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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Update Google Page Rank

Pagerank google memang sangat diperlukan oleh seorang pemilik blog atau web yang berkonsentrasi pada pemasangan backlink serta bagi yang mengikuti program paid to review.Backlink maupun page to review biasanya salah satu persyaratannya adalah web atau blog yang ber page rank tidak kurang dari 3 sehingga para pemilik blog berlomba-lomba untuk meningkatkan pagerank web blognya karena dengan...

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Compassion of Animals.

The November issue of National Geographic magazine features a moving photograph of chimpanzees watching as one of their own is wheeled to her burial. Since it was published, the picture and story have gone viral, turning up on websites and TV shows and in newspapers around the world. For readers who’d like to know more, here’s what I learned when I interviewed the photographer, Monica Szczupider. On September 23, 2008, Dorothy, a female chimpanzee in her late 40s, died of congestive heart failure....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Motivations for Becoming Buddhist.

Baseball player Alex Rodriquez is reportedly going to convert to Buddhism for his girl friend, actress Kate Hudson. I'm not a Religious Studies professor but I do know that converting to a religion out of a feeling of obligation or to please a person is a horrible reason. I was apart of a belief system growing up in which I remained for longer than I should have out of a feeling of obligation and It was gut-wrenching. I finally realized that I was living a lie and deceiving my parents into thinking...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Memasang Meta Tag Blog

Meta tag sudah tidak bisa di tawar lagi sebagai sesuatu yang sangat penting berhubungan dengan sebuah web atau blog karena dengan meta tags sebuah web atau blog menjadi mudah ditemukan oleh robot search engine. Seperti halnya Menganalisa Meta Tag, kali ini juga artikel masih tentang meta tag namun disini dijelaskan bagaimana cara membuat meta tag khususnya membuat meta tag dengan memanfaatkan...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unwritable Configuration PHP

Sesuai dengan judul artikel kali ini yaitu unwritable configuration.php, adalah masalah yang kadang dijumpai dalam mengelola website yang dibuat dengan joomla. Kebetulan hari ini saya mengalaminya sendiri yaitu saya tidak bisa melakukan perbaikan ataupun perubahan pada global setting joomla.karena menemukan masalah akhirnya sayapun mulai berselancar dengan google yang terkenal dengan...

Monday, October 26, 2009

"The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines."

Knowing this, a wise and learned bodhisattva, works not towards Arhatship, nor enlightenment, nor Nirvana. In the practice alone one trains for the sake of the practice.James: So goes the 22nd verse of, "The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines." I hadn't heard of this treasure until now. However, hanks to the generosity, thoughtfulness and compassion of two people I've been given a great gift: My friend Jamie and the blog, "The New Heretics." Thanks Dharma buds. You should take some time...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Clinging to a Moment in Time.

I wanted to add some additional thoughts about the current discussion bubbling up to the surface in the Buddhoblogosphere about sanghas and teachers, which I addressed in my last post found here. As you know I support both online sanghas and interactions with teachers as well as the traditional sanghas and teacher environments. I am somewhat bewildered by those who refuse to acknowledge the usefulness of iSanghas (online sanghas). Especially when there are those, which are run and administered by...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sitting with Jundo Cohen.

Awhile back I was contacted by Zen teacher Jundo Cohen about his wonderful Tree Leaf Zendo, which provides insightful v-cast teachings that include a time for sitting Zazen. It's a very effective way of staying interconnected with a teacher and the sangha of practitioners if one has needs that precludes a person from sitting formally.I know the advent of the "Online Sangha" has been of some controversy of late on the Buddoblogosphere. I personally find it change to embrace and appreciate. It is...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Next Dalai Lama to be a Woman?

In 50 years of exile from Tibet, this self-professed “simple monk” has been the driving force behind the growing prominence of women in Tibetan exile society. He has even suggested that his next reincarnation could and should be a girl. “Woman is more compassionate and has more power to understand and feel the needs of others as compared to man,” he said at a press conference last November in Dharamsala, his exile home in northern India. That the Dalai Lama—believed by Tibetan Buddhists to be the...

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Truth.

If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between "for" and "against" is the minds worst disease. ~Sent ts'an, c. 700 C. E.James: It seems that we often bounce back and forth between these two extremes, which kind of feed off each other. Just the emotionally whiplash of flipping between these extremes creates mental and physical exhaustion/suffering. It's reminds me of taking a winding path up hills then down them and how much suffering and exhaustion...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Faith in Buddhism.

Perhaps because of our Judeo-Christian background, we have a tendency to regard doubt as something shameful, almost as an enemy. We feel that if we have doubts, it means that we are denying the teachings and that we should really have unquestioning faith. Now in certain religions, unquestioning faith is considered a desirable quality. But in the Buddha-dharma, this is not necessarily so. Referring to the dharma, the Buddha said, “ehi passiko,” which means “come and see,” or “come and investigate,”...

Cek Meta Tags

Meta Tags tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi sebagai salah satu cara untuk promosi sebuah blog, untuk itu meta tag yang ditulis harus sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi mudah ditemukan robot dari mesin pencari.Misalkan untuk menulis tag description juga memiliki aturannya sendiri begitu juga untuk meta tag keyword dan meta tag robot.Agar tidak salah dalam membuat meta tag untuk sebuah blog kita b...

