8. How and when life begins is a mystery and will probably remain so. Most religions claim that their God who created life. However, this statement may not be able to answer how life began, because if God is a living creature, it should therefore be consistent with the understanding, that 'life comes from life'. And, in this case can not be explained how the life of God (as a person) begins. Apart from the legends, so far, there are two scientific theories that try to explain how life originated on earth. First, is the Haldane-Oparin hypothesis, which is named after the names of two scholars who first suggested that organic matter derived from material anorganik.1 According to their hypothesis, in ancient times, a mixture of simple inorganic gases dissolved in the sea, and with the sun's energy to form prehistory of the first molecule, this molecule is a prerequisite bermulanya later life. This hypothesis is the most acceptable in explaining the origin of life. Then, recently, Sir Fred Hoyle and Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe presents the hypothesis that very berbeda.2 They say that the simplest forms of life evolved in outer space and then brought to earth by meteors and comets tails passing. However, somehow the way life began, in fact, has never found the evidence in the form of rod-shaped fossils that resemble primitive algae and bacteria we are today, which has existed since 2.7 billion years ago. Most experts agree that early life forms developed on the surface of the sea.
9. Buddhism teaches, the origin of life can not be reached by the human mind. However, the Buddha also gives an idea of how life began on Earth. He explained, when the universe begins to expand, the existing natural natural then heaven (nature-gods).
And so they lived, consisted of the inner course, always happy, her body out of light, moving in space with a prime, and stay so until the time a very long time. At that time the earth consisted only of the mass of water alone and everything is dark black. There was no moon or sun, no solar system, stars not visible, there has been no calculation of time-month, mid-month, year or season, yet there are men and women, the only creature that's all there. Then after a very long interval, scum-lucrative froth formed on the surface of the water mass where the creatures live. Shaped like the layers formed above the hot milk is cooled. The color is like a curd-milk (milk thickened) or butter, and tastes like pure honey. Then, a few who
are greedy creatures say: "I said, what is like this!, Then trying to froth it with his finger. When he did, he loved it, and the desire arise among them. So they began to split up to eat it. After that, light body disappears; then the moon and sun, day and night, month and mid-month, year and season, terjadi.3
The Buddha explained further, that the agency had increased significantly each creature they eat, and then arise sexual characteristics. Regarding the change, he said, took place "during the period of very, very long" .4 Today, every single scientist, I could not disagree that all described the Buddha is the same with scientific findings about the origin of the solar system. Scientific findings and the Buddha, both agree, that the earth's surface at the time initially covered by water. Similarly, both agree that the first life floating above the water surface, where they absorb nutrients. Both also agree, that early life forms are asexual (no sex), also both agree that life forms evolved, from simple to more complex life forms, and that the process takes place in a very long time.
10. Science divides her life according to the composition, while the Buddha divided according to what they experienced. The Buddha said there are six realms of existence, different from each other in terms of what is experienced in their respective natural lives. There is a God of Nature, Human Nature, Nature Animals, Nature Hungry Spirit, the Spirit of Jealousy Nature, Nature of Hell. Let us examine one by one.
11. The gods, who in the English often referred to as "Gods", and the nature in which they are often referred to as "heaven" (heaven), but the second term is not appropriate to express the concept of god, word "God" (God) is the concept concerning the divinity of love, involving the power to create and control everything, which is completely different than humans. The word "heaven" involves the concept of God of eternal life after death, where no one made a mistake like life on earth. In fact, the gods are not perfect and also not conserved, when the life of their age could be reborn as humans, and vice versa humans can be reborn as a god. The main characteristic of the life of god, is that the gods experience more happiness.
After all, paradise is not necessarily always place separate from other realms, heaven is not "up there", all hell is not "down there".The gods could have been in addition to a human or a spirit-hungry besides. What makes them separate or different, are in the situation that happened, not in a place where they are located.Because the gods may very well be human beings before they are born in the Nature Gods, then they always are interested in what humans do. They can answer someone's prayer, to protect certain people from danger, but could cause difficulties among humans.
