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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Info Cara Setting Modem ZTE MF180

Anda mencari Info Cara Setting Modem ZTE MF180 ? tidak salah lagi, anda sudah berada di tempat yang tepat dimana anda bisa dapat menemukan cara setting modem ZTE MF 180 (modem (GSM). Modem ini sangat tepat digunakan oleh seseorang yang suka mobiling atau traveling karena sangat praktis dan tidak membutuhkan driver khusu yang biasanya tersimpan terpisah dalam bentuk kepingan compact disk. Driver...

Berapa Banyak Yang Dimakan Dari Hidangan Ini

Berapa Banyak Yang Dimakan Dari Hidangan IniOleh Maha Mula Acharya Liansheng Diterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Terlebih Aku tuliskan sebuah cerita: Ada seorang pemabuk yang penuh dengan aroma minuman keras naik angkutan umum, ia kebetulan duduk di samping seorang pastor.Pastor melihat pemabuk ini, kemejanya sangat kotor, wajahnya terdapat bekas lipstick wanita, ada setengah botol minuman keras di kantongnya, sedang membaca koran lama.Pemabuk ini bertanya pada pastor:'Bapa, apa penyebab penyakit radang sendi?'Pastor menjawab:'Itu karena setiap hari menyia-nyiakan hidup, bergaul dengan wanita PSK,...

Samsung Galaxy Tab ten.1 (Verizon Wireless)

When we reviewed the Wi-Fi–only version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab ten.1, we have a tendency to found it an honest, skinny Android pill relegated to a category below the Apple iPad solely due to its operating system’s lack of tablet-friendly apps. we've principally a similar feelings regarding the new Galaxy Tab ten.1 for Verizon Wireless, that adds LTE coverage and speeds, subtracts (for now) the TouchWiz interface, and polishes the hardware a trifle. It’s an honest device, however its tiny software...

持誦相應之相 - Tanda-Tanda Yukta Dalam Penjapaan

持誦相應之相 Tanda-Tanda Yukta Dalam Penjapaan source : Grand Master Book 102 Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An 「蘇悉地經」云:「若少飢渴,若少疾病,若發勝慧,若增威光廣大堅固,若得善夢,常夢實事,若於念誦倍增歡喜,若少疲乏身香芬馥,樂修功德,敬重本尊,是為持誦相應之相。」 這段經文,我解釋如下: 若少飢渴––不暴飲暴食,營養足,量清淡。 若少疾病––無病痛,精神氣足。 若發勝慧––超勝的智慧出現。 若增威光廣大堅固––身有光明,信心堅固,廣大的攝召力。 若得善夢,常夢實事––夜間的夢都是好的善的,所夢見的,一定會實現,得夢覺。 若於念誦倍增歡喜––喜歡修法持咒。 若少疲乏––精氣神煥發,精進異常。 身香芳馥––身有香息,芳馥自然。 樂修功德––喜歡行善,樂於助人。 敬重本尊––時時憶念本尊,禮拜本尊。 以上諸相應之相,可以說是一個密教行者的外相。而其內相是,貪瞋痴橋慢,一切惡染等皆已寂滅,這位密教行者有廣大平等的四無量心,本尊現前,自己已是本尊。 ● 反之,一個密教行者,若持誦一陣子,反而愈修心愈不信,偷懶放逸,甚至停止念誦,飢渴逼惱,增上掉舉,增上憂慼,專注賺錢事業,對根本上師不恭敬,不喜修法,喜說綺語閒話,作不善事,阻人信佛念誦,夢惡夢,魔所著附,身染惡疾等等,是未相應之相。 在這方面,我解釋如下: 信心不具足的人,當然很難相應。密教是宇宙的真理,汝信心不夠,如何進入宇宙的真理之中。 偷懶放逸的人,難相應也。 專注賺錢事業,對現代的人來說,無可厚非,但每一天一定要固定時間專注念誦,如果祇專注賺錢,忽視念誦,久久成凡夫,離開相應愈遠。 掉舉,憂慼,無智慧之相。 對根本上師不恭敬,失去傳承加持力。 喜說綺語閒話,口不清淨。 作不善事,行為偏差,惡行惡狀。 阻人信佛念誦,不是度眾生,而是「堵」眾生。 夢惡夢,所夢均非善夢。 「魔所著附」,這一點就更嚴重了,一個行者若被「魔所著附」,所作出來的事,必成魔事。 如果魔附在一個行者的身上,不但不是「修行」,反而變成「逆行」,他的行為,不外乎: 一、欺師滅祖。 二、譭謗輕視根本上師。(尋找上師的一切缺點) 三、用己見來爭論正法。 四、行為譭佛滅師。 五、自願下金剛地獄。 六、譏諷真理。 七、用最卑鄙的行為傷害正行者,達到毀滅的目地才甘心。 ● 我(蓮生活佛盧勝彥)實實在在的告訴大家: 一個真正的密教行者,要時時做到: 一、三時供雙,三時禮拜,三時憶念上師本尊。 二、懺悔。 三、發大願。 四、誦高王經、真佛經。 五、作曼陀羅。 六、觀想、持咒、入三摩地。 (如果實在太忙,無法三時「日出、日中、日落」,也須一日一修,其他二時,當誦本尊真言二十一遍) 假如密教行者得到「相應之相」,那當然最好。如果未有相應之相,就必須更努力,更精進才是,要知道自己一定是業障深重,要時時懺悔,修懺悔法,祇要業障消除,沒有不相應的。 一個密教行者對自己根本上師的態度是––尋找上師的優點來學習,這是增上緣。如果是尋找上師的缺點來擴大渲染,是增下緣。前者得成就,後者魔所著附。(詳載事師法五十頌) TANDA...

