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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Fungsi IF AND Pada Microsoft Office Excel

Penggunaan Fungsi (Rumus) IF ANDRumus MIcrosoft Office Excel IF AND biasanya digunakan untuk mencari nilai tertentu berdasarkan dua buah ketentuan ata dua buah persyaratan.Jika kedua persyaratan itu terpenuhi maka diberikan nilai tertentu sedangkan salah satu saja persyaratan atau tidak ada persyaratan yang terpenuhi maka tidak mendapatkan nilai tertentu.Format rumus/fungsi IF AND...

Josef Fritzl, Buddhism and Angulimal.

Incest monster Josef Fritzl says he's turned to Buddhism - and wants doctors to help cure him so he can be reunited with his wife Rosemarie. Fritzl spends much of his 23 hours a day in his cell studying the peaceful Far Eastern philosophy and is considering formally changing his religion in prison. Speaking through his lawyer Rudolf Mayer, Fritzl said that he has found a lot of comfort in reading Buddhist literature and finds the religion "fascinating". Fritzl first discovered Buddhism on a family...