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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turning the True Wheel (sutra)

Seven, Wisdom Quarterly, FIRST SERMON, based on Ven. Nanamoli translation, "Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma Discourse" (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, SN 56.11)The Supremely Enlightened Buddha (KanikaBadwal/flickr.com)Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was living in Benares at the Deer Park in the Resort of Seers (Isipatana). There he addressed the group of five.  Gold Buddha, Thai cave (Cdammen/flickr)"These two extremes ought not be cultivated by one who has gone forth from...

Daydreaming: Where do we go? (audio)

Terrence McNally, Dec. 2, 2012 (aWorldThatJustMightWork.com); Wisdom Quarterly The power of story -- even in Japanese (English below) -- transports us. Where do we go when we go off in our heads full of wonder, or bored, in search of the next story to learn from?Story taught to monkey, Java (Mararie/flickr)This week’s show is about story and narrative with Jonathan Gottschall, author of The Storytelling Animal. Although this is not about Obama or politics, Barry  reveals the overwhelming...

Tinta Infus Printer Tidak Mengalir

Tinta Infus Printer Tidak jalan atau tidak keluar untuk mencetak, masalah ini pasti sering timbul pada printer yang sudah dimodifikasi dengan menambah tong tinta di samping printer. Ada beberapa penyebab membuat tinta infus tidak berfungsi dengan baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dengan mata sendiri mengenai kondisi tinta yang ada di dalam selang infus. Apabila selang infusnya penuh berarti proses...