12. After discussion about the difference between god and the "Gods", we arrive at the Buddha taught about the concept of "creation" universe by a "maha-god" or a specific creature. The existence of such creatures was denied by the Buddha, because according to him, such understanding is not reasonable, without any evidentiary support. There are several arguments that attempt to prove the existence of "maha-god" creator, but the Buddha Dhamma in fact proves that none of the arguments is satisfactory.The argument first put it this way: "Everything has a movement (because), and therefore should have the first movement, and that the first movement's" most-god "is. There are several reasons for the rejection of this argument. First, the argument above is that it contradicts the statement / argument itself. Therefore, everything has a movement, then the first movement should have movement as well. Second, there is no logical reason, that everything must have one single movement. All objects are basically made up of some movement, so it is very logical to say that something has ten, hundreds or even thousands of movement. Third, although there is first a single movement, but not proven that it is a "great-god".Many possibilities for it. Then the four, is a logical first there could be no movement or origin of the universe. A beginning, was an event, and just as with the events in general, the beginning is a perlangsungan, which of course must take the time or the time to perlangsungannya. Time consists of past, present, and future.Therefore, at every event that took place, there is time before it happens (the past), the time when there is (now) and the time after the occurrence of (time will come). Before the so-called "creation by maha-god", by itself did not have time (because everything is not there). Then, obviously it is not possible that something "no-time" results in time, the same dark unlikely to produce light, can lead to wet or dry.
13. Another argument, concerning the existence of "maha-god" is, is as follows: say "Everything in nature has a purpose and rules.Nothing happens by chance, but it was designed. If nature is a design, then there must be a designer, then designers should "maha-god" is ". There are several reasons for the refusal on the argument above. First, although such is recognized that nature is designed, but not proven that the designer is "maha-god", is also not proved that the designer is singular. In fact, so intricate and complex nature, natural that require many designers. So, if all things are designed, it is necessary to have some "creator".Second, although natural example is designed, it was visible aspects of cruelty in their design. For example, tuberculosis germs are designed to undermine the human lung. Eels mouth is designed for gripping prey fish body and then slowly eaten alive full of pain. Leprosy germ is designed to undermine human flesh so that the damaged limbs. Thus, although, for example nature is designed, the fact that even many of the design to cause suffering to conclude that the Yang-maha Esa-loving who have never created such a manner. Third, although this fine example of nature, many of the design is precisely wrong. When the "all-perfect-god" was designed, then the creation should be perfect too. In fact the rain is watering the rice fields, but sometimes the rain does not come, causing millions of people died of hunger, or too much rain, leaving thousands of people losing their homes or their lives because of flooding. Every year millions of babies are born mentally or physically handicapped who was terrible. Production of body cells, sometimes wrong, cause tumors and cancer. The fact, that design is not perfection of nature to indicate that "the maha-god", the creator of the perfect should not a designer.
14. Buddhism also has some strong arguments to consider "maha-god", it is not maha-knowing, almighty and most-loving. The argument first is, if the "maha-god" was maha-out, then the "maha-god" was certainly aware of all the past, knowing all the time now and find out all the future. Thus the supposed "great-god" must know someone dropped the option, mind that belongs to someone, the action will be someone, long before held by that person. So therefore every man ought to act only according to what has been "great-god" predicted in advance; throughout the life of every person has been confirmed and has been predetermined.Thus, based on understanding the "maha maha-god-knows" it is no longer any desire freedom again; then if there is no desire freedom, one should not be responsible in any action, is also an idea to do good and avoid evil, does not mean again.
Accordingly, another argument, is as follows:
When the "maha-god" is the creator and controller of everything, then there is no point in doing any human being, because people like a puppet-skin of the will "maha-god" as the mastermind, and naturally the "maha-god" is the person in charge of all human action that is not commendable. The Buddha declared his argument as follows:
There are some ascetics and the Brahmans who believe and teach, that whatever is experienced by humans, unpleasant, painful or neutral, all caused by the desire for "great-god". I see and ask them, whether they are properly taught it, they were agreed, then I say: "If so, dear lord, they are killing, stealing and adultery is also the will of" maha-god "is. They have to lie, and say harshly berfitnah and gossip, because of his willingness. They have become greedy, haters and the view was wrong because the will "maha-god" is ". They leaned all the decisions "the maha-god" will lose the passion and desire effort to do this or do not itu.5
Buddhist poet, Santideva, stated simply: "When the" maha-god "was the cause of all the events, then what is the point man trying hard?" 6.
15. Another argument concerning the concept of "maha-god", as follows: the existence of evil and suffering in the world is proof that "the maha-god" who maha-love, omnipotence does not exist, because if there is of course "maha-god" so it could stop all evil, disaster and suffering. A simple human being would even do anything to get relief from pain, hunger and fear when they are empowered to do so, then why the "maha-god" a more perfect and almighty did not act? There are also opinions that say, that suffering is a punishment "maha-god" for that act of evil. But is not that good people are also overwritten disasters, illness, sudden death, on the contrary there is also a successful criminal, healthy and happy. Then, what is also saying that all human suffering caused by sin. Although humans do to be responsible in the form of suffering, but still they can not be blamed for some kinds of suffering such as cancer, earthquakes, famine, drought and also born handicapped. One more, also there is the notion that evil and suffering caused by the devil. Fixed, can not be explained why the "maha-loving god" can not save those innocent people. Why is "maha-loving god" let suffering happen? Therefore, the terrible suffering and without a goal was proof of the absence of "maha-maha-loving god" is.
