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Thursday, December 31, 2009

I Haven't Been Kidnapped.

I know I haven't been writing here much lately but it's not a permanent trend. I'm simply overloaded with holiday stuff and have been spending a lot of time with my family. The big thing though that has taken up most of my time is a new project I'm working on. It's a new blog but it has nothing to do with Buddhism -- well, it does but it's not the main theme there. I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I haven't abandoned you and I'm not getting bored with this blog. I'm just...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mengenal Windows 7 (seven)

Windows 7 (seven) merupakan sistem operasi yang dikembangkan oleh microsoft dari sistem operasi sebelumnya Microsoft Windows XP dan Vista.Microsoft Windows 7 memiliki tampilan desktop yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan windows vista namun sudah lebih disempurnakan seperti tombol start yang terlihat lebih hidup.Untuk melakukan installasi windows 7 pada komputer anda membutuhkan...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Membuat Memasang Tukar Link Banner Sesama Blogger

Artikel seperti ini sudah banyak sekali diposting oleh rekan-rekan senior blogger pada blognya masing-masing, namun karena ada sobat kita yang menanyakan maka saya juga ikutan posting artikel ini agar mempermudah para pengunjung blog BIK supaya tidak lagi mencari informasi tentang memasang Tukar Link dengan banner.Dilihat dari judul artikel ini sebenarnya yang dimaksud adalah cara memasang...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Magic of Winter.

Snow descends upon Earth from the Buddha realms cascading softly to surround the bustling humanity in tranquility. Methodically it falls, bringing with it the silence of a morning meditation at a mountain temple. Winter offers the jewel of reflection, which allows us a vivid and stark yet peaceful reminder of impermanence. The snow doesn't ask why it falls or why it melts -- It is at peace being snow, water or vapor. May peace be upon you regardless of the moment.~Peace to all bein...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"The Magician of Lhasa," a Book Review.

It is rare to find a book of fiction based on Buddhism and even rarer still to find one worthy of reading. Well, "The Magician of Lhasa" by David Michie. The first 50 pages are kind of slow but keep reading because after that the story explodes into an exciting, fascinating, mysterious, suspenseful literary ride. Upon receiving the book I was dreading to hear how Buddhism would be presented and used in a novel as in the past many fiction writers have badly misrepresented Buddhist philosophy.However,...

"The Novice," a Book Review.

Who amongst us hasn't fantasized about a spiritual pilgrimage to for secret, life-changing wisdom. It seems that many of us, (Westerners especially) come to Buddhism with wild imaginations of climbing the Himalayas to get enlightenment from a 200 year old monk. That was what author of "The Novice" Stephen Schettini seemed to set out looking for on his pilgrimage to the East -- mostly India.He learned, like all of us must at some point that Buddhism can be practiced anywhere in the world and that...

Happy Belated Winter Solstice to my Pagan Friends.

Yesterday, December 21st is winter solstice, otherwise known as Midwinter. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year, which is the last blast of darkness before the sun rises slowly but surely to offer longer and longer days and increased sunlight. So it is a day of rebirth, which is very much in-line with Buddhist beliefs. I welcome the suns rebirth with great happiness. So, Happy Solstice everyone!!PHOTO CREDIT: Winter Solstice occurring at Stonehenge in Great Britain.~Peace to all...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Yet Another Abbot Asked to Expel Thich Nhat Hanh Monastics.

(Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh -- Pictured above with brown robe showing)James: As many know, monastics in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh were forcefully removed from Bat Nha monastery in Vietnam by the communist government and local mobs. However, communist dictatorships are historically notorious for staging mob riots by secret police dressed in plain clothes to appear as peasants. The government claims the abbot of the monastery was the one who initiated the demand...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Help the Vietnamese Zen Monks of Bat Nha Monastery.

