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Monday, July 9, 2012

Ancient Aliens: UFOs and Bigfoot (video)

Computationer; Wisdom QuarterlyRather than being a "missing link" between humans and apes, Bigfoot may be an alien entity descending from space.   This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases.     This episode examines the legends of Bigfoot (Yakshi, Yeti, Yowie, Sasquatch), a creature described as half-human and half-ape. They allegedly stalk woodlands at the edge of civilization around the world.   These creatures...

New views from Mars (photos)

This is a full-circle scene combining 817 images taken by the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.   The US space agency NASA is calling it the "next best thing to being" on the Red Planet (AFP).  Color adjusted and distorted in the same way, this undated image provided by NASA shows Mars Rover Opportunity catching its own late-afternoon shadow in a view eastward across Endeavour Crater on Mars.   The rover used a panoramic camera between...

President Obama on Tibet (video)

FreeTibet.org The CIA got what it wanted from Tibet and its pope-king, gave little back, and has now moved on to newer war projects and clandestine operations around the wor...

Burma's heroine debuts in Parliament

Hla Hla Htay, AFP Daw Suu appeared calm as she arrived to take her seat as an elected politician for the first time in the capital. "[I will] try my best for the country" (AFP/Soe Than Win). NAYPYIDAW, Myanmar - Burma's opposition leader [the Lady Daw] Aung San Suu Kyi made her historic parliamentary debut Monday [July 9, 2012], marking a new phase in her near quarter century struggle to bring democracy to her army-dominated homeland.Suu Kyi, whose unswerving campaigning saw her locked up...

Consciousness Beyond CHEMTRAILS (video)

Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails.com via Harrison  Announcing a non-profit fundraiser with all net proceeds to benefit Morgellons research.   The matrix is corrupt and broken. Now we can only rely on one another. This event is meant to generate mainstream awareness (or admission) of chemtrails, geo-engineering, and HAARP activity. It will also raise funds for Morgellons, an affliction that has been shunned and ignored by mainstream medicine. Let us emerge from the matrix together...