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Friday, April 29, 2011

The Four Noble Truths

 42. The essence of the teachings of the Buddha are the Four Noble Truths (Ariya Sacca cattari). To understand the Four Noble Truths, to say someone has to understand Buddhism. The Buddha gives limitations on the First Truth, as follows:
So, what is the noble truth of suffering (dukkha Ariya Sacca)? Birth is suffering, age is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, sadness, sorrow, pain, sorrow, desire and despair are suffering, being separated from a loved one is suffering, together with the unwelcome is penderitaan.1
Seen from the above statement, that the Buddha spoke of two kinds of suffering - physically and spiritually. Physical suffering is the pain caused by disease, accident, old age, weariness, and so forth. Spiritual suffering, including the mental state of pain, fear, boredom, anxiety, sadness, loneliness and all the other negative feelings. Life is the experiences of suffering, in a variety of rates, little or a lot. The Buddha did not deny the existence of happiness and joy, he merely reminds us of the reality that is undeniable, is that suffering is an integral part of life, that suffering is a problem that we all experience, is at the same time we want to avoid.Basically, almost all activities and our daily efforts, without us knowing it, concerned with the attempt to avoid suffering and find happiness. However, despite so much time and mind-power is deployed to find true happiness, satisfaction and peace remain sparse and difficult digapai. The Buddha, like a doctor who is full of love, came to show mankind how to overcome suffering, pain, death and rebirth, and also how to achieve happiness of Nibbana.
43. Most religions based on faith alone, but the teachings of the Buddha, based on solid truth. Truth (Sacca) can be defined as an expression or manifestation, realization, in relation to reality. Most religious teachings to make a statement which he says is true, but because most of the statement could not be proved, then still referred to as a belief, not truth. When someone says: "There are a thousand rupiah in my pocket," and after inspection there were a thousand rupiah in his pocket, then the new person said that the statement was true, and we then maklumi such a thing as truth. 


34. Often questioned in the community: "What happens after we die?" There are three different answers to that question. Those who believe in the existence of "maha-god ruler of the universe" would say, that after death one will go to one, eternal heaven or eternal hell depends on the deeds or religious person. Others say that if a person's life ended, also ending its existence. It is the belief "annihilation at death", which is a materialistic view. The Buddha said, after death, we will be born in new life, and that the process of death and rebirth will continue until freedom is achieved nirvana.
35. Buddhism considers the two views above is incorrect and incomplete. First sight is rejected for entry-sense, unfair and cruel.The accursed evil undue eternal punishment in hell, also improperly awarded both Si-eternal paradise, just for doing evil or good earth for 60 or 70 years, throughout his life though, the 60 or 70 is not worth the eternal forever. Also it is absurd, that "the maha-maha-god who should be loving" dump and punish "creation" of torture and agony for countless millions of years. The view above is also not able to answer many important questions in connection with it.What happened to the animals after death? What happened to the millions of babies who die in the womb, others die soon after birth?Are they to heaven or to hell? If up to heaven, then obviously not fair because they have never done well, then when punished in hell is also not fair because they have not had time to do evil.


26. It has been mentioned before, that after death, we will be reborn in one of the six realms of existence. Then, how can circumstances that require delivery in their respective natural?Before answering that question, let us see the Buddhist view on the cause of all things generally happen. Some people will rely answers to all the circumstances that happened, good or bad, to God. However Buddhism denies the divinity of such characteristics, then how to explain nature's life-such a dynamic universe, universe is always full of upheaval, interactions and events? Buddhism, like science, teaches natural causes.According to Buddhism, all phenomena in this universe works according to one of the five basic laws of nature (Niyama) .1 The laws of physics (Utu Niyama) set the physical ness inorganic, set the temperature of boiling water, the speed of light, cycles of seasons, etc. The laws of biological (bija Niyama) regulate growth, reproduction, genetics law / decrease in properties and all aspects of living things. The laws of psychological (citta Niyama) regulate the functions of consciousness and ekstrasensorik phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance (English: clairvoyance) and so forth. Under the laws of the universe (Dhamma Niyama) heavy work-force law, thermodynamic and all phenomena throughout the universe like this. But a very interesting law is the law of karma (kamma Niyama). For centuries, the Buddhist doctrine of karma (Pali: kamma), has been widely misunderstood as understood deterministic / destiny. Today too, is still often heard among the people, even Buddhist clergy, who say that everything happens by the will of kamma. Therefore, many interpretations of kamma are odd when compared with the teachings of the Buddha himself. This is because in general, the doctrine of karma is taught today is not based on the teachings of the Buddha directly, but based on the literature comment, most of which were written thousands of years after the era of the Buddha. We will try to trace the doctrine of karma, like what is described by the Buddha in a simple form of modern understanding.
27. The term 'karma' means action (English: action) and refers to the will (cetana) thoughts, words and actions of our physical. The Buddha said:
I say, the will is kamma, because it was


