
Monday, May 2, 2011

The Frog's Pray

by Anthony de Mello SJ
The priest announced that Jesus Christ himself would come inChurch next Sunday. Race came in drovesto see him. Everyone hopes he willpreach, but he just smiled, when introducedand said: "Congratulations." Every person willing to accept him forovernight, especially the priest, but he refused politely. Hesaid, he wanted to stay overnight at the church. It is reasonable,they all thought.
He disappeared the next day, before the church door opened.And, it's horror, the priest and people find churchruins. Written everywhere on the walls of one wordALERT. No part churches missed, doors andwindows, pillars and pulpit, altar. Even in Scripture inabove standard: ALERT. Strikeout-painted with large letters andsmall, with pencils and pens and paint in various colors.Everywhere the eye could see, people can read. "Caution,"alert. Beware, caution, alert, alert.
Annoying. Make angry. Screwed. Tickle.Scary. They are presumed to be aware of what? That's notsay. Just to say, caution. The first impulse people wantremove each of these ex-fouling, it penghojatan. Theyrestrained to do so, simply because the idea that Jesusalone does deed.
Now the mysterious word began to seep in thinking ALERTpeople, every time they enter the church. They began to alertfor the Scripture, until they can take advantagefrom the book, without so fanatical. They're so vigilant againstsacrament, so they sanctified without falling infutility. The priest began to be aware of the power overpeople, then he can help without a master. And everypeople become aware of the religion, which makes people withoutbecome conscious hypocrite. They are so wary of LawChurch, then became obedient to the law, but compassionateagainst the weak. They began to be aware of the prayer, untilthey stopped relying on ourselves. They evenalert to their understanding of God, thenthey recognize him also beyond the limits of narrownessChurch itself.
Now they even write the word haram is at the doorentered the church and if you pass in the night. Yousee it glittering in the church in light of fluorescent lampscolorful.
In a village in India, there lived a very weaverpious. Throughout the day he uttered the name of God, andpeople secretly believe him. Each time the resultsweaving had enough, he went to the market for

sell it. If the market he was asked about the pricea piece of cloth, he answered this way: "By the will of Rama,yarn price 35 cents; labor costs 10 cents; advantage, overRama's will, 4 cents. So the will of Rama, the price of fabric 49cents. "People once believed him, so they do notnever bargain with him. They pay only the pricehe asked and took the goods.
Weaver was in the habit, if the night went to the templevillage, to mengidungkan praise and glorify GodHis name. One night, when he was mengidungkanpraise, a bunch of robbers entered. They needsomeone to bring stolen goodsthem, they say, "Come, come with us." Withoutagainst weaver that followed them, carryingthe goods on her head. But soon the policepursue them, and the robbers ran away. Weaveralso run, but because he is old, in timeShort police caught up with and because they findrobbery goods to him, they caught him andput them in jail.
The next morning, he confronted the judge and charged withrob. When the judge asked him what he wouldsay, he replied, "Your Majesty, the will of Rama, hadnight I finished dinner, the will of Rama, mygo to the temple, to sing praises for him. when it,Rama's will, a bunch of robbers entered and, aboveRama's will, asked me to bring the goodsthem. They laid a very heavy burden onmy head, so that when the police chase, the willRama I easily captured. Then, the will of Rama,I was arrested and put in jail. And this morning,I stand before His Majesty, the will of Rama. "
The judge said to the police, "Let this man go.Clearly he was not sane. "
Arriving at the house, when asked about what has beenoccurs, pious weaver said, "By the will of Rama,I was arrested and tried in court. And the will ofRama, I was released. "


A young man comes to a teacher and asked,"Approximately how much time I need to obtainenlightenment? "
The teacher said, "Ten years."
The young man was shocked. "So long?" he asked nobelieve.
The teacher said, "No, I was wrong. You need twotwenty years. "
The young man asked, "Why Teachers lipatkan two?"
The teacher said, "Just think, in this case mayyou need thirty years. "
Some people never learn anything because theyholding everything too fast. Wisdomis not a point to be but a way of walking.If you walk too fast, you will notsee the beautiful scenery.
Understand exactly where you are headed may be theThe most appropriate way to get lost. Not everyonemosey lost.

