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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 2012 begins!

Surya the Sun (CBS)

Earth as a 121-megapixel snapshot from 22,369 miles up (Russian satellite Electro-L No. 1)
Amazing Earth!
(Mashable) We’ve seen Earth, but we’ve never seen it like this. Suomi NPP, NASA’s newest Earth-watching satellite, has taken a high-res image of the third planet from the Sun... And it’s available at a resolution of 8000×8000 pixels.
The World's Final Summer
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
Not having been... once having been...
Notice that according to the calendar, the "end of the world" is a Friday night? People will party like it's 1999, except it'll be Year 0 - 1 (year zero minus one), final day, zero hour. Midnight will hit. People will hold their breath. And suddenly, with lots of warning, it will be December 22, 2012. The ancestral Maya will say, "It's what we've been trying to tell you! All the hubbub was nothing more than speculative calculations and interpretations by non-Mayans. After all, the Mayan Calendar has ended lots of times." And with that, people will sleep. And things will carry on. So with all that excitement in the offing, it's time to make the most of summer break. Climb a mountain, read a sutra, notice a nimitta. For as many arhats have figured out, "Not having been, they come to be; once having been, they cease." They? Phenomena, things, composite entities (animate and inanimate), even those closest to us -- the constituents of being (becoming). Everything is hurtling towards destruction. Is that not reason enough to strive for real safety, namely, nirvana?

Suu Kyi's Engaged Buddhism (audio)

NPR.org (Morning Edition), June 20, 2012
Burmese opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is getting an honorary doctorate from Oxford Wednesday. Last week, she formally accepted the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo. As she tours Europe, Suu Kyi is being honored for her nonviolent political protest against a military junta that kept her under house arrest [and continues to operate as dictators of Burma] for most of the last 20 years. But her philosophy of civil disobedience might have to change to fit her new role as a politician back home.

Protecting Dalai Lama from chemicals, poisons

IndianExpress.com; Wisdom Quarterly
People mistake poison chemtrails for rare rainbows or "Buddha lights" (zhaxihuoma.net)
14th Dali Lama (AFP)
The Dalai Lama -- who has made Dharamsala, India, his home ever since he fled China decades ago -- is possibly the most protected VIP in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Now a new perceived threat has taken his security to levels never before seen. These measures have been ramped up in the weeks since the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner [who recently met fellow laureate Aung San Suu Kyi for the first time] went public with a claim that Chinese agents may be plotting to poison him. Among the most significant of these new steps is the screening of the Dalai Lama’s food and medicines, while there is also a proposal to use chemical detectors on visitors. More

Brains are cool! (Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor)

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (drjilltaylor.com); Wisdom Quarterly
Dr. Jill "Brain Eye to Eye" (Kip May)
The Brain Extravaganza! was launched in Bloomington, Indiana, in April 2012. Brains, brains, brains! Big beautiful anatomically correct brains with 12 pairs of cranial nerves and all the gyri and sulci one could ever want.
There are 22 enormous fiberglass brains (5 feet long, 5 feet high, and 4 feet wide) in the hands of the artists who painted/decorated them for the extravaganza. This thrills Dr. Jill's heart, she explains.
Every brain will have a sign attached. On the sign will read five facts about the brain and a special question. Download a really cool mobile app at jbtbrains.org to paint your own brain. Then compare it to other brains, upload the image to Facebook [so the government can get a copy for your file], and talk brains, brains, brains. "YaY! Brains are cool!" the doctor and author of My Stroke of Insight insists. More

Love Chemistry and finding The One

Spring is for spunk, but summer’s for lovin. Dr. John Sharp, Harvard psychiatrist and the author of The Emotional Calendar: Understanding Seasonal Influences and Milestones to Become Happier, More Fulfilled, and in Control of Your Life, claims it's all about timing. The time of year, that is. Summer months send us in search of The One. For advice on "seasonal dating, mating, and relating," Match.com asked Dr. Sharp for advice on each season’s potential.