8. How and when life begins is a mystery and will probably remain so. Most religions claim that their God who created life. However, this statement may not be able to answer how life began, because if God is a living creature, it should therefore be consistent with the understanding, that 'life comes from life'. And, in this case can not be explained how the life of God (as a person) begins. Apart from the legends, so far, there are two scientific theories that try to explain how life originated on earth. First, is the Haldane-Oparin hypothesis, which is named after the names of two scholars who first suggested that organic matter derived from material anorganik.1 According to their hypothesis, in ancient times, a mixture of simple inorganic gases dissolved in the sea, and with the sun's energy to form prehistory of the first molecule, this molecule is a prerequisite bermulanya later life. This hypothesis is the most acceptable in explaining the origin of life. Then, recently, Sir Fred Hoyle and Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe presents the hypothesis that very berbeda.2 They say that the simplest forms of life evolved in outer space and then brought to earth by meteors and comets tails passing. However, somehow the way life began, in fact, has never found the evidence in the form of rod-shaped fossils that resemble primitive algae and bacteria we are today, which has existed since 2.7 billion years ago. Most experts agree that early life forms developed on the surface of the sea.

9. Buddhism teaches, the origin of life can not be reached by the human mind. However, the Buddha also gives an idea of ​​how life began on Earth. He explained, when the universe begins to expand, the existing natural natural then heaven (nature-gods).
And so they lived, consisted of the inner course, always happy, her body out of light, moving in space with a prime, and stay so until the time a very long time. At that time the earth consisted only of the mass of water alone and everything is dark black. There was no moon or sun, no solar system, stars not visible, there has been no calculation of time-month, mid-month, year or season, yet there are men and women, the only creature that's all there. Then after a very long interval, scum-lucrative froth formed on the surface of the water mass where the creatures live. Shaped like the layers formed above the hot milk is cooled. The color is like a curd-milk (milk thickened) or butter, and tastes like pure honey. Then, a few who


It can be said, almost every religion has the myth that tries to explain the origin and natural aspects of the universe. Ancient Egyptians believed that the gods created the universe Khnumm then create man from clay and Goddess Hathor breathed life to them. Ancient Greeks believed that all things made by Oceanus, the first water. Ancient Jews and the Christians have two legends of creation, both recorded in the book of the Bible. The first one says, that the Hebrew created the universe and the light and dark on the first day, water and dry land on day two, all the plants on day three, the sun and moon and stars on day four, all birds and animals on days to five, then the man and first woman on the sixth day .* 1 The legend of creation that the two states that God made the earth, then the first man, then plants and animals, and the last a woman .* two ancient Chinese believed P'an sculpt my previous universe that mess, after death his bones turned into a hill, the meat into the ground, his teeth into metal content and so on, the whole event was run for 18,000 years. After all, every religion has a different understanding regarding the age and size of the universe, but still within reach of most humans. Book of the Bible, for example, shows that the universe was a few thousand years. In accordance turnover last time the myths and legends, later replaced by the study of modern scientific universe.

The development of modern physics has now come to the conclusion that the universe does not begin simultaneously. The universe is continuously changing from one state to another, are formed and destroyed, a process without beginning or end.Naturally,