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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't Obsess About Enlightenment.

"Rather than worry or obsess about enlightenment, why not be honest and accept that we will have our good days and our bad? We will have some enlightened moments of loving-kindness, as well as some dull ones. This encourages all of us to stay real and experience the moment as it is—not how we want it to be." –Donald Altman, from Living Kindness.James: I think this is a very important point to remember along our path because I know that I have a tendency sometimes to obsess over moments...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cara Memasang Iklan Kumpulblogger

Langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk memasang iklan dari kumpulblogger.com adalah sebagai berikut :Sebelum memasang iklan pada website atau blog kita, terlebih dahulu harus mendaftarkan blog atau website kita di kumpulblogger.com dengan cara klik di sini kemudian masukan alamat email anda serta ketikan dua kata yang terdapat di dalam kotak putih bergaris merah pada "Type the two wor...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pembayaran Pertama dari Kumpulblogger

Bahagia rasanya pertama kali mendapatkan email yang dikirim oleh admin kumpulblogger.com yaitu Mas Kukuh Tripamungkas W. yang menyatakan bahwa Kumpulblogger telah transfer uang dari hasil blog saya sebagai hasil dari memasang iklan (publisher).Semenjak saya mengenal Blog dan bergabung bersama perbloggeran sudah sekian banyak program untuk maraup rupiah maupun dolar di internet seperti Pay Per...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update Software

Pengguna komputer rame-rame berlomba untuk berburu software-software terbaru baik membeli compact disk maupun diperoleh dengan cara download software berbayar maupun software gratisan bahkan trial melalui internet.Mungkin karena takut ketinggalan atau bahkan dibilang kuno atau tidak gaul sehingga tanpa berpikir panjang, apapun yang dikatakan baru maka software tersebut langsung diinstall ke...

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Mind Must Sit Down.

When we speak of “taking your seat” for meditation, we often imagine sitting down in the lotus position—but more broadly,... The body can sit down, and the mind must sit down too.–Arnie Kozak, from Wild Chickens and Petty Tyrants James: I really like that last part that the mind must sit down too. I often stretch my legs, back and arms before meditating to prepare my body as well as regulate my breathing with some breathing exercises. However, after reading this simple yet profound quote (at least...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Do We Really Need a Western Buddhism?

This post was inspired by a post by Arunlikhati over at Dharma Folk and by my comment to that post. Arunlikhati's post was regarding Western Buddhism and this idea by some in the west that western philosophy will somehow make Buddhism "better:" I personally don't think western Buddhists would make Buddhism better but simply different and more applicable to their/my culture. As the various Buddhist traditions around Asia aren't better than another (In my view, though some might think so) but reflect...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Komputer Tidak Mengeluarkan Suara

Komputer memang merupakan kebutuhan yang cukup lengkap. Fasilitas yang bisa didapat pada komputer selain sebagai sarana untuk membantu pekerjaan, komunikasi, bahkan juga merupakan sebuah hiburan yang sangat lengkap.Dari komputer kita bisa memainkan game-game baik itu game online maupun game offline, selain itu juga kita bisa menyaksikan film-film atau sekedar mendengarkan irama musik sambil...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Swept Floor Never Stays Clean.

By Arnie Kozak If you sweep the patio in November after leaves have fallen, you wouldn’t expect it to stay clean forever. The patio is like the mind. Mindfulness meditation practice can feel like sweeping the mind and clearing away the thoughts strewn about making a big mess. It’s easy to get caught up in resistance and resentment toward these leaves: “Damn it, I just swept that floor!” Despite our protests, nature has another idea. Nature doesn’t care if we’ve swept the patio or how long it...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Fire Reflected in a Lake.

A fire reflected in a lake cannot burn the water. Neither can emotions disturb the mind when you don’t get involved in them. Don’t identify an emotion as your self. The fear or anger is not you, only an impersonal phenomenon. Mentally pull back from the emotion and turn your awareness around to observe it. When in the grip of negative emotion we tend to believe it will never end. But emotions are no more permanent than thoughts. With continued practice you’ll find that you only have to wait and...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring Evening Contemplation.

Clean, steady rain falls. Smell of damp soil. Tranquility envelopes all like a warm embrace. One awakened essence shines forth. Svaha!! ~They Call Him James R. ...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dana for Robert Aitken Roshi.

Robert Aitken Roshi is in very poor health and in need of our dana. I first heard about this from Al on his great blog Open Buddha. I can't say it any better than Al so I'm just going to re-post his great write up. I hope Al won't mind and please know that these words are his and not mine--thanks Al for bringing this to our attention (bowing):Robert Aitken Roshi is one of the earliest Western teachers of Zen still alive today. He was exposed to Zen while in a Japanese internment camp in Kobe, Japan...

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