Q: Are certain seasons better or worse for finding love?
A: Some people make the mistake of waiting for the most favorable of circumstances to embark on romance; others take whatever works in the moment. I am for the latter strategy -- enhanced, however, by “seasonal awareness.” More

The Chemistry of Love
When sparks fly between two people, we're quick to say they have "chemistry." Not everyone realizes that such couples literally have do have chemistry... More


Namo shi-jian guang-da wei-de zi-zai guang-ming ru-lai
Namo Loka Vistirna Teje-svara Prabhaya Tathagataya

☃°˚◦南無 (Namo)
Homage and refuge
Memuji dan berlindung

☃°˚◦世間 (Shi-jian) / Loka
Berbagai dunia

☃°˚◦廣大 (Guang-da) / Vistirna
luas / agung

☃°˚◦威德 (Wei-de) / Teje
glory / dignity / vital power
Wibawa / keagungan / kekuatan agung

☃°˚◦自在 (zi-zai) / svara
Free / self mastery
Leluasa / pengendalian diri yang kokoh

☃°˚◦光明 (guang-ming) / prabha
Bright light
cahaya terang

Memahami Tiap Kalimat Sataksara (01)

┊  ┊  ┊  ┊
┊  ┊  ┊  ★ Memahami Tiap Kalimat Sataksara (01)
┊  ┊  ☆ Om Guru Liansheng Siddhi Hum
┊  ★ Om Biezha Saduo A Hum Pei
☆ Namo Suvarnaprabha Sutra - Om Sarasvatyai Svaha

by Lianhua Jun Shian

Note :
Akan saya sertakan lafal sansekerta dan lafal mandarinnya. Mengingat banyak sekali yang tidak bisa membaca pinyin, maka untuk lafal mandarin saya tidak menggunakan pinyin, yang digunakan adalah ejaan lafal baca biasa.

01. Om Vajra-sattva Samaya Manupalaya
Mandarin : "Om . Pie ca sa tuo . Sa ma ya. Ma nu pa la ya " 






Asal-Usul Buddhisme Esoterik

┊  ┊  ┊  ┊
┊  ┊  ┊  ★ 祕密佛教的淵源
┊  ┊  ☆ Asal-Usul Buddhisme Esoterik
┊  ★ Om Guru Liansheng Siddhi Hum
☆ Namo Suvarnaprabha Sutra - Om Sarasvatyai Svaha

source : Dharmaraja Liansheng Book 209

Translated by Lianhua Jun Shian

Kita mengetahui bahwa urutan transformasi Agama Buddha di India adalah :  
1. Buddhisme awal.
2. Buddhisme Sektarian.
3. Buddhisme Hinayana.
4. Buddhisme Mahayana.
5. Buddhisme Esoterik.  


Pemberitahuan Mengenai 
Dharma Agung Pereda Bencana

Source :

Berefleksi pada bencana yang beruntun terjadi di berbagai belahan dunia,
umat manusia mengalami bahaya besar nyawa dan harta benda,
serta berbagai penderitaan hidup.

True Buddha Foundation menghimbau semua tempat ibadah dan umat,
menjalankan ajaran Mahaguru untuk mengasihani umat manusia,
supaya semua banyak menjapa Maha Mantra Pereda Bencana (大救難咒 - Dajiunanzhou) sambil tekun bersadhana.
Vihara mengadakan kegiatan Dharma maupun Upacara Agung,
memohon Buddha Bodhisattva dan Dharmapala bermaitri-karuna mengadhistana
supaya para penduduk di daerah bencana dapat terhindar dari penderitaan,
pembangunan kembali dapat berjalan lancar,
segera pulih memperoleh kebahagiaan dan ketenteraman.


無漏法也是還罪清淨法 - Sadhana Anasvara Juga Merupakan Dharma Pengikis Dosa Kembali Kepada Kemurnian (II)

(Intisari Dharmadesana Dharmaraja Lian Sheng pada Upacara Akbar Homa Raja Agung Avalokitesvara di Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple tanggal 26 Mei 2012)
《Diktat Hevajra ---- Sifat Kesunyataan Di Dalam Mahasukha》 Bab Ke-15 'Sadhana Penunjang Anasvara', halaman 84.
Diterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu

Aku pernah mengatakan, garis wajah Andy Lau kurang bagus, mengapa ia bisa begitu jaya? Karena ia menempelkan fotonya di toilet, begitu ditempelkan di toilet, luarbiasa! Segala karma buruk lenyap semuanya, karma buruk dari banyak kehidupan lampau lenyap seluruhnya! Lalu ada murid bertanya pada-Ku: 'Shizun!