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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Haircuts: Now with ZEN!!

Being Friday I decided to post something a little light-hearted. Every week or so I scan through the news stories via Google News on Buddhism and Zen. Well, the other day I came across an advertisement for a beauty salon in Dubai called, "Zen Beauty Lounge."I had to giggle a bit because the idea of primping and dying hair isn't exactly the image I think of when I think, "Zen." When I think, "Zen" and "hair" I think of bald monks!! I doubt all the ladies going to this salon in Dubai would want to...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Buddhist Converts in India.

For the last 5-10 years I have watched in marvel at the mass conversions in India from Hinduism to Buddhism. It was explained to me that many of the converts are Dalits, (the "untouchables") or members of the lowest caste. I can see why someone who is treated as less-than simply for being born into a certain caste would seek the freedom from caste through Buddhism. Buddhism tells us that we are all equal and interconnected, thus, how can we treat any other being as less than us when they are apart...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hidden Buddhas: A Book Review.

Sacred Buddha statues imbued with ancient powers are disappearing. From the minute you open this book your are pulled into a page turning mystery with nothing less than the fate of humanity, Buddhism and the world at stake. What unfolds is a novel that crosses the path of many people who seemingly have nothing in common, or do they?The energy of the book hurls you forward and deeper into a world balanced between spirituality and total chaos but page by page that balance teeters toward the unimaginable....

Mindful Gardening in Prison.

Nelson Mandela may have started it all when he was in prison—"A garden is one of the few things in prison that one could control," he wrote in his autobiography. "Being a custodian of this patch of earth offered a small taste of freedom." But the idea probably rose to national fame only earlier this past decade, when the Garden Project of San Francisco started selling fresh produce to Alice Waters's acclaimed Chez Panisse restaurant.Catherine Sneed, the woman who in 1992 founded that project, which...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Upgrade/Install Windows XP to Windows 7 (seven) Ultimate

Microsoft windows terus saja berkembang, sejak muncul pertama kali dengan windows 3.0 (os microsoft yang saya kenal lo...), windows 3.11, windows 95, windows 2000, windows xp, windows vista dan kini muncul kembali sistem operasi yang paling besar jumlah pemakaian di seluruh dunia ini dengan nama baru Windows 7 (seven). Dengan munculnya windows versi terbaru ini membuat pengguna komputer ingin...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haiti: A Chance to Practice International Metta.

Some people in America are complaining that the American government has given $100 million for relief efforts in Haiti. They argue that we should be spending that money here because we have our own problems. They think that people should donate on their own instead of using our tax dollars. I say that's cruel, selfish and irresponsible for a country with as much wealth as we have. I think we should do both -- donate and offer up tax dollars.I know that we are having a deep recession but even still...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Intel Menghentikan Produksi Centrino dan Celeron

Intel kini memproduksi produk baru untuk menggantikan produk lama Celeron dan Centrino. Kedatangan keluarga baru Intel yaitu, i3, i5 dan i7 membuat produsen chip tersebut siap menghentikan produksi kartu chip untuk platform Centrino dan Celeron."Kedatangan chip keluarga 'i' tersebut memang untuk menggantikan produk sebelumnya, Celeron dan Centrino. Tapi bertahap, karena ada transisinya....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Menambah Partisi Baru Hard Disk dengan Partition Magic 8.0

Mempartisi hard disk dengan menggunakan sistem operasi sudah biasa dan sudah sering dilakukan sedangkan untuk mempartisi hard disk setelah sistem operasi terinstall masih ada pemula yang belum mencobanya maka dari itu artikel ini sangat berguna bagi pemula yang hendak menambah sebuah partisi hard disk pada komputernya menggunakan Partition Magic 8.0.Untuk memulai membuat partisi baru...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Texas Continues to Execute the Developmentally Disabled Despite Supreme Court Ruling.

It is unconstitutional to execute mentally retarded prisoners in the United States. The state of Texas, however, appears to have found a loophole, according to a published report. In the Supreme Court's 2002 ruling on Atkins v. Virginia, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote, "Because of their disabilities in areas of reasoning, judgment, and control of their impulses ... [the mentally retarded] do not act with the level of moral culpability that characterizes the most serious adult criminal conduct."...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cara Mengubah Password Facebook

Password atau PIN (Personal Identification Number) adalah sebuah kata kunci yang hanya digunakan oleh sesorang untuk melakukan akses ke suatu akun yang sangat rahasia seperti sebuah akun email atau akun di sebuah bank. Jagalah kerahasiaan PIN atau password agar tidak diketahui oleh orang yang tidak berkepentingan.Selama PIN atau password tersebut masih bisa terjaga kerasahasiaannya tidak...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help Haiti After Devastating Earthquake.

