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Saturday, December 15, 2012

5 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Hati Anda

        Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Menjaga kesehatan tubuh merupakan hal terpenting yang harus kita lakukan agar segala kegiatan sehari-hari dapat kita lakukan dengan optimal pula. Tubuh kita terdiri dari berbagai organ yang salah satunya hati. Hati merupakan salah satu organ tubuh yang kita miliki yang memiliki berbagai fungsi yang tidak dapat tergantikan dengan organ lainnya. Lalu bagaimana tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati tersebut.....???

       Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Hati memiliki beberapa fungsi yang sangat penting seperti melwan infeksi yang menyerang tubuh anda, memproses makanan yang telah di serap dari usus kita, memproduksi getah empedu yang berfungsi dalam sistem pencernaan makanan, sebagai penyimpan zat besi, vitamin serta bahan-bahan kimia lain yang penting, mengontrol kadar lemak, glukosa serta asam amino di dalam darah, membuang zat-zat racun di dalam tubuh anda. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Dari berbagai fungsi hati yang telah disebutkan diatas, kita akhirnya mengetahui betapa penting fungsi hati dalam tubuh anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda. Berikut ini 5 tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda :

  1. Menjaga kesehatan hati dimulai dari makanan yang kita makan. Makanan yang baik untuk hati anda yaitu bawang merah, bawang putih, Sayur-sayuran (kembang kol, kubis, selanda air, sawi hijau), biji-bijian (gandum dan beras merah), kunyit, teh hijau, kedelai dan anggur merah.
  2. Tips menjaga kesehatan hati yang kedua dengan membatasi asupan kalori yang masuk ke tubuh anda. dalam hal ini membatasi berbagai makanan yang banyak mengandung karbohidrat yang kita konsumsi setiap harinya dalam jumlah yang tidak berlebihan. ( 5 Makanan Berserat Tinggi Untuk Tubuh Anda ).
  3. Anda sebaiknya menhindari berbagai jenis minuman yang mengandung alkohol. Minuman yang mengandung alkohol tersebut dapat berpengaruh sangat buruk pada metabolisme organ hati yang anda miliki.( Inilah 7 Minuman Yang Menyehatkan Tubuh Anda ).
  4. Anda sebaiknya menghentikan kebiasaan merokok, menjauhi asap dan berbagai cairan beracun. Karena asap-asap yang mengandung racun tersebut akan masuk ke pembuluh darah kecil dalam paru paru anda dan akan di bawa ke organ hati. Kemudian mengalami detoksifikasi dan di hilangkan di empedu.Oleh karena itulah, jumlah dan konsentrasi bahan kimia tersebut harus dikontrol untuk mencegah kerusakan hati anda.
  5. Tips yang kelima yaitu dengan mencuci tangan dengan bersih yaitu dengan sabun dan air yang bersih setelah buang air besar dan sebelum menyiapkan berbagai makanan yang akan anda konsumsi. Agar kesehatan hati anda tetap terjaga.
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       Semoga tips kesehatan yang berjudul 5 tips mudah menjaga kesehatan hati anda dapat bermanfaat untuk pembaca sekalian. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : sehatnegeriku, intisari-online, waspada).
 Image courtesy of dream designs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A Week to Enlightenment (sutra)

Nyanasatta Thera; Ajahn Brahmali; Dhr. Seven, Amber Dorrian, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Quest4pce, Dnl75, Insklndr, RunningInHongKong (photos); COUNTDOWN CLOCK: -7
The Buddha teaches "hearers" (savakas) the way to enlightenment (Dnl75/flickr.com)

There are four things to do with blissful concentration one has developed through full absorption or sufficient neighborhood concentration.

The four are detailed in the Satipatthana Sutra, one of the most significant teachings of the historical Buddha.

