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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Intolerant Christians.

I recently read another article (see the previous one here) on The Buddhist Channel about predatory practices and bullying by Christians in predominately Buddhist countries.I don't have the slightest intention to put one religion above another, to praise one and to blame another. I'm here writing about the attitude I'm expecting from somebody claiming to be a religious person, especially if he has much power in voicing his ideas. Then I came across Mr. Lothe's article in the UB POST and I did...

Pengenalan Adobe Premiere 6.0

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Adobe, yang selama ini telah banyak menghasilkan software yang sangat bermutu seperti Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Acrobat Reader dan masih banyak lagi software yang dihasilkan Adobe.Berbagai software yang dihasilkan oleh adobe tersebut tentu mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda-beda dan sudah tentu juga manfaatnya bagi praktisi-praktisi...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Proteksi Sheet pada Microsoft Office Excel

Setiap perusahaan besar maupun kecil tentu mempunyai privatisasi, atau batasan-batasan tertentu dalam mengakses data berdasarkan jabatan yang seseorang atau hak akses yang di berikan kepada sorang karyawan.Seperti contoh misalnya pada perusahaan perdagangan atau kita ambil contoh yang sederhana saja misalnya di sebuah toko penjualan alat-alat tulis kantor, tentu tidak semua orang boleh...

Buddhism and Evolution.

While Buddha didn't have much to say about the origins of life and the universe I find the Dharma to be very open to evolution. Evolution says that we evolved from other life forms and are therefore just new models of previous models of life which means that we must have genes and DNA that are similar and we do.We humans share some 96 percent of genetic material with chimpanzees which affirms my Buddhist belief that we are irrecoverably interconnected and dependent upon other life forms. We are...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mengenal File dan Folder

Kadang para pengguna komputer yang masih pemula masih bingung dengan folder dan file untuk itu saya mencoba memberikan pengertian tentang file dan folder agar para sobatku bis amembedakan file dengan folder.Bagi rekan yang sudah sering menggunakan komputer sudah tentu tidak asing lagi dengan file dan folder tapi bagaimana dengan para sobat yang masih pemula, tak terkecuali para pengguna...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Cara Cepat Membuat Blog dengan Blogger

Posting artikel ini merupakan jawaban saya atas semua pertanyaan yang pernah di sampekan teman-teman chating, kadangkala saya harus menuntun langsung rekan-rekan yang ingin sekali membuat blog dari forum komunikasi dengan kata ini (chat).Membuat sebuah blog tidak membutuhkan atau tidak harus menguasai bahasa pemrograman tetapi paling tidak sudah terbiasa menggunakan komputer agar lebih mu...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hardware Computer

Dalam bahasa indonesia di sebut Perangkat Keras Komputer yaitu semua yang berhubungan dengan komponen-komponen yang dirangkai menjadi satu kesatuan membentuk satu unit komputer.Hardware memiliki bentuk fisik beragam yang bisa dibeadakan dengan cara melihat secara langsung komponen tersebut.Bila anda sudah pernah lihat yang di sebut komputer maka sudah tentu anda sudah melihat...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Modern Buddhism.

Phayul, July 18, 2008 New York, USA -- The Dalai Lama said that it is important to preserve one’s own traditions and culture but it is wrong to close door to the outside world. He said that one should strive to become a 21st century Buddhist with both traditional values and modern education.One of the ways that Buddhism is adapting so well to this new century is the embracing of the internet. It has enabled people living in very isolated communities where they might be the only Buddhist within hundreds...

Friday, July 11, 2008

"Small Stones: A Year of Moments." A Book Review.

Author Fiona Robyn was kind enough to send me an advanced copy of her book, Small Stones: A Year of Moments. It's is a nice collection of thought provoking, simple yet profound observations about life, nature and spirituality.They have a wonderful streak of Buddhism within many of these nuggets of thoughts because many of them stem from pure mindfulness. Fiona makes lovely observations of things in life that we might often over-look.First, I'd like to highlight a few of my favorite mindfulness statements...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No Thanks I'll Stick with Buddhism.

Interesting article on proselytizing Buddhists in Asia titled, "No Thanks I'll Stick with Buddhism." I don't have much comment about this article except that it raises some good points but it also is something that we shouldn't get too worked up over. I'm more concerned about my own weaknesses right now. However, that being said I do think that some missionaries of other faiths are very disrespectful and not helping ease tensions between different religions.By Zyrius, The Buddhist Channel, July...

Monday, July 7, 2008

We are All Crazy.

Somewhere in this process, you will come face to face with the sudden and shocking realization that you are completely crazy. Your mind is a shrieking, gibbering madhouse on wheels barreling pell-mell down the hill, utterly out of control and hopeless. No problem. You are not crazier than you were yesterday.It has always been this way, and you just never noticed. You also are no crazier than anybody else around you. The real difference is that you have confronted the situation; they have not. So...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gay Men and Straight Women Share Brain Detail.

LONDON, June 17, 2008 (Reuters) — Gay men and straight women share some characteristics in the area of the brain responsible for emotion, mood and anxiety, researchers said on Monday in a study highlighting the potential biological underpinning of sexuality. Brain scans also showed the same symmetry among lesbians and straight men, the researchers wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Brain scans of 90 volunteers showed that the brains of heterosexual men and homosexual...

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