34. Often questioned in the community: "What happens after we die?" There are three different answers to that question. Those who believe in the existence of "maha-god ruler of the universe" would say, that after death one will go to one, eternal heaven or eternal hell depends on the deeds or religious person. Others say that if a person's life ended, also ending its existence. It is the belief "annihilation at death", which is a materialistic view. The Buddha said, after death, we will be born in new life, and that the process of death and rebirth will continue until freedom is achieved nirvana.
35. Buddhism considers the two views above is incorrect and incomplete. First sight is rejected for entry-sense, unfair and cruel.The accursed evil undue eternal punishment in hell, also improperly awarded both Si-eternal paradise, just for doing evil or good earth for 60 or 70 years, throughout his life though, the 60 or 70 is not worth the eternal forever. Also it is absurd, that "the maha-maha-god who should be loving" dump and punish "creation" of torture and agony for countless millions of years. The view above is also not able to answer many important questions in connection with it.What happened to the animals after death? What happened to the millions of babies who die in the womb, others die soon after birth?Are they to heaven or to hell? If up to heaven, then obviously not fair because they have never done well, then when punished in hell is also not fair because they have not had time to do evil.
Materialistic views, also unable to answer many fundamental questions. The materialistic difficult to answer the complex phenomena, such as how the human consciousness that arise after the meeting of two sex cells and their development for 9 months. Today, after Parapsychology has been accepted as a branch of science, phenomena such as telepathy and so on, increases are not compatible with the materialistic view of the human mind. Buddhism offers a very satisfactory explanation about where we come and what will happen after we die.
36. The process of rebirth, called punabbhava, literally means 'be again'. The Buddha said, to be born again, three conditions must be met: a pair of (prospective) parents are fertile, sexual relations and the gandhabba.1 term 'gandhabba' means coming from another place ', referring to a flow of inner energy tendencies, abilities and traits that leave the body characteristics that have died. When the body dies, 'Inner move upwards' (uddhamgami) 2 and develop themselves again in the egg (prospective) mothers who had just fertilized. Fetal growth, birth and grow as new personal, with diprasyarati, either by the nature of the mind that brought (from past lives) also by his new environment. His personality will change and modification by business awareness, education, parental influence and social environment. The nature of love or not love, talents and abilities so on, which is known as the "innate nature" of each individual is actually a carry over from previous lives. In other words, character and what he experienced at the time of our lives now, at certain levels is the result (vipaka) of actions (kamma) past lives. Our deeds during life, likewise, will determine the nature of life where we will be born.
37. Simply put, in order to understand how the 'inner' 'move' from one entity to another entity, then we can compare it with the glow of the radio broadcast. Radio waves, which obviously does not consist of music or speech, but it is the energy at different frequencies, transmitted through space, attracted and captured by the receiver / radio which later aired as a music or speech. In the same way, 'inner' leave the body at death, moving in space, attracted and into which the fertilized egg cell and in-'siar 'right as a new person. Both radio waves and the 'inner' is not a thing but a dynamic process, thus not correct to say that "the soul that has not changed" move to the new body as well as music and speech despite switching to a radio transmitter to the aircraft. Similarly, it is clear there is no 'state-between' (antarabhava), because the 'inner' direct move from one agency to another, just as radio waves emitted immediately arrested soon after.
38. Is there any evidence to support the doctrine of rebirth? Over the centuries, has many people who claim to remember previous life, before being born again. The oldest records instead of Europe, Pythagoras (582-500 BC), Greek philosopher and mathematician, said to remember some previous life. Recently many cases of people who can clearly recall the events that happened in a past life, some of these cases have been proven to be true. The evidence of rebirth of the most impressive is the form of research from Ian Stevenson, an American scientist. Dr.Stevenson, who is Professor of Psychiatry (Psychiatry) at the University of Virginia, began his research in 1958, and was then greeted and recognized internationally. For years, he reported in detail the cases of adults and children alike, who can remember past life-background-all triggered by a careful scientific research methods. Fellow scientist, Dr. Harold Leif, commented on Ian Stevenson's research, as follows: "Only one of two possibilities, he made one big mistake or he will be known as Galileo was to the twentieth century." 3
39. Let us review a case study Dr. Stevenson, a boy named Ravi Shankar was born 1951 in the city Kanaiy, North India. His father named Ram Gupta; since the child was two years insisting that the real father was a banker named Jogeshwar. He also said that in her past life she was murdered with his throat slashed by two men - Chaturi and Jamahar. As evidence, the child pointed to a birthmark on his neck, which was marked as a scar-born cattle.Investigations later proved, that was half a mile from their homes, there is a named Jogeshwar who has a boy called Munna who had been murdered, exactly as described by Ravi Shankar. The authorities so far are very suspicious of the two men as the killer, a laundry and a banker named Chaturi named Jamahar, but they were acquitted for lack of evidence. Munna Ravi was killed six months before birth. Research Dr. Stevenson attested in a very rinci.4 Many of the cases as above have a very strong evidence, is that after death, one will be reborn with a clear recollection of very dramatic events in her past lives. Instead, so far, there has never been evidence that could support both views mentioned earlier above (34).