Emerge from purifying concentration (samma samadhi) and set up these "foundations of mindfulness" (sati-patthana). Here we skip to the second two foundations:

Foundations of Mindfulness III and IV with Ajahn Brahmali (Dhammaloka Suttas)
Four Foundations of Mindfulness Sutra
Wisdom Quarterly abbreviation, based on Ven. Nyanasatta Thera translation
III. Contemplation of Consciousness
Dhammaloka SuttasHow does one live contemplating consciousness in consciousness? Here within this Dharma [Doctrine/Discipline], a meditator knows the consciousness with lust as with lust (raga); the consciousness without lust as without lust. Likewise, one knows [recognizes and is aware] the consciousness with and without:
  • hate,
  • delusion [confusion],
  • the contracted [Note 13],
  • the distracted [restless] state [14],
  • the developed state [15],
  • the undeveloped state [16],
  • the state with some other mental state superior to it [17]
  • the state with none higher [18],
  • the concentrated state,
  • the freed state [19].
So one lives contemplating consciousness in consciousness internally [relating to oneself], externally [relating to another], or internally and externally [relating to both]. 

One lives contemplating origination factors in consciousness, or dissolution-factors, or origination-and-dissolution factors [20]. Or one's mindfulness is established with the thought, "Consciousness exists" to the extent necessary and sufficient for knowledge and mindfulness, and one lives detached, clinging to nothing in the world. So one lives contemplating consciousness in consciousness.

Meditation in the field,monastics and woman with umbrella, Plum Village (Quest4pce/flickr)
IV. Contemplation of Mental Objects

1. The Five Hindrances
How does one live contemplating mental objects in mental objects? One lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Five Hindrances. How?
Here within this Dharma, when sense-desire is present, one is clearly aware, "There is sense-desire in me." When it is not present, one knows, "There is no sense-desire in me." One knows how the arising of the non-arisen sense-desire comes to be; knows how the abandoning of the arisen sense-desire comes to be; and knows how the non-arising in the future of the abandoned sense-desire comes to be.
When anger is present, one is clearly aware, "There is anger in me" and knows when it is not; knows how it arises; knows how the abandoning of it comes to be; and knows how its non-arising in the future comes to be.
When sloth/torpor is present, one is clearly aware of it; knows when it is not; knows how it arises; knows how it is abandoned; and knows how its non-arising in the future comes to be.
When restlessness/remorse is present, one is clearly aware of it; knows when it is not; knows how it arises; knows how it is abandoned; and knows how the non-arising of it in the future comes to be.
When [skeptical] doubt is present, one is clearly aware of it; knows when it is not; knows how it arises; knows how it is abandoned; and knows how the non-arising of it in the future comes to be.
In this way one lives contemplating mental objects in mental objects internally, externally, or internally and externally. One lives contemplating origination factors, dissolution factors, or origination-and-dissolution factors in mental objects [21]. Or mindfulness is established with the thought, "Mental objects exist" to the extent necessary and sufficient for knowledge and mindfulness, living detached, clinging to nothing in the world. So one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Five Hindrances.

The Buddha's meditation mudra or hand pose (RunnyInHongKong/flickr)
2. The Five Aggregates of Clinging
Furthermore, one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Five Aggregates of clinging [22].
How does one live contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Five Aggregates of Clinging?
Here in this teaching one thinks, "Such is material form; such is the arising of material form; and such is the disappearance of material form. Such is feeling; its arising; its disappearance. Such is perception; its arising; its disappearance. Such are formations; such the arising; such the disappearance. Such is consciousness; such is the arising of consciousness; and such is the disappearance of consciousness."
In this way one lives contemplating mental objects in mental objects internally, externally, or internally and externally. One lives contemplating origination, dissolution, or origination-and-dissolution factors in mental objects [23]. Or mindfulness is established with the thought, "Mental objects exist" to the extent necessary and sufficient for knowledge and mindfulness, living detached, clinging to nothing in the world. So one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the five aggregates of clinging.

3. The Six Internal and External Sense Bases
Meditating (Quest4pce/flickr)
Furthermore, one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the six internal and the six external sense-bases. How?
Here in this teaching one knows the eye and visual forms and the fetter [bond] that arises dependent on both (the eye and forms) [24]. One knows how the arising of the non-arisen fetter comes to be; one knows how the abandoning of the arisen fetter comes to be; and one knows how the non-arising in the future of the abandoned fetter comes to be.
One knows the ear and sounds... the nose and smells... the tongue and flavors... the body and tactile objects... the mind and mental objects, and the fetter that arises dependent on both; one knows how the arising of the non-arisen fetter comes to be; one knows how the abandoning of the arisen fetter comes to be; and one knows how the non-arising in the future of the abandoned fetter comes to be.
In this way one lives contemplating mental objects in mental objects internally, externally, or internally and externally. One lives contemplating origination factors, dissolution factors, or origination-and-dissolution factors in mental objects [25]. Or mindfulness is established with the thought, "Mental objects exist," to the extent necessary and sufficient for knowledge and mindfulness, living detached, clinging to nothing in the world. So one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the six internal and the six external sense-bases.