The Buddha said:
By eye, one can see the pitiful sight;
Why is "maha-god" was not created properly?
When the power so unlimited,
Why is his hand so rarely bless,
Why did not he simply give happiness?
Why do crimes, lies and ignorance rampant.
Why win a falsehood, while truth and justice fail.
I thought, "great-god" is the clack-court.
What makes the world a set keliru.7
16. There are opinions that say that only a belief in "the great nature-god is characterized as above" that can ensure the happiness and makes life meaningful or only with such conviction that we can solve our own problems. However, millions of people who are also happy, productive and immoral in his life without having to bear the concept of "maha-god" so characterized. They also succeeded in overcoming disability, disability and violence of life through strength and resolve on their own, without relying on the power of "maha-god" is. If human moral, happy and berkasih neighbor-love and have a purpose in life, then the trust so the above probably is not necessary. However, it is important to know that for certain people trust on the forms or characteristics "maha-god" so the above is meaningful and important to his life.Therefore, although not in such adopts for himself, a Buddhist should still respect those who believe like that.
17. Human Nature (manussa loka) is the best among the realms of nature because only in that we have the greatest opportunity to develop wisdom and attain enlightenment. The gods enjoy the happiness so high, such that they are not encouraged to develop his mind, otherwise the creature in the lower realms of experience so much suffering, so they can not do anything about it. Humans experience happiness and misery in equal parts. The size and structure of the human brain allows consciousness to think, reason and has a memory. Actually, the ancient Buddhist reveals the existence of man in thought, in word human (manussa), who comes from where ussannata word, which means "to give priority to think".Humans also have well-developed language, which allows communication Dhamma well. Beyond the fact that human nature is the best of all natural, but born as human beings is a very rare opportunity, so we should use the best possible opportunity. The Buddha asked:
"Which is more - my nail tip sand, or sand the whole earth?"
"Teacher, much more sand on this earth. Very little sand at the tip of the nail Teacher. Each other can not be compared. "
"Similarly, as human beings are born very small. Far more who were born in other realms. Therefore you should train yourself, by constantly thinking: "We will live as possible" .8
18. Not only, was born as a human being is the best opportunity to reach enlightenment, but also because all people can achieve enlightenment. The reason for that is because humanity is just one.It is worth mentioning because there are religions and political ideologies that consider differences in race, caste or class causes the differences in intellectual capacity, therefore they should be treated differently and given different opportunities. Ancient Hindu teaching such an understanding, by dividing humans into four and remove the lowest caste, Sudra caste, of social life and religion, because they do not have the intellectual ability. The Buddha strongly opposed to such understanding. Dozens of sermons he shows an excuse to demolish the caste system and uphold the dignity of equality and dignity manusia.9 He also said:
When you see the trees or grass,
Without knowing it,
They look a wide range and variety,
There are various kinds
Then note the moths and beetles,
Or small insects like ants;
They look a wide range and variety,
There are various kinds
And the creature had four legs,
Large and small,
They look a wide range and variety,
There are various kinds
Note creature crawling on his belly,
Snakes and other reptiles.
They look a wide range and variety,
There are various kinds.
Note the fish
And all who live in the water
They look a wide range and variety,
There are various kinds
Notice the bird flying
Those who travel through space;
They also appear to a wide range and variety,
There are various kinds
In all the creatures,
Kind and variety can be seen;
In humans there is no difference between them.
Not dirambut or head, ears or eyes,
Not in the mouth or nose, lips or eyebrows,
The differences are striking.
Not in the neck or shoulders,
Not in the abdomen or chest,
Nor on sex
The existence of striking differences.
Not in the hands or feet, the fingers or nails,
Not on the calf, thigh or other forms of appearance,
The big difference in varieties and kinds,
As with other creatures.
Variety humans do not differ much,
Like other creatures.
What is different between human beings,
It is only the difference did not bermakna.10
19. There is an opinion that women have the spiritual capacity of less than men. In this case Buddhism, assumes that masculinity and femininity are the differences in form, not the differences attained Enlightenment batin.11 develop wisdom and compassion, and anyone, irrespective of gender can achieve it. The Buddha said:
The woman, from the ordinary layperson to renounce the world has, to reach the level of Winner-Flow, level Yang-Once-Again, the level of Yang-Not-Again, level Arahat.12
Therefore, women should be treated equally and have equal opportunities with men. The Buddha's view on the ability of achieving enlightenment by a woman summed up well by a student he called Soma.