40. Apart from the above evidence, the doctrine of rebirth is very interesting because it is very unfair. In the view of other religions, although a good behavior in his life, he still can be punished forever in eternal hell, because they embrace a false religion. This clearly is not fair. Kamma and rebirth means good people will be born well, whatever their religion. Similarly, the wicked will continue to account for his actions, although he was "converted" and changed his religion at the last minute of his life. The doctrine of rebirth also allow each person to always have another chance.Other religious views, just give a chance once. What did he do and what his belief in his short life in one's life, determining how he forever be eternal. Instead, the Buddha insisted that if we failed to purify ourselves in this life, we still can do it in life or the next one will come again. Rebirth also allows us to continuously improve our skills and interests which we have developed in the present life, the life to come. The Buddha, even says we can just meet, with people we love and care about the next life, if we have a strong attachment to him.
Householders Nakulamata Nakulapita and his wife went to the Buddha, after the knees, Nakulapita said: "Master, since my wife brought home to me, when I was still a virgin child, she was a girl, I never knowingly hurt her spiritual well , let alone physical. Teachers, we are determined to love each other, not just in this life, but also in future life. "
Nakulamata then said: "Master, since I brought home my husband, when I was still a young girl, she was still a virgin child, I never knowingly hurt her spiritual good, let alone physical. Teachers, we are determined to love each other, not just in this life, but also in future life. "
The Buddha then said: "If a husband and wife are determined to love each other in this life and the life to come, and both are equal in belief, in moral worth, worth the equivalent of generosity and wisdom, then they will love each other in this life, Also on the lives mendatang.5
41. Thus, fairly reasonable when it is said, the doctrine of rebirth is more acceptable, more equitable and more interesting than the theories about the problem after the death of another. Now, surprisingly the doctrine of rebirth (often also called reincarnation, transmigration) the public interest. Withdrawal of public opinion (Print version: The Gallup polls) in England, showed that those who believe in the existence of rebirth increased in number from 18% in 1968 to 28% in 1978, the largest percentage of those aged around 25 to 35 years. The same study in America showed that 28% of Americans accept the doctrine tersebut.6 number of thinkers, philosophers and scientists who accept the doctrine of rebirth has increased very impressive. Two famous philosophers give arguments about the birth-re-entering and ethical sense, they are JMEM Taggat and C.J. Duccuas. Thomas Huxley, a scientist who introduced the science in the nineteenth century to the education system in England, which also was the first scientist to support Darwin's theory, believe that rebirth is a doctrine that is really acceptable. In his book "Evolution and Ethics and other Essays", he writes:
In the doctrine of rebirth, whether originating from the Brahmin or Buddhist view, is ready, all the means to construct a reasonable defense that links the cosmos (universe) with humans ... .. But understand that just has not been more acceptable than others, and reckless thinkers who are careful not reject it and threw it as something that is clearly unreasonable. Similarly, the doctrine of evolution, the doctrine of rebirth is rooted in the real world, and be able to get support, support such a strong argument from the equation that can memenuhinya.7
Professor Gustaf Stromberg, Swedish astronomer, physicist who is a friend of Einstein, also mentions understand rebirth as an understanding which is very enticing.
Many different opinions, about whether or not the human soul can be reincarnated into the world again. In 1936 a very interesting case is reported and studied extensively by those authorities in India. A young girl (Shanti Devi from Delhi) is appropriate to describe her past life (in Mattra, five hundred miles from Delhi) which ended about a year before the 'birth-both'. He mentions the name of her husband and children and gives an overview of history and his past life. Committee investigators took him to his family home in a previous life, which turned out to justify every statement.Among Indian people, reincarnation is considered a common problem; thing they think is extraordinary in this case is so many things that can be recalled by this girl. This case and similar cases can be regarded as additional proof of the theory forces ingat.8
Professor Julian Huxley, esteemed scientists from Britain, the former Director General of UNESCO, believe that understanding the birth-back tune with the way the mind sciences.
No force can obstruct the release of 'the spirit of eternal life' personal beings, at the time of his death, in many ways, just like the messages are separated from the aircraft radio transmitter-radio in its own way as well. But, it should be kept in mind that radio messages will only tangible return as a message after it makes contact with the structure of new material - namely aircraft-radio receiver. In our spirit-out of it. Then ... .. can never think or feel again, if not return 'tangible' in any manner whatsoever. Our personality is based on our physical, which in itself is not likely to live in their actual meaning. Without such 'body' .... I can think of something that escapes, the same circumstances, the men and women, such as radio messages at the transmitter plane, but in terms of 'death' should be, as can be tolerated by anyone, it is the turmoil in the various forms that wander , until ... .. them ... .... come back in the form of actual consciousness, having come into contact with something that can work as 'the receiver to the inner' .9
Those practical-minded and unpretentious even like Henry Ford, American industrialist, also may find value in understanding the truth of rebirth. Ford interested in the problem of rebirth, because unlike other religions understand, rebirth gives the opportunity to develop themselves. Henry Ford said:
I accept the view of reincarnation since I was 26 years old ....Religion does not offer anything in one thing .... Work also does not give complete satisfaction. Work is futile, if we are unable to apply the experience we collect in one life, in the next life. When I discovered Reincarnation understand, it felt as if I found a plan universe. I am aware that there is always a chance to implement my ideas. Time is no longer a limited. I am no longer a slave to the needles at ... Genius is an experience. There is an opinion which considers that it is a gift or talent, but actually it is the fruit of long experience in several lives. The souls there are more mature than other souls ... By knowing the existence of reincarnation, bringing inner peace to me .... If you record this conversation, write so, that this gives an inner peace. I like to communicate with others about the tranquility provided by a view of life that panjang.10
Thus the Buddhist teachings of rebirth based on scientific evidence that supports it. Will always enter-sense and always be able to answer questions that can not be answered either by the views of other religions as well as a materialistic
12 years ago
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