The Buddha teaches more and more  "hearers" (Dnl75/flickr.com)
4. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment
Furthermore, one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. How?
In this teaching, when the enlightenment-factor of mindfulness is present, one knows, "The enlightenment-factor of mindfulness is in me," or when the enlightenment-factor of mindfulness is absent, one knows, "The enlightenment-factor of mindfulness is not in me"; and one knows how the arising of the non-arisen enlightenment-factor of mindfulness comes to be; and one knows how perfection in the development of the arisen enlightenment-factor of mindfulness comes to be. [These are the four phases of "right effort" or samma vayama.]
One knows when the enlightenment-factor of the investigation of mental objects is present, is absent, how its arising comes to be, and how its perfection in development comes to be.
One knows when the enlightenment-factor of energy is present, is absent, how its arising comes to be, and how its perfection in development comes to be.
One knows when the enlightenment-factor of joy is present, is absent, how its arising comes to be, and how its perfection in development comes to be.
One knows when the enlightenment-factor of tranquillity is present, is absent, how its arising comes to be, and how its perfection in development comes to be.
One knows when the enlightenment-factor of concentration is present, is absent, how its arising comes to be, and how its perfection in development comes to be.
One knows when the enlightenment-factor of equanimity is present, is absent, how its arising comes to be, and how its perfection in development comes to be.
In this way one lives contemplating mental objects in mental objects internally, externally, or internally and externally. One lives contemplating origination-factors, dissolution-factors, or origination-and-dissolution-factors in mental objects [26]. Or mindfulness is established with the thought, "Mental objects exist," to the extent necessary and sufficient for knowledge and mindfulness, living detached, clinging to nothing in the world. So one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment.

5. The Four Noble Truths
Fourth noble truth: Path (buddhaweekly.com)
Furthermore, one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Four Noble Truths.
In this teaching one knows, "This is suffering" according to reality; one knows, "This is the origin of suffering" according to reality; one knows, "This is the cessation of suffering" according to reality; one knows, "This is the road leading to the cessation of suffering" according to reality.
So one lives contemplating mental objects in mental objects internally, externally, or internally and externally. One lives contemplating origination-factors, dissolution-factors, or origination-and-dissolution-factors in mental objects [27].  Or mindfulness is established with the thought, "Mental objects exist" to the extent necessary and sufficient for knowledge and mindfulness, living detached, clinging to nothing in the world. So one lives contemplating mental objects in the mental objects of the Four Noble Truths.
Verily, meditators, whoever practices these Four Foundations of Mindfulness in this manner for seven years, then one of these two fruits may be expected -- highest knowledge (full enlightenment) here and now or, if some remainder of clinging is yet present, the state of non-returning [28].
O, let alone seven years! Should any person practice them in this manner for six years... five years... four years... three years... two years... one year, then one of these two fruits may be expected -- highest knowledge here and now or, if some remainder of clinging is yet present, the state of non-returning.
O, let alone a year! Should any person practice them in this manner for seven months... six months... five months... four months... three months... two months... a month... half a month, then one of these two fruits may be expected -- highest knowledge here and now or, if some remainder of clinging is yet present, the state of non-returning.
O, let alone half a month!  

The Path (BBC.co.uk/religion)
Should any person practice these Four Foundations of Mindfulness in this manner for a week, then one of these two fruits may be expected -- highest knowledge here and now or, if some remainder of clinging is yet present, the state of non-returning.
Because of this it was said: "This is the way, meditators, for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the destruction of suffering and grief, for reaching the right path, for the attainment of nirvana, namely the [fourfold setting up of the] Foundations of Mindfulness."
So said the Buddha. Gladdened, those who heard him approved of his words.


A Guide to Mass Shootings in America
There have been at least 62 in the last 30 years -- and most of the killers got their guns legally.
Update, Dec. 14, 2012: On Friday morning, 27 people were killed in a shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Among the fatalities are 20 children, six adults, and the shooter. Mother Jones is following the story closely with regular updates here.
It's perhaps too easy to forget how many times this has happened. The horrific mass murder at a movie theater in Colorado on July 20, another at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on August 5, and another at a manufacturer in Minneapolis on September 27 are the latest in an epidemic of such gun violence over the last three decades. 

Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass murders* carried out with firearms across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. MJ mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed. More

Wisdom Quarterly (EDITORIAL)

Since these are not likely "crazed lone gunman" incidents as the corporate media has reported for decades, we ask what is really going on. Manchurian Candidates are not so easy to produce and release into society. Just ask Judyth Vary Baker.

So they must serve some useful purposes. They spread fear and obedience/acceptance of police state tactics. We accept the encroachment of Orwellian surveillance and just about anything in the name of "security." 

Such horrific events are also exploited as pretexts for curtailing rights, liberties, and dissenting viewpoints. The founders realized that an armed citizenry was harder to conquer than a disarmed one. But now it isn't the British to worry about so much as their representatives in our own government. 

How easy it will now be to ban ordinary citizens from owning or possessing guns, but federal agents and "police" of all kinds keep arming themselves to the teeth. We assume it is for our protection, but FEMA camps are not for outsiders. We are the intended targets, "we the people," as every Occupy activist soon realized.

Anyone trying to free the country is in the way of those who would subvert our liberties and institute draconian measures to assure compliance. Not only will our policemen uncles but also our soldier brothers and sisters will surely turn their guns on us; it's in their training! 
  • (They are almost all white males committing these mass murders, so the old shorthand "Beware of strangers" doesn't work to keep us falsely feeling safe anymore. But we can't call it racial if we're the race being named. Xenophobia says it's other, always "other.")
  • Look how everyone now accepts "school lockdowns," a prison term used to break and abuse inmates in the name of security, without question. Accepts? They now demand it in the name of "security."
  • Remember the founder who said something like, Those willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both? (It was good ol' boy Ben Franklin, whose name in Israel could be translated as "Son of Frankenstein")
It is the point of their training: Practice on foreign enemies then search and destroy the "enemy within" whoever that may be. Who is it? Is it you? Is it me? We can't trust anyone! Run, hide, turn in your neighbor! Crawl and beg for your life. How could the population not stand up to this transparent set up.

Of course, we never believe anything bad about our government. We, however, have no trouble seeing the bad in other governments. So one can look in the mirror by seeing the same thing happening in China. On the same day as the Newtown shooting, a crazed man in China walked into a school (again) to slaughter children.

"Let's blame guns"? If guns were to blame, and they almost are, we should ban guns, ALL guns. But guns aren't going anywhere. There are 300,000,000 (three hundred million) in this country, a gun for everyone but the infants. And these crimes send sales soaring. What about when they are confiscated by those with the guns, the "security" forces? Then will we be safe from their enforcement schemes  

RAP: "Cali Christmas" (free webcast)

Power106.com; Wisdom Quarterly (Friday, Dec. 14, 2012) COUNTDOWN CLOCK: -7

Cali Christmas 2012 streaming live
The year's biggest Los Angeles-area rap concert will be simulcast live tonight beginning at 7:15 pm. Big Boy and Co. from "LA's Hip Hop station" Power 106  FM bring it free after hyping it for two months straight. Tickets are sold out, and more than one surprise appearance is planned. 

Tonight only! If rap matters, and it may not, tune in and watch the biggest concert of the year free! Performances by 2 Chainz, Kendrick Lamar, Rick Ross, Big Sean, Meek Mill, The Weeknd, and Ca$h Out are scheduled.

(WARNING: Profanity may go uncensored). So catch the livestream to see it as it all unfolds live.

Wisdom Quarterly didn't succeed selling the station on the idea of including BUDDHIST RAPPERS like Japanese monks Kansho Tagai ("MC Happiness") and Ven. Shidaoxin, or "Faithful Bodhisattva" and our favorite Buddhist rapper Arj Barker! So catch these futuristic acts right here, right now:

Ven. Kansho Tagai raps to spread sutras and happiness to young Japanese Buddhists

WARNING: Mild profanity! Arj Barker is the "Sickest Buddhist"!

Buddhist-Christian syncretism celebrating the Siddhartha/Jesus' bodhisattva ideal

Ven. Shidaoxin takes lax Mahayana Buddhism to a new high (or low)