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Monday, July 2, 2012

The Asian Tsunami (movie)

DarlowSmithson Productions Ltd. for Channel 4; Wisdom Quarterly "Tsunami: Caught on Camera" (Part 1 of 7)The Asian Tsunami that struck on Boxing Day 2004 has now been made into a film -- using real footage from three vantage points. Buddhist Thailand and Sri Lanka and formerly Buddhist Indonesia are all shown close up as the earthquake and waves hit. The footage was recorded by European tourists on Christmas vacation in paradise.The deadliest tsunami in history? Part 3Part 4Part 5 Part 6 Part...

Compassion vs. "Idiot Compassion"

Steven Goodheart (Metta Refuge Blog), Pema Chodron, Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living Don’t impose the wrong notion of what harmony is, what compassion (karuna) is, what patience is, what generosity is. Don’t misinterpret what these things really are. There is compassion and there is idiot compassion; there is patience and there is idiot patience; there is generosity and there is idiot generosity. For example, trying to smooth everything out to avoid confrontation, not...

"Topless Warriors" of FEMEN (video)

PripyatPripyat; FEMEN.livejournal.com; Wisdom Quarterly WARNING: Nudity! FEMEN is a Kiev, Ukraine-based group of activists and topless protesters.This is a documentary from Finnish TV about the Ukrainian female rights organization FEMEN (WARNING: nudity). English subtitles added: click the CC-button (located on the bottom of the video screen, above the number of video views). The Finnish subtitles are hard coded and could not be removed. The English subtitles are present simply by clicking the...

The (Other) Lord of Asia (video)

BBC; Alexandros1821; Wisdom Quarterly   In the footsteps of Alexander the GreatAlexander shown as Nordic-style Greek godThe Battle of Gaugamela (Greek, Γαυγάμηλα) took place in 331 BCE between Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia. The battle, which is also called the Battle of Arbela, resulted in a massive victory for the Ancient Macedonians and led to the fall of the Achaemenid Empire.During the two years after the Battle of Issus, Alexander proceeded to occupy the Mediterranean...