Nature as a woman does not play a role
When the inner calm and steady,
Knowledge when developing day by day,
And when he was contemplating the Dhamma.
Someone who thinks like this:
Because "I am a woman" or "My man"
Or every thought "I was ... ..."
Mara will be able menyapanya.13
Some religions teach that women are given a role by God, usually as a mother or wife, and they must perform that role. Buddhism is not taught it. Women as well as men are free to choose their roles, as mothers, wives, businessmen, nuns, and others, whatever they thought to give satisfaction and happiness.
Knowing that every human being can achieve enlightenment, the Buddha taught the Dhamma to all people, with hope all learn, implement and teach each other. When Mara persuaded him to die early, the Buddha replied:
I'm not going to die before the monks, nuns, lay people have studied men and women to explore, wisdom and well-trained, can remember the teachings, and an additional master key teachings and moral; until they can control, can deliver on the other, teach it, memaklumkannya, deepen , appreciate, describe and expounds; until they are able to distinguish it from false doctrine taught by others and can spread the truth and to liberate this convincing, in all directions. I will not die until the holy way of life has been achieved, valued and respected; to teaching this truth is widely known among the gods and manusia.14
20. Animals Nature (tiracchana yoni) including all mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and insects. In Nature Animals; feelings of loyalty, love, sacrifice and so on almost nothing else, the main driving element in their lives is simply the instinct to eat, sex and survival.Therefore animals prey on one another without love or compassion, without expecting help or sympathy from others. The Buddha said about Nature Animals:
There is no life according to Dhamma, there is no balance of life, not done a good and trained, only prey on one another and take a more lemah.15
21. Natural Spirit Hunger (map) is a creature of nature who constantly tormented by his inner longing, desire and feeling frustrated because they do not get what you want, they always wander trying to satisfy hunger.
22. Nature-Spirit of Jealousy (asura), so called because they were tormented by jealousy and the desire to have. Happiness in another world, especially the god of Nature, causing them to burn the fire of jealousy.
23. Purely a creature experiencing pain in the Nature of Hell (niraya). Pain they experienced was not physical, but it is fear, kwatir, depressed and deep regret.
24. Although the nature of life is a place, but actually more than that; realms of the foremost state of mind. Someone who is graceful, powerful and happy can be said to be in nature gods like the god of happiness really is. Similarly, people who suffered much anguish can be said to be in the nature of hell as mental suffering can be said to be in the nature of suffering in hell like the hell really natural. The Buddha asserted, by saying:
If a fool say that hell is under the sea, they would say false unfounded. The term "hell" is to show the feelings that menyakitkan.16
In general, all religions accept the existence of heaven and hell, but it is a wrong assumption that the presence in both nature that is forever. The Buddha taught that after the lifetime of a creature in a nature out of it, it will be born again in another world. The process of birth and death are endless, moving from one nature into another nature, that is what is called samsara. Buddha's teachings help us to be happy in life now and for rebirth in the full happiness in the life to come. However, the complete happiness that can only be achieved after a free of Samsara and attain Enlightenment, and this is the highest goal of Buddhism.
25. If there is a scientist who lives in the midst of settlement of a particular tribe, say, to learn their customs, then, one day he saw the villagers are holding their traditional game. The scientists, though look closely at the game, will not understand anything, because they do not know the rules of the game. Then, after he was told the rules of the game, then all movements or actions of the players who previously did not mean, now has to have meaning to him.
Our life is actually like a parable above. Everything that happens to us and around us seemed meaningless and confusing, because of lack of understanding.
In order to understand the meaning of life, we each conduct research through religious teachings, but there are always anomalies-anomalies that can not be explained by religion, or even contrary to the teachings of religion itself (which may then be considered only as a "mystery"). But after the Buddha appears to explain, why and how all this happened, then this life seem worthwhile and has meaning for us. The purpose of life is nothing but escape from samsara and frees us to achieve inner peace of nirvana. The Buddha said:
Holy life is not for the sake of fortune as it gets riches, honor and fame, and moral life, nor for the sake of fortune due to focusing the mind, also not for luck due to the knowledge and clairvoyance. But it is something "an unshakable inner freedom" that is the purpose of life is sacred, that's his goal, that's the point of peak-nya.17
12 years ago
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