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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When Mother Earth saved Siddhartha


"It will be a long time before the brain knows in detail what the body already perfectly understands."
- (Susan Lowenberg, L.A. Theatre Works, 4-22-12)

(FYN) Tree devi watches Of Monsters and Men (OMAM), Lollapalooza 2012 (Minute 29:19).
Siddhartha calling (vam.ac.uk)
Bhumi is the Earth personified. She is Mother Nature, Gaia, Sthavara (immovable like the ground, solidity, support).

BODH GAYA, India - When Siddhartha was striving to discover the path to enlightenment and final liberation, a killer came to him and told him to move: "The place you're sitting in meditation belongs to me," that killer said. "Who or what gives you the right to sit there?" Siddhartha reached out his right hand and called on the Earth to witness (Bhūmiśparṣa mudrā) for his right to pursue enlightenment in a forest grove under the tree of wisdom. The Earth shook. And the ogres, confused, ran away.

"You're gone, gone, gone away. I watched you disappear. All that's left is a ghost of you. Now we're torn, torn, torn apart. There's nothing we can do. Just let me go; we'll meet again soon. Now wait, wait, wait for me. Please hang around. I'll see you when I fall asleep. Hey! Don't listen to a word I say. Hey! The screams all sound the same. Hey! Though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore..." More 
Invitation to the Devas
Wisdom Quarterly translation (Namakara-siddhi Gatha)
Devi sylph (megamitensei.wikia.com)
From around the galaxies may the devas come.
May they listen to the true teaching of the supreme sage,
Which leads to higher-births and nirvana.

Those on planes of sensuality or fine-form,
On mountain peaks and precipices, in palaces floating in space,
On islands, in countries, and towns,
In groves of trees and thickets, around homes and fields.

Earthbound "angels" (Boticelli's Venus)
And the earth (bhumi)-devas, sylphs, messenger minstrels, and powerful creatures
In water, on the ground, in the wilderness, and nearby:
May they come and listen approvingly
As I recite the word of the excellent sage.

This is the time to listen to the Dharma, venerable ones.
This is the time to listen to the Dharma, venerable ones. 
This is the time to listen to the Dharma, venerable ones.

Asian conception of the beautiful angelic beings from space (tribudragonthai)
Do not look long, do not look short.
In the seen, let there be only the seen
In the heard, only the heard
In the otherwise sensed, only the otherwise sensed.
When for you there is just this,
there will be neither here, nor there,
nor going from one to the other.
-The Buddha said to Bahiya of the Bark Cloth (Fast Enlightenment)

What if the "apocalypse" is a fiscal cliff?

Harry Shearer ("Monty Burns," The Simpsons); Occupy; Wisdom Quarterly, COUNTDOWN: -3

Still reeling from the results of the presidential election, Burns tries to explain the upcoming "fiscal cliff." Although it is a creation of the mainstream media, we are all talking about it as a reality. Why would the MSM promote fear and loathing with this fiction? It is because now any eventuality, any fiscal fiasco, can be used as a pretext for war, austerity, police state surveillance and other measures... for depriving the needy and further enriching the greedy. But never mind. Look, over there, Justin! Stars! Hot girls!

Time is short, Life is long: How to Meditate

Wisdom Quarterly; Jack Kornfield (spiritrock.org); FPMT, Inc. (video); COUNTDOWN: -3
A definition and purpose for meditation, how to sit, how to set up a meditation session, different meditation techniques, and how to deal with obstacles. Follow this course FREE at the FPMT Online Learning Center and learn more about Discovering Buddhism.

Time, which contracts and expands at will, is short -- whereas "life" (samsara) is long, endless on its own, except that it's always ending. But it renews again the next moment. 

Each moment divides into three sub-moments, an arising phasing, turning, and falling. This is the incessant "rise and fall" the breath mimics at a much slower speed. Moments pass too quickly to discern -- as showers of particles and mind-moments rise, turn, and fall -- just on the inhale, to say nothing of the retention phase and exhalation.

This becomes much clearer as consciousness sharpens and intensifies and the invisible becomes visible. Mind is superior to phenomena, which can be discerned directly IF only the mind were purified and serene, lucid, and made wieldy by mindful application.

Western Theravada monk explains Thai forest approach (VY)

We are here. How will we get there? Every journey begins with a footstep, every meditation with an inhalation.

Another name for nirvana is "the beyond" or more literally the beyond-beyond, the "farther shore." We are here on this shore with all its dangers and fearful states. And we look beyond the flood, the body of water, the deluge. And we see on that side a farther shore, safe, free of fear, without danger. How to go from here to there, how to "cross over"?
Partially-enlightened former monk current lay teacher Jack Kornfield

A strong person, the metaphor continues, might flex a stretched arm or stretch a flexed arm and be there in the twinkling of an eye. We must sit, settle, remain attentive, and thereby be transported by effort to see things just as they are.
The major Buddhist schools -- Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana (a large Mahayana subschool) -- have their methods. Here a Western lama in the banned New Kadampa Tradition (Tibetan Vajrayana not affiliated with the current Dalai Lama) offers advice on how to meditate.