Friday, October 9, 2009

President Barack Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize?

I felt like someone waking up from a decades long coma this morning as I sleepily starred at the t.v. anchor telling me that President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. My first thought was, "For what?" Don't get me wrong, I like Obama and while I don't agree with everything he's done in his short tenure; I still personally really dig the guy. I'm not sure if I'll vote for him yet again in 2012 but I'm leaning toward re-electing him barring a disaster on health care, which I'm really concerned...

Blue and Gray.

blue flash streaks gray skywings navigate leafless treeswood smoke tickles n...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tips Perbaikan Komputer

Yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum melakukan perbaikan sebuah komputer adalah menyiapkan peralatan yang diperlukan dalam perbaikan komputer tersebut baik itu hardware maupun software.Untuk hardware yang perlu disediakan seperti obeng (plus dan min), avo meter dan tang. Ketiga alat ini adalah kebutuhan yang sangat mendasar apabila ketiga alat seperti obeng, avo meter dan tang tersebut tidak ada...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Buddha's Wish for the World. A Book Review.

In this short but interesting book, Robert Thurman sets the tone in the forward with a welcoming punch to the forehead, "I am right" is the root of all problems. This book is part biography but is mostly a concise but rich discourse on the teachings of Shin Buddhism from the 24th Monshu of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwaji-ha--Monshu Koshin Ohtani. I was impressed with this book from the start with the Venerable Monshu touching on the importance of ridding oneself of a very unskillful emotion that I struggle...

Cara Menulis Meta Tag

Meta Tag sangat dibutuhkan dalam membuat dan promosi blog oleh karena dengan meta tag sebuah blog bisa menjadi bersahabat dengan search engine sehingga informasi yang ada pada blog bisa disampaikan ke search engine. Hal ini berfungsi untuk meningkatkan volume pengunjung ke blog kita dengan asumsi bahwa semakin terkenal blog tersebut di search engine maka semakin banyak pengunjung yang datang ke...

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Bamso: The Art of Dreams." A book Review.

I was recently sent a copy of "Bamso: The Art of Dreams" and initially I thought it was more of a manual on how to use your dreams to better your life. And while it does offer some insights in how to use dreams to solve problems in your daily life it reads more like a novel or one person's dream diary. It certainly paints a very wonderful journey of the mind and it's an interesting read. However, personally I find the ideas of astral projection, mental projection and time travel through dreams to...

Mendaftar Web Blog pada Google Analytics

Blog atau web yang sudah online tidak bisa dibiarkan begitu saja, namun perlu dikontrol perkembangannnya agar pemilik blog atau web dapat memantau perkembangan blog atau webnya sehingga dapat mengambil tindakan lanjutan agar web atau blog tetap dikunjungi oleh pengguna internet. Semakin besar pengunjung yang berkunjung ke web atau blog tentu itu adalah harapan semua blogger atau webmaster kar...

Of Gods, Bodhisattvas and Shrines.

This post was taken from a comment about a discussion of Richard Dawkin's excellent book, "The God Delusion" and the concept of a Creator God on Buddha Space. I've written about this before but have some new insights. Ah the many facets of the diamond that is the Buddhadharma:My "Creator God" is science. However, I do not worship at the altar of science as some atheists and others do. Attaching too much to it. I see it as an impersonal force that holds everything together. The cosmic glue. I do...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Is the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh a Radical? Hardly.

As most of you know I have been following the crisis within the community of monastics following the teachings of the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam. The Western news organization, "The Guardian" quoted some of his followers in that Southeast Asian country. These monastics made the statement that their tradition is radical. "The Guardian" though didn't seem to investigate why or what made them say their tradition was "radical." It then assumed that this must mean that Thich Nhat Hanh is a...

Bukti Pembayaran AdsenseCamp

Sebenarnya hari ini tidak ada keinginan untuk menulis artikel pada blog ini karena sudah 3 hari ini sibuk pindah rumah jadi sangat lelah untuk menulis sebuah artikel.Setelah membuka email barulah semangat untuk menulis muncul, semangat ini muncul karena ada sebabnya yaitu ada dua buah email yang masuk yang sangat memacu semangat saya untuk menulis artikel sehingga artikel ini pun bisa anda...

Buddhism in America by State.

I have often wondered which American states have the most Buddhists and one of the ways of doing that is counting the number of Buddhist centers in each state. Well, I found a map from 2004 by "The Pluralism Project." Not surprisingly much of the south, the center plains states and the northern Rocky Mountain states stretching from Wyoming up to Montana and Idaho have the least. Those are regions that are either: Sparsely populated, dominated by Christianity and/or traditionally conservative politics,...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Further Thoughts on the Bat Nha Monastery Incident.

Questions have been raised as to the veracity of the story put forth by the followers of Thich Nhat Hanh at Bat Nha monastery, Vietnam over the past few days. The practitioners of Nhat Hanh's style of Zen were initially invited and welcomed at the monastery around 2005. Everything seemed to be fine for some time between the two camps represented at the monastery. TNH's followers even used donations from lay followers of Thich Nhat Hanh to reinvest in Bat Nha monastery. Nearly $1 million was spent...

Afternoon Haiku.

honey dipped leaves flailbleached refugees flee heavenspixels dance insideBy James R. ...

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