But freedom is different from independence. Independence implies that we are not dependent on others -- that we are autonomous, able to act on our own. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. We are completely dependent on others and we can do nothing on our own. The recognition of this truth could be more accurately represented in the celebration of INTERdependence Day.
Think about how dependent we are on each other. In order to drive to the store I am dependent on
My car
The mechanics who keep my car running
My eyeglasses
Gasoline and oil
The people who build and keep the roads repaired
Electricity (provided by a battery for ignition)
The people who operate the store and keep the shelves stocked with food
The people who truck and deliver the items to the store
The bank who issued my credit/debit card or the US Govt Printing Center that printed the currency I would use
My employer who pays me so I have money for buying what I need.
Click here to read the entire article.
Thank-you again Linda for sharing this article with us.
~Peace to all beings~