The 14th Dalai Lama on developing mind (2010)

Fun with Creationism, Atheism (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Thunderf00t, MilkandCookies.com

GENEVA (Reuters) - Atheists and other religious skeptics suffer persecution or discrimination in many parts of the world and in at least seven nations can be executed if their beliefs become known, according to a report issued on Monday.
The study, from the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), showed that "unbelievers" in Islamic countries face the most severe -- sometimes brutal -- treatment at the hands of the state and adherents of the official religion.
But it also points to policies in some European countries and the United States which favor the religious and their organizations and treat atheists and humanists as outsiders.

The truths of Christianity may be true, but we cannot take things
literally as fundamentalists teach and promote acceptance by fear.

The report, "Freedom of Thought 2012," said "there are laws that deny atheists' right to exist, curtail their freedom of belief and expression, revoke their right to citizenship, restrict their right to marry."
Other laws "obstruct their access to public education, prohibit them from holding public office, prevent them from working for the state, criminalize their criticism of religion, and execute them for leaving the religion of their parents." More

Interview with Richard Dawkins and foolish Creationist questions

It's okay when WE kill their children (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly, mirrored from LedaOhio5 and Helias314
WARNING: Graphic footage!
Obama: more of the same (BIT)
This is how we are spreading our influence in the name of spreading peace, progress, and democracy. Is this what the MIC, Obama, and NATO have in store for the world?

At one point the Arab news person is heard saying, "Those who kill their own people have lost all credibility" a reference to those involved in 9/11, which is known throughout the Arab world to have been an inside job.

When you make war, you have to kill some kids
How can anyone stand by while drones and jets bomb innocents killing 50 collaterals to every intended target? If all we can do is stand by then we cannot hypocritically cry so loudly when one of our own kills our own children!
Shell of a naga monster deteriorating fast
Bush-era policies, continued and expanded by Obama, have led to the murder of over 1 million Iraqi children and civilians. It was a US war crime to target their water purification facilities. These victims of our military-industrial complex (MIC) aggression are no threat to us. But we are to them. We are to them.
How inhuman we must seem the longer we dehumanize them. They live, feel, die, love, work, take care of their children just as we do. Yet our government, for and by the people, has been taken over by war mongers and passive profiteers.

How many of us protested when Bush invaded in spite of the will of the American public? How many more of us did nothing, or even attached patriotic flags to our cars and homes in support of military aggression?

Now a newer better storyteller sits in the White House making excuses for the powers that be, a man who took his Nobel Peace Prize and started eight new wars with it. And what are we doing? Mourning a minor incident of military-grade killing, what our soldiers do on an average morning abroad, calling it the worst catastrophe ever.

Senator Daniel Inouye (Hawaii) outs the secret Shadow Government

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4 Makanan Sebagai Antibiotik Alami

     Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Tubuh manusia rentan sekali terkena berbagai penyakit. Ini dapat dibuktikan ketika perubahan musim,, penyakit seperti batuk, flu dan lainnya kerap menyerang tubuh anda. Obat antibiotik yang berdasarkan resep dokter akan membantu menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit tersebut. tapi tahukah anda, ada berbagai makanan yang dapat digunakan sebagai antibiotik alami yang mudah dan murah yang bisa kita temukah di sekitar kita.

        Sahabat, tips kesehatan. tahukah anda, mengkonsumsi obat antibiotik yang tidak berdasarkan pada resep dokter akan membuat penyakit anda semakin kebal terhadap berbagai obat antibiotik tersebut. Oleh karena itulah, resep dokter diperlukan saat mengkonsumsi obat antibiotik. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Ternyata ada antibiotik alami yang bisa kita peroleh dari makanan yang kita konsumsi setiap hari. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang berkaitan dengan makanan sebagai antibiotik alami. Berikut ini 4 makanan sebagai antibiotik alami :

  1. Bawang merah ternyata merupakan obat antibiotik alami. Ketika kita terserang batuk, mengkonsumsi bawang merah akan membantu mengeluarkan lendir dan bahan -bahan lainnya dari paru-paru, bronkus dan trakea. Mengkonsumsi bawang merah juga dapat membantu meningkatkan aliran darah serta berfungsi melawan radang.
  2. Bawang putih ternyata juga merupakan obat antibiotik alami. Bawang putih tersebut dapat membantu menyembuhkan penyakit dan mengurangi rasa sakit. Selain itu pula, bawang putih mampu menurunkan terkanan darah dan mengurangi kadar kolesterol didalam tubuh serta mengobati keracunan makanan.
  3. Teh hijau ternyata juga merupakan obat antibiotik alami. Teh hijau tersebut berfungsi untuk membantu kinerja antibiotik. Ini dikarenakan, teh hijau mengandung antioksidan yang cukup tinggi yang bermanfaat sebagai obat antibiotik alami.
  4. Madu ternyata juga merupakan obat antibiotik alami bagi tubuh anda. Madu tersebut berfungsi untuk menghalangi pertumbuhan bakteri dan juga dapat mengobati infeksi yang diakibatkan oleh bakteri. Oleh karena itulah, mengkonsumsi madu sangat baik untuk tubuh anda sebagai antibiotik alami.
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     Semoga tips kesehatan yang berjudul 4 makanan sebagai antibiotik alami dapat berguna dan bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : id.she.yahoo).
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