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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When Mother Earth saved Siddhartha

TEAM BHUMI DEVA, Wisdom Quarterly, COUNTDOWN CLOCK: -3 (Magical-mushroomz/tumblr.com)"It will be a long time before the brain knows in detail what the body already perfectly understands."- (Susan Lowenberg, L.A. Theatre Works, 4-22-12) (FYN) Tree devi watches Of Monsters and Men (OMAM), Lollapalooza 2012 (Minute 29:19). Siddhartha calling (vam.ac.uk)Bhumi is the Earth personified. She is Mother Nature, Gaia, Sthavara (immovable like the ground, solidity, support).BODH GAYA, India - When...

What if the "apocalypse" is a fiscal cliff?

Harry Shearer ("Monty Burns," The Simpsons); Occupy; Wisdom Quarterly, COUNTDOWN: -3Still reeling from the results of the presidential election, Burns tries to explain the upcoming "fiscal cliff." Although it is a creation of the mainstream media, we are all talking about it as a reality. Why would the MSM promote fear and loathing with this fiction? It is because now any eventuality, any fiscal fiasco, can be used as a pretext for war, austerity, police state surveillance and other measures......

Time is short, Life is long: How to Meditate

Wisdom Quarterly; Jack Kornfield (spiritrock.org); FPMT, Inc. (video); COUNTDOWN: -3 A definition and purpose for meditation, how to sit, how to set up a meditation session, different meditation techniques, and how to deal with obstacles. Follow this course FREE at the FPMT Online Learning Center and learn more about Discovering Buddhism.Time, which contracts and expands at will, is short -- whereas "life" (samsara) is long, endless on its own, except that it's always ending. But it renews...

Fun with Creationism, Atheism (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Thunderf00t, MilkandCookies.com GENEVA (Reuters) - Atheists and other religious skeptics suffer persecution or discrimination in many parts of the world and in at least seven nations can be executed if their beliefs become known, according to a report issued on Monday.  The study, from the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), showed that "unbelievers" in Islamic countries face the most severe -- sometimes brutal -- treatment at the hands of the state and adherents of the official religion.   But it also...

It's okay when WE kill their children (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly, mirrored from LedaOhio5 and Helias314WARNING: Graphic footage!  Obama: more of the same (BIT)This is how we are spreading our influence in the name of spreading peace, progress, and democracy. Is this what the MIC, Obama, and NATO have in store for the world?At one point the Arab news person is heard saying, "Those who kill their own people have lost all credibility" a reference to those involved in 9/11, which is known throughout the Arab world...

Cara Pasang Iklan Di Bawah Akhir Artikel Posting

Cara memasang iklan di setiap akhir artikel atau bagian bawah postingan ini dapat diterapkan untuk memasang iklan seperti Google Adsense maupun iklan lokal lainnya seperti Kliksaya atau iklan lainnya. Saya sengaja menulis artikel tentang cara memasang iklan di akhir postingan ini karena perlu anda ketahui bahwa tempat yang paling ideal dan tepat untuk memasang iklan dan paling banyak di klik...

4 Makanan Sebagai Antibiotik Alami

     Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Tubuh manusia rentan sekali terkena berbagai penyakit. Ini dapat dibuktikan ketika perubahan musim,, penyakit seperti batuk, flu dan lainnya kerap menyerang tubuh anda. Obat antibiotik yang berdasarkan resep dokter akan membantu menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit tersebut. tapi tahukah anda, ada berbagai makanan yang dapat digunakan sebagai antibiotik alami yang mudah dan murah yang bisa kita temukah di sekitar kita.       ...