Death toll rises to nine in Nevada air race crash; near sixty injured

Reno, Nevada (CNN) -- the amount of individuals killed when a pilot lost management of his vintage plane and crashed into spectators throughout an air race over Reno, Nevada, rose to 9 Saturday.Seven folks died on the tarmac, as well as the pilot, and 2 additional died in hospitals, Reno police said. officers had previously place the death toll at 3. near sixty were injured within the incident, that occurred Friday.National Transportation Safety Board member Mark Rosekind said investigators are observing whether or not the plane's apparently broken elevator trim tab -- whose calling it off was...

LION KING 3D Expected to Gross $25 Million in 1st Weekend

Defying all projections, Disney's re-release of "The Lion King" earned a first-day gross of $8.8 million at the do mestic box workplace, in keeping with the Hollywood Reporter, and is currently heading in the right direction to gross the maximum amount as $25 million for the weekend. Lion King claimed the highest spot over 3 new films, "Drive," "I do not know How She will It," and "Straw Dogs." Released in 1994, "The Lion King" remains one amongst the foremost successful animated films of all time....

The hindrance of sleep

During the Buddha’s time, there was a monk who loved to sleep. He got up each morning to receive alms, however went right back to bed when eating and cleaning up. The Buddha noticed this monk and thought, “Isn’t it pitiful? His whole life is spent sleeping!”  One day, the compassionate Buddha visited the monk’s quarters and scolded him. “Get up! Why are you continue to in bed? you're blessed to guide a life as a monk, however all you are doing is eat and sleep. you recognize that life is impermanent,...

NASA: Satellite items to hit Earth in a very week

EnlargeHandout imageImage of artist's conception of a satellite in orbit. NASA has been watching the 6-ton satellite closely. On Friday officers moved up their prediction for its arrival to Sept. 23, offer or take daily.NASA scientists have calculated the satellite can entered twenty six items because it gets nearer to Earth. the percentages of it hitting somebody anywhere on the world are one in three,200. The heaviest piece to hit the bottom are going to be concerning 350 pounds, however nobody has ever been hit by falling house junk within the past.STORY: NASA: Satellite may scatter debris...