Among the Jewish Sabbath sanctification, the Lord's day, itat the beginning of a fun, but too many rabbiscontinue to include an additional one by one, how itmust be done correctly, what action is permitted,until some people feel almost unable to moveduring Shabbat, if one could ruleviolated.
Baal Shem, the son of Eliezer, a lot of thinking about this. InOne night he dreamed. An angel took him toheaven and showed two thrones placed highovercome the other.
"For who is it intended?" he asked.
"To you," he replied, "if you usemind-your mind, and for the people, the name and addressbeing written and will be given unto you. "
Then he was taken to a place in hell and most ofshown two empty places. "It's prepared for whom?"he asked.
"To you," he replied, "if you do not usemind-your mind: and for the people, the name and address iswritten for thee. "
In the dream to visit the Baal Shem, who willbecame friends in paradise. He discovered he lived inmiddle pagans, knew nothing about Jewish customs, andon the Sabbath, he held a banquet with many eventshappy, and there all infidel neighbors invited. Andwhen the Baal Shem asked, why he held a banquet, he answered: "I remember, that as a child I was taughtmy parents, that the Sabbath is for rest andhappy, then on Saturday my mother was broughtThe most sumptuous food: there we were singing, dancing andrejoice. I did the same on this day. "
Baal Shem trying to teach people about how to livereligion, because he was born Jewish, but it turns out at alldo not know about the rule of the rabbi. But he was silentdumb, when realized, that the excitement of earlier inSabbath will be disturbed, if he is made awareshortcomings.
Baal Shem, was still in her dream, then go to the housefriends in hell. He found that person as a followerStrict law, always vigilant, lest any actions whichnot orderly. Wretch that every Sabbath livingfrantic, as if she sat on the fire burning. When BaalShem want to warn he would slavery law,lost his ability to speak, because he realized thatthat person will not understand, that he could do wrongto keep their religious rules.
Thanks to the revelation given to him through dreams, BaalShem Tor develop new ways to worship, in whichGod is worshiped with joy, which comes from the heart.
If people are glad he is always good, but when theywell, they are rarely happy.

Women in the dying to face death. He suddenlyfelt that he was taken to heaven and stand in front of the ThroneCourt.
"Who are you that?" a voice said to him. "I am the wifeheadman, "he replied." I do not ask thee, thou wifewhom, but you is? "" I am the mother of fourthe child. "" I do not ask, you mother whom, butWho are you that? "" I'm a teacher at the school. "" I do notask your work, but who you were. "
And so on. No matter what thethe answer, apparently it's not a satisfactory answerto the question: "Thou Who?"
"I am a Christian." "I do not ask your religion,but you was who. "" I was somebody, who every daygo to church and always helping the poor and peoplein trouble. "" I did not ask what you did, butwho you were. "
He clearly failed the exam, so he sentback to the world. When recovered from his illness he intendsdiscover who he is. And that's what makes everythingtotally different.
Your job is located. Not to be someone or notanything - because there is the greed and ambition - nointo this and that; - thereby become conditional -but only just.

GIFTS FOR MOTHERS who complained
When an eight year old girl takingpocket money to buy her gifts, her mother wasgrateful and happy, because mothers and housewivesin general a lot of work, but little appreciation.
The little girl seems to have understood this because hesaid, "That's because women work hard, and nobodyappreciate it. "
She said, "Your father worked hard, too."
Little girl said, "Yes, but he does not care about that."

An old wanderer was on his wayHimalayas in the biting winter timebegan to rain.
An innkeeper said to him."How you can get there in such weatherThis, my brother? "
Traveler old man replied happily: "My heart has beenfirst got there, making it easy for myThis left then follow it. "

Church or synagogue should be able to raise funds forwalk. Well, there is a Jewish synagogue where peopledo not pass a crate of funds as in the churchesChristian. The way they raise money by selling ticketsplace on the feast day-a big party, for there churchthat comes a lot and people are generous.
On days like that little boy came to the Synagogue forsearching for his father, but officers would not let go,because he did not have a ticket.
"But," the boy said, "This case is very important."
"Everybody says so," replied the officer, immovable.
Children become desperate and begin to sigh: "Sorry sir, let meentrance. It's a matter of life or death. Just one minute. "
Officials relented! "Well, now, if essential,"he said. "But beware, if I find you pray."
Orderly organized religion, unfortunately, have many weaknesses, too.

In the summer of 1946 rumors of faminea province in Latin American countries. In the case of plantsgrowing well, and the weather was perfect, waiting for harvesthighway. But because of the rumor that 20,000 farmers landlessleave the rice fields and fled to the cities. Becausetheir actions harvest failed, thousands died andissue of hunger is evident.

(PRAYER OF THE FROG 1, Anthony de Mello SJ
Publisher Canisius, Matter 12, 1996)

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