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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Rising Corn Prices and Bio-Fuel.

The effort to turn corn into fuel (ethanol) is being criticized now because of the rising food prices. However, some of the biggest cost increases are for meat products because farm animals to be used for food are fed mostly corn. So there is another way to look at this, if more and more people turn toward vegetable based diets then we wouldn't have massive animal feed lots that require huge amounts of corn.So by being a vegetarian or vegan we help the environment in big ways and doing so also allows...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cara Sederhana Memperbaiki Komputer Rusak

Seringkali saya di panggil untuk memperbaiki komputer di rumah-rumah maupun di kantor-kantor baik milik perorangan maupun instansi, dari pengalaman memperbaiki komputer itu saya menemukan banyak sekali keluhan kerusakan komputer yang hampir sama, antara lain karena terserang virus, komputer tidak bisa di hidupkan dan hanya mengeluarkan bunyi tertentu, CPU hidup tapi monitor tidak menampilkan...

Friday, April 25, 2008

It's a Start.

London (PTI): World leaders on Friday welcomed China's decision to reopen dialogue with a representative of the Dalai Lama as a "major" and "first" step in resolving the vexed Tibet issue and to end the recent unrest there."We, together with other members of the international community, have consistently called for dialogue between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama. I welcome today's announcement as the first step in that process," he said.James: This is indeed a welcome development. However,...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day, Buddhism and Vegetarianism.

Today is the day in America that we celebrate our beautiful and life-giving planet Earth which hosts us as guests. Yet we aren't often being very nice guests with our treatment of this very environment that keeps us alive and thriving. So on this Earth Day I would like to address the connection between vegetarianism and the environment. If you strongly disagree with vegetarianism and don't wish to hear how eating meat impacts or environment then you might want to avoid this post. This is a subject...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Power of Tea.

Green spring dayWarm teaTaste of Nirvana-by They Call Him James UreThat's my first haiku, does it fit the definition?Did you know that tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world? Second only to life sustaining water and has long been connected with Buddhism, especially within Zen Buddhism with the Japanese tea ceremony.There is so much symbolism and lessons to be learned with tea. The Way of Tea is expressed in four Japanese characters: Harmony, Respect, Purity and Tranquility. These...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mengembalikan Run Pada Start Menu

Serangan virus membuat Run yang berada pada Start Menu menjadi tidak bisa terlihat karena virus mengubah value data dari NoRun dalam regedit. (selain serangan virus, Run juga bisa dengan sengaja disembunyikan oleh admin komputer).Jika anda mengalami hal seperti di atas (Run hilang) maka jangan panik dan lakukan langkah-langkah berikut ini :langkah 1Bersihkan virus dari komputer anda...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mengembalikan Folder Options Hilang

Mengembalikan Folder Options pada Windows ExplorerKomputer yang anda gunakan setiap hari mungkin pernah mengalami hal seperti File hilang, ada nama file tapi isi filenya tidak ada, regedit hilang atau juga folder options hilang.Semua kejadian di atas bisa jadi disebabkan oleh virus yang sudah menyerang komputer anda, apabila anda mengalami masalah seperti di atas, maka kemungkinan komputer...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Be Like Clouds.

Let your actions be like clouds going by; the clouds going by are mindless. Let your stillness be as the valley spirit; the valley spirit is undying. When action accompanies stillness and stillness combines with action, then the duality of action and stillness no longer arises.-Pei-chienJames: There is nothing that needs be said after such beautifully worded insights.~Peace to all beings~PHOTO CREDIT: Himalaya Blue and thanks to Tom for giving me the site addre...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Chinese Re-Education Camps. Plus, the Olympic Torch Relay Faced Protests in London.

The droplets of news that are coming out of Tibet suggest that protests continue in pockets as does violent repression. At least eight people were reportedly killed in a remote town in Sichuan province Thursday in a protest sparked by an attempt to force monks to participate in an education campaign.James: Re-education camps are nothing new to dictatorships. Soviet Communist Russia and Nazi Germany were two classic examples of this kind of absurd propaganda. The other major example in history being,...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr. Killed 40 Years Ago but the Vision Lives On.

(The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. standing in an office with a picture of Gandhi, his hero on the wall).Forty years ago today the great race and civil rights peace activist Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. In that moment there were many in the civil rights movement who feared that Martin's vision of equality amongst all races, religions and ethnic groups would die with him. However, his wave of peaceful, loving energy had planted seeds of hope and change within the...

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