx
    How to distinguish our true heart’s desire
    Attaining pure presence in the eternal NOW, and more!

    Speakers include Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, Dan Millman, Freddy Silva, Dr. Christine Page, THEO with Sheila Gillette, Anrita Melchizedek, and others!

    Be sure to register FREE for the Healing Conversations Fall 2012 Series to get all the details, dates, and times for each show.

    Tune in FREE to Healing Conversations and listen to some fascinating information not found on the mainstream media. Can’t join live? Each event is recorded to listen in online for a few days following.

    Peace: Better than a 1,000 words

    H. Kopp Delaney (photo); Wisdom Quarterly
    "Better than a thousand empty words is a single word that bring peace," the Buddha states in the Dhammapada ("Imprint of the Dharma"), a collection of aphorisms and their origin stories.

    When the goal is peace, what might be said? We might say many thousands of words enumerating the pros of peace or arguing about the cons of violence.

    But as for inner peace, Would we have any? Would our listeners? It might be enough to say, "Stop" as the Buddha did to Angulimala. Or then there was that time when the monks of Kosambi would not stop arguing and less than a single word was enough to restore peace.

    Burma's secret Muslim genocide (video)

    (Special Report); Press TV; ; Wisdom Quarterly
    Rohingya have been persecuted and discriminated against for decades, but few can even pronounce their name let alone know their plight. The UN describes them as one of the most persecuted minorities, yet their suffering increases. So are the world's democracies ignoring them? Guests: Justin Wintle, Brad Adams, Mohamed Nour, Dina Madani.

    Ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Burma (Orwellian police state Myanmar) is being carried out by nominally "Buddhist" police state troops. Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is "criminally silent" about it.
    A prominent political analyst says that Burma's president's proposal to expel Rohingya Muslims from the country is an "ethnic cleansing."
    "This is ethnic cleansing... the government and even this Nobel prize winner, the Lady [Aung San Suu Kyi] is so criminally silent about the problems of this minority in Myanmar," Professor Ghulam Taqi Bangash at the Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST) told Press TV.
    The remarks come after Burma's President Thein Sein said that Rohingya Muslims must be expelled from the country and sent to refugee camps run by the United Nations.
    The government refuses to recognize nearly-one-million-strong Rohingya Muslims community, which the UN calls one of the world's most persecuted people.

    Burma claims the Rohingya are not native and classify them as illegal migrants although they have lived in the country for generations. Burma's opposition National League for Democracy party (NLD) leader Aung San Suu Kyi was elected to parliament after she was released from house arrest earlier this year.
    However, many people are disappointed at the way she has been avoiding the issue.
    Last month at a press conference in Geneva, Suu Kyi said she "didn't know" if Rohingya Muslims were Burmese citizens.
    The Stream (Al Jazeera English) "The Plight of the Rohingya"
    Bangash said Washington is also criminally silent over the issue as the US tries to coax the countries in this region of Southeast Asia to stop them from having better relations with the People's Republic of China.
    "Southeast Asia is becoming much more inconspicuous on the economic map for the United States of America," he added.
    "They should rather strengthen the sanctions against Myanmar until this problem should be solved, but they are not doing that," Bangash added.

    Burma's current government is run by military figures, which have been accused of rights abuse.

    Over a dozen Muslims were killed on June 3 when a mob of ethnic Rakhines, who are mostly Buddhist, attacked a passenger bus [in retaliation for an alleged rape of a Buddhist girl] in the Rakhine state in the west of the country that borders Bangladesh [slaughtering 10 innocent Muslims simply for being Muslims].

    Over the past two years, throngs of ethnic Muslims have attempted to flee [Burma to go to Bangladesh] by boats in the face of systematic oppression by the [Burmese] government.

    Cara Install Driver Pada Komputer Laptop

    Cara Install Driver Pada Komputer Laptop. Membeli laptop maupun komputer desktop seharusnya mendapatkan software bawaan komputer atau laptop atau biasa dikenal dengan driver tersebut, yang sudah disertakan dari pabrikan, namun akhir-akhir ini di kota Denpasar setiap kali saya membeli laptop, selalu saja tidak disertakan dengan software driver untuk laptop, katanya memang tidak ada driver jadi