UPDATE: It's been brought to my attention that The Red Cross might not be trusted by some in communities of color. A website run by Haitian born rapper, Wyclef Jean is a great place to donate as he has strong and long-time links to the Haitian people. I tried donating to his website instead of Red Cross but it was down at the time. Here is his website: Click here. There are some Buddhist organizations too that are mentioned in the comment section. Feel free to add information as you know it. Or...

Daden Book Expo

Ayo datang ke Daden book expo dan ikuti lomba cerita buku karya Master Sheng Yen-Ludi mall ciputrainfo lengkap di...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meditation is an Off-Road Adventure.

"Meditation isn’t about following directions down a mental highway: it’s an off-road adventure." -Barry Evans(Thanks to my friend Phil over at Tricycle Magazine for the quote).~Peace to all beings~PHOTO CREDIT: This is a beautiful picture by Udderly Jodi on Flickr. Check out all her pictures -- they're wonderful. I love trails through the woods and watching monks tread this path reminds me of following the middle-path of Buddhism through out the wilderness of life....

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brit Hume Doesn't Think He Denigrated Buddhism.

James: So Brit claims he didn't denigrate Buddhism in his original comment when he said that the Buddhist faith doesn't offer forgiveness or redemption. He has basically cast Buddhism as a cold, unforgiving religion that offers no hope for all of us imperfect beings. I try not to attach too much to my Buddhist beliefs but that was indeed an uneducated comment at best and at worst down right bigotry. You and Bill then claim that you weren't proselytizing but you were attempting to influence Woods to turn to Christianity -- That is proselytizing. Christians can proselytize all they want but for...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bagaimana Cara Melakukan Installasi Aplikasi

Ilmu Installasi aplikasi ini hanya ditulis untuk para pemula saja yang ingin melakukan installasi aplikasi pada komputer miliknya sendiri. Artikel ini saya tulis juga merupakan jawaban atas pertanyaan salah satu sobat pengunjung blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer yang alamat blognya http://diktusmagabe.blogspot.com/.Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah melakukan installasi suatu aplikasi.Untuk...

A Question for Brit Hume.

We all know by now that Brit Hume slammed Buddhism this past weekend by saying Tiger Woods needs to turn to Christianity if he wants to be forgiven and redeemed. The irony being that by bringing up Buddhism on such a public level he has sparked curiosity in the religion. That said, Buddhists really don't care how many Buddhists there are in comparison to other religions. We're not interested in competing with other belief systems. We don't do the proselytizing thing. It's a bit too forceful for...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brit Hume, Buddhism, Christianity and Tiger Woods.

James: Imagine if he was speaking about Christianity instead of Buddhism??? There would be marches in the streets and rallies denouncing Hume and FOX News for not firing him. I'm not saying that such angry demonstrations should take place by Buddhists in response to these ludicrous statements. Quite the contrary. I think the ironic and appropriate thing to do in response is to forgive yet educate him and America as to what Buddhism is about because it is clear that Brit Hume knew nothing of the religion he denounced. And my guess is that the majority of the audience of FOX News doesn't either.That...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Tips Trik Menambah Sidebar Blogspot

Sidebar adalah kolom kecil yang berada di sisi kiri atau kanan halaman blog utama (main) yang merupakan tempat untuk ditempatkannya gadget-gadget seperti gadget About me, Blog Archive, HTML/JavaScript dan gadget-gadget lainnya. Contoh blog dengan 3 (tiga) sidebar bisa dilihat di sini.Setiap kali kita membuat blog baru, suda terdapat sidebar standard, ada yang memiliki hanya satu sidebar, ada...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Thai Buddhism and Ordaining Women as Nuns.

The Bangkok Post, Dec 30, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand -- The forest monks of Wat Nong Pah Pong want the Council of Elders and the Office of National Buddhism to impose stricter controls on Western monks to stop them from ordaining women. They also want the properties of Thai temples in the West to come under the ownership of the Thai Sangha to ensure complete control. The monks are seeking the changes after the recent ordination of two women at Bodhinyana Temple, a branch of Wat Nong Pah Pong in Perth,...

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