James: Please write your leaders to urge them in assisting the violently oppressed Vietnamese monks who follow in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh at Bat Nha monastery in that Southeast Asian country. They seek temporary asylum until they can return to their beloved, beautiful homeland. May their pure wish to peacefully practice the Dharma be fulfilled. Svaha!!~Peace to all bein...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Menghilangkan Pilihan Sistem Operasi Windows Linux

Sebagai seorang yang ingin lebih mengenal tentang komputer, tentu banyak cara yang dicoba guna memenuhi keingintahuan sesorang, salah satunya dengan mengubah atau menambah sistem operasi pada komputer miliknya. Misalkan saja kita sedang memiliki komputer dengan sistem operasi yang terpasang adalah sistem operasi microsoft windows, kemudian kita juga ingin mempelajari sistem operasi linux atau...

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Art of Happiness in a Trouble World.

I just finished reading the follow-up book to the #1 bestseller, "The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living" by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, MD. The follow-up is titled, "The Art of Happiness in a Trouble World. I found things that I liked in this book, however, I wouldn't be honest if I said it was an excellent book. I don't like to be critical in life but I won't say I liked something if I didn't. I must say though that this wasn't the Dalai Lama's fault in the least but...

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have recently come across an interesting science theory call Biocentrism as proposed by scientist Robert Lanza. I was fascinated with the many connections between it and much Buddhist philosophy. I will give you a quick run-down of what Biocentrism is about via wikipedia, which isn't the best source but it's the easiest for my purposes but I encourage you to read about it further. Biocentrism posits that life created the universe and not the other way around as traditional science has taught us....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Button Dengan 3D Button Creator Gold

Membuat button sendiri dengan memanfaatkan software 3D Button Creator Gold. Dengan 3D Button Creator Gold kita bisa dengan mudah membuat sebuah button yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membuat menu sebuah blog misalnya atau menu sebuah website. Button yang dibuat menggunakan 3D Button Creator Gold bisa berbentuk Rectangle (sudut tajam), elips (bentuk telur) dan RoundRec (segi empat dengan sudut...

Happy Rohatsu!! Otherwise Known as Bodhi Day.

Today is the day that we Buddhists celebrate the enlightenment of Buddha and thus rejoice in the path of peace and liberation from suffering, which he so selflessly offered up to us and made his life's mission. It is a day that changed the world and I seek to keep that vision and energy alive today. I dedicate this next year to working harder at better representing Buddha's teachings and essence and I apologize for my faults in this area whenever they pop up as they inevitably do and will. In particular,...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Balancing Buddha.

James: This is a long article and I wanted to add my usual analysis and personal note with a quoted story but I think the author, Joan Gattuso says it all in this very well done article. So I'm going to quote the entire article here. It's a Tricycle piece and while I've been critical of them of late it was mostly in relation to one specific article and I will always recognize good writing regardless of the publication or person. It'll be a bit long but it's a really thoughtful article on the dangers...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Meraih Puluhan Dolar Dengan Jual Link

Setelah mencari tau kemana-mana di dunia maya diantar ama mbah google untuk mencari tau informasi tentang cara menjual link akhirnya terdampar juga dibeberapa situs yang menjelaskan cara menjual link melalui web atau blog.Untuk Memasang Link di web atau blog kita tentu ada persyaratannya yaitu harus memiliki ranking web blog minimum adalah dua (PR2) sedangkan untuk page rank masih di bawah...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Menerima Pembayaran Kedua AdsenseCamp

Dunia maya memang benar-benar menyediakan lahan atau tempat kerja yang cukup menggembirakan, didukung dengan perkembangan teknologi komputer dengan jaringan internetnya dan semakin luas penggunaan internet sehingga semakin banyak pengusaha untuk mempromosikan hasil produksinya melalui dunia internet.Iklan-iklan yang dipromosikan melalui internet memang sangat efektif karena mudahnya...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Adobe Photoshop Membuat Efek Bayangan Air

Artikel kali ini tentang belajar adobe cs bagaimana cara membuat efek bayangan dalam air. Untuk memulai membuat bayangan dalam air terlebih dahulu sediakan satu buah objek yang nantinya akan diberikan efek bayangan dalam air.Langkah pertama adalah  buka objek gambar yang akan diberi efek bayangan dalam air (seperti gambar di atas) kemudian ikuti langkah berikut :  Karena yang saya...

Global Warning and Eating a Meat Based Diet.

This is a short 3 minute video. PLEASE watch it. It won't take much time out of your day but the effects could be monumental.~Peace to all bein...

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