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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Barack Obama: An Inspiration to the World.

Don't worry, even though this post is about U.S. Senator Barack Obama, who is running for president here in America, and despite the fact that I am supporting him and plan on voting for him in the primary, I am going to try hard to not talk too much politics. I try to limit political talk here on this blog, I have another one for that stuff.I want to instead talk about Barack Obama the person. There is no debate that Mr. Obama is a brilliant, gifted man and he could have taken any number of jobs...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Yael Naim: "New Soul."

I love this video and decided to post it here as a musical interlude. It is so happy and light, I also like the lyrics. You U.S. readers might recognize this song from the Apple computer commercial advertising their new thin laptop, air. In addition, the t-shirt giveaway is still taking names for the drawing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video/song as much as I do:~Peace to all bein...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Free Burma" T-Shirt Giveaway.

During the terrifying yet hopeful protests in Burma recently, I wanted to show my support for the cause and immediately began blogging during those intense days trying to bring awareness to as many as I could. Yet I wanted to do more and since there weren't any demonstrations against the military junta crackdown in my area, I looked for other ways to show my solidarity.I wanted those in my relatively sheltered community who tend to be disconnected with the rest of the world to know of the crimes...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Extra Special This Year.

I'm sure Dr. King would be very proud to see the first viable African American candidate for president in Senator Barack Obama. Who also became the first African American candidate to win the Iowa caucus.It is a huge achievement for a country that has been so bitterly divided by race and we should not fail to note how important this is regardless of who wins the nomination for the Democratic Party.We know, however, that there is still much to do when an entire city of mostly African American citizens...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

An Important Plea.

Colin of Awakening the Buddha Within Us came to me with a special plea and I am passing it on to you as well:To: Kong Meng San Phor Kark See MonasteryTHE 100 MILLION MANI RECITATION RETREAT was held annually by Kong Meng San>Phor Kark See Monastery of Singapore (PKS) for some 5 years, and have since>became an inseparable part of our spiritual lives. Unfortunately, there's>news that PKS might not hold the Retreat this year 2008. This year's>retreat was shadowed by His Eminence Drubwang...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Time is Not a Factor.

Munindra-ji used to say that in spiritual practice, time is not a factor. Practice cannot be measured in time, so let go of the whole notion of when and how long. The practice is a process unfolding, and it unfolds in its own time. It is like the flowers that grow in the spring. Do you pull them up to make them grow faster? I once tried to do that with carrots in my first garden when I was eight years old. It does not work. We do not need any particular length of time for this process of...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Changes to The Buddhist Blog.

Some of you may have noticed the lovely banner image at the top of the blog with the blog name on it. It is the hard work and effort of David from Buddha Day blog. If you are looking for a great header then I highly recommend his impressive work. He has a lot of talent. His site that handles the themes is called, Free Wordpress Themes.I am extremely satisfied with this new look and think it has a nice, classy appearance. It turned out better than I imagined. It is nice to spice the blog up a bit...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We all Contribute to the Beauty and Prosperity of the World.

The creatures that inhabit this earth--be they human beings or animals--are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world.~His Holiness the Dalai LamaJames: Being someone who deals with chronic depression and other mental health difficulties from living with schizo-affective disorder, I sometimes wonder what I have to contribute. It is easy to feel isolated in this busy, hectic world and feel small and insignificant. This stems from a deluded society...

Friday, January 4, 2008

My Nephew Ethan.

My brother and his son Ethan are here visiting for the holidays and it has been fun to spend time with them both but especially the little guy. He is so sweet, innocent and brimming full of happiness. He is two years old and full of life, joy and full belly laughs.<---(James with Ethan in his red pajamas). He refers to himself as "Ethan" rather then, "me" or "I." For example, "Ethan like milk," or "Ethan do it." He still hasn't grasped the whole duality delusion and so it is beautiful to watch...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Wishing You a Wonderful 2008.

May this new year, 2008 bring more peace, tolerance and happiness to people of all religions, philosophies and those who follow no religion. May this new year bring an end to all wars and strife in the world so that harmony will increase amongst all sentient beings. May we rededicate ourselves to our practice so that we will feel more stability and insight into our lives and help us not to be so swept away by our egos.It has been a memorable year for The Buddhist Blog and I want to thank all of...

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