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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Perancang Template Terbaru dari Blogger

Blogger Dalam Konstruksi ini adalah fasilitas baru yang diperuntukkan pra blogger pengguna blogspot, sebagai bukti begitu besarnya perhatian blogger terhadap para pengguna blogger. Dengan fasilitas ini semua menjadi semakin mudah dalam mengolah blog dimana seorang blogger bisa melakukan konstruksi blognya sambil dapat melihat langsung hasilnya. Sebelumnya setelah melakukan perubahan pada...

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Buddha on PBS April 7th.

The Public Broadcasting Service here in America was kind enough to send me an advanced copy of the documentary, "The Buddha" by David Grubin, which is set to air on April 7th (check your local listings). It tells the story of the life of Buddha and the teaches he shared that would bloom into one of the largest religions of the world. As I watched it noticed I noticed that it was very similar to Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh's book, "Old Path, White Clouds." It is a book that is very thick and somewhat...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mengubah Readmore menjadi Baca Selanjutnya

Readmore pada awalnya tidak dilengkapi dalam blogger sehingga para pemilik blog berusaha membuatnya sendiri dengan menambah script untuk readmore.Namun saat ini mungkin karena blogger selalu memperhatikan para pengguna blog yang menggunakan blogger maka blogger pun sudah mengikut sertakan yang namanya readmore.Menu readmore pada jendela posting artikel terlihat seperti dalam gambar...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Memasang Slideshow Pada Blogger

Slide merupakan tampilan berupa objek yang dalam kurun waktu tertentu selalu bergantian tampil antara objek atau image yang satu dengan image yang lainnya.Artikel ini merupakan jawaban atas pertanyaan dari sobat kita Diktus yang menanyakan bagaimana cara menempatkan slide pada blog seperti yang ada pada blog ini. Sebenarnya sih tulisan tentang memasang slide pada blog ini sudah banyak ditulis...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Unmistaken Child" Documentary on PBS is Worth Your Time.

I was recently sent an advanced copy of an upcoming documentary on PBS titled, "Unmistaken Child." It follows the journey of a young monk in Nepal looking for the reincarnation of a great lama who also happens to be beloved friend. This documentary was as much about finding the courage to believe in yourself as much as it was about finding the reincarnated Rinpoche.As a Zen Buddhist, I try not to follow my mind down the rabbit hole into the realm of what happens after death too much because it is...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Auto Hide Navbar pada BlogSpot

Navbar pada blogspot akan selalu tampil apabila sebuah blog dibuka oleh seseorang karena navbar adalah salah satu persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi, (TOS) dari blogger sendiri.Namun akan lebih baik apabila navbar yang akan selalu muncul di bagian atas blog kita, bisa dihilangkan, namun sekali lagi apabila navbar tersebut sudah tentu melanggar TOS dari blogger. Maukah blog anda yang sudah anda...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tugging on Nature is Tugging on all Things.

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, one finds it attached to the rest of the world.-John MuirJames: I propose that while all environments are helpful, nature is one of the best places to understand interconnection and interdependence. It is sometimes difficult to see the importance of interconnection in the concrete mazes of our cities where we have sacrificed a sense of community on the altar of individuality. It's still possible to witness the interconnection in city life but difficult...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Walking Meditation Through the Woods.

Feet touch the damp Earth as green, wet leaves stick to well worn heels as they reach a small clearing on the edge of a forest. The smell of Earthy life fills lungs and relaxes muscles. A reverent hush rolls through the emerald forest and the silent figure stops to gaze up into the rain soaked branches just as a cool drop falls upon the fore head--the third eye. The person smiles, breathes deeply and methodically and slowly continues down the meandering path until they disappear into another dense...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Zen of Pain.

I have from time to time heard of monks who can meditate in the freezing cold and maintain a warm body temperature, and those who have a high threshold for pain. Well, it seems that science has proven that meditation helps reduce pain.AFP, March 3, 2010 Montreal, Canada -- ZEN meditation helps lower sensitivity to pain by thickening a part of the brain that regulates emotion and painful sensations, according to a study published recently. University of Montreal researchers compared the grey matter...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Bukti Penghasilan Dari Internet

Teknologi Internet sangat bermanfaat memberikan segala informasi dan dari mana saja informasi, semuanya dapat diperoleh melalui internet. Internet selalu memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh pengguna internet itu sendiri.Tidak semua yang ada di internet itu memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap pengguna internet, tergantung orang yang memanfaatkan informasi yang ada di...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can You Imagine the Dalai Lama Holding a Machine Gun?

Neither can I, but that's exactly what some are suggesting now that Tibet has been under Chinese occupation for over 50 years. A recent online article called for the Dalai Lama to end the campaign of non-violence in relation to the oppressive Chinese government:It has been 51 years since the last most significant Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. That’s a long time. In the ensuing years under the leadership of the 14th Dalai Lama the Tibetan people have chosen a non-violent protest against...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Persist" by Peter Clothier is an Inspiration to Creative People Everywhere.

Peter Clothier is a long time expert in art, a fellow dharma practitioner and fellow blogger. You can find his blog over at, "The Buddha Diaries." He has written a great, easy to read book titled, Persist: In Praise of the Creative Spirit in a World Gone Mad with Commerce. As both a Buddhist and an artist I was pleased to read aspects of Buddhism within his advice on how to be a creative person/artist in this modern world of commerce.I especially liked how the author compassionately stated that...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya 2010.

The Dalai Lama recently visited to Bodh Gaya for discourses to Buddhist pilgrims at the Mahabodhi temple. The following, and above are all pictures taken during his visit to the site venerated by Buddhists as the place where Buddha realized enlightenment. I like the first three pictures and the last one most.~Peace to all beings~PHOTO CREDITS: Tenzin Choejor of The Office of His Holiness the Dalai La...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Panduan Mengubah Icon Blogger Favicon

Logo blogger yang sudah tidak asing lagi di mata para pengguna internet karena begitu khas dengan lambang huruf B dan juga begitu banyak pengguna internet yang membuat blog gratisnya menggunakan blogspot sehingga logo blogger/blogspot selalu terlihat sepeti :Artikel ini saya posting atas permintaan sobat kita yang bernama Salim yang menanyakan tentang cara mengubah icon bloggger (favi...

Science, the Brain and Meditation.

One of the subjects that interest me most is the intersection of science and Buddhism as I highly value both. So, it is always enlightening and exciting to see where they meet and compliment each other. I have posted several articles showing the effects of mediation on the brain but this one triggered a fresh perspective to the subject--That being the interactions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain:Enlightenment has been described in many ways, but what is common to most descriptions...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bill Maher: Buddhism is a Crock and Outdated.

The Worst Horse as usual is on its game in reporting another example of just how foreign Buddhism still is to many in the West. Bill Maher, the American comedian and t.v. show host (who I usually find hilarious) recently said some pretty uninformed things about Buddhism. His comments are in red and mine in yellow:Maher: [Buddhism] really is outdated in some ways — the “Life sucks, and then you die” philosophy was useful when Buddha came up with it around 500 B.C., because back then life pretty much...

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