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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Cure.

Just like a fever breaks, last night I felt a deep and rejuvenating release from the rising waters that had crested yesterday with my, "discouraged" post. It isn't the "cure" of liberation from the cycle of suffering and rebirth but rather a break in the fever that is discouragement. Writing out my emotions has long helped me process the disorienting thoughts that ensnares all of our minds. It is a form of honesty, which is a trait that I've been blessed and cursed with. Blessed in the sense that...

Saturday, June 26, 2010


***WARNING: LONG Rant ahead that's not your typical "Kittens and flowers" Buddhist post***I'm struggling lately in my Dharma practice. I haven't meditated in months--not because I don't want to because I do, but I just can't get myself to do it. A large part of it is my mental illness that makes finding motivation extra challenging. Especially when the heavy medicating drugs I have to take to prevent mania and psychotic episodes zap me further of the will to do much of anything. It's difficult to...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Buddhism, the Dalai Lama and Quantum Physics.

I have deleted the post on Buddhism and quantum physics because it appears that I didn't fully understand quantum physics before attempting this write-up. I apologize for any confusion that I might have created. I do still believe though that there is a strong connection between Buddhism and science.-James R. UrePHOTO CREDIT: Gail Atk...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Menampilkan Hidden File Folder Terserang Virus

Permasalahan kerusakan file, kehilangan file, file terhidden/disembunyikan virus, folder diubah menjadi folder.exe a(executable), hal semacam ini sudah sering sekali dipertanyakan dan sudah banyak yang menulis di blog/web mereka sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut.Hari ini virus tersebut ternyata belum tamat juga... karena hari ini terbukti pertanyaan itu muncul kembali di Facebook...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tips Sebelum Memulai Mencari Uang di Internet

Blogger pemula seperti saya tidak ada salahnya untuk mencari sesuatu yang mempunyai nilai tambah itu hal yang wajar. Semula awalnya saya hanya ingin mengetahui apa sebenarnya blog itu sehingga saya mencoba membuat sebuah blog. Tapi sebelumnya saya mencari tahu dulu seluk beluk tentang blog di dunia maya dan ditunjukkan oleh om google apa itu blog dan bagaimana membuatnya.Setelah mengetahui...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Green Buddhism.

Our environment is the ultimate middle-path. In order for life to exist and thrive upon Earth the environmental conditions must be perfectly balanced for optimum benefit. It is because of the importance of this delicate balance that, as a Buddhist, I am also a committed environmentalist.So, as you can imagine I've been watching with horror like everyone else the volcano of oil gushing night and day from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Ultimately this BP disaster has come about from our collective...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Link Blog Sobat BIK Pemula

WeruTechBlog WeruTechTobiPukenEndiPiran TobiPuken BlogBlog Lalu Lintas Hendri PiranKlik GandaFemalebox TobiPukenFemalebox TobiPukenAksesoris Kompu...

Comment from Management.

I was hoping that things wouldn't come to this but I guess now that the blog is getting increasingly popular with each passing day I am seeing an alarming increase in spam comments. Some of these comments include links to sites that can be offensive to some people and I don't wish to have that kind of advertising on my Buddhist blog. However, unfortunately that now means that I will have to approve comments before you'll see them post. Thank-you for your patience, continued readership and I apologize...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sharing Internet Modem via WiFi

Koneksi internet hanya 2 komputer (biasa dikenal dengan sebutan peer to peer connection) via Wifi untuk memanfaatkan koneksi internet menggunakan modem, baik itu modem CDMA, GSM atau Speedy dapat dilakukan dengan mudah.Untuk menggunakan koneksi internet via modem secara bersama oleh 2 orang yang menggunakan laptop dan memiliki media wireless network built in, tidaklah sulit namun perlu...

Monday, June 14, 2010

You Can't See the Whole Sky Through a Bamboo Tube.

You can't see the whole sky through a bamboo tube. ~Japanese proverbThe perceptions of our daily life are like looking up into the vast, detailed night sky through the confines of a bamboo tube and stating definitively that we have an accurate picture of its reality. The bamboo tube is akin to our perceptions of the world, which are seemingly real holograms of reality based on ignorance that we are separate from everything else. Perceptions that place us at the center of a world that has no center. Perceptions limit us to only what we can perceive with our limited sense organs (sight, smell, touch,...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mengubah Header Blog

Header atau judul blog yang biasanya terletak paling atas dari sebuah tampilan blog memang sangat menentukan kekhasan tersediri. Dengan melihat judulnya kita sudah bisa membayangkan isi dari blog tersebut, oleh karena itu para blogger belomba-lomba mendesain tampilan blog sedemikian rupa sehingga terlihat menawan dan mempunyai identitas yang berbeda dengan blog yang lain. Sebenarnya artikel...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Einstein Understood Non-Duality and The Present Moment.

Before he died, Einstein said "Now Besso [an old friend] has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us ... know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."James: While in Buddhism we acknowledge the past and future we teach not to deal too much upon them because the past has past and the future is determined in the present moment. Yet, Einstein is right as well that time is part of the mindstream...

10 Questions for the Dalai Lama.

The thing that I like about the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist teachers taking questions from everyday people is that you get such a wide variety of queries that most people can relate to. Sometimes you read an interview of the Dalai Lama or other teacher where deep, philosophical questions are put forth from some journalist or documentary director.At times, they are so in-depth and esoteric that I don't even understand what's being asked!! I do like deep, philosophical questions and dialogues from...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Repair Sistem Operasi Windows XP

Sistem operasi windows adalah jembatan penghubung antara user atau pengguna komputer dengan aplikasi-aplikasi yang berbasis windows sehingga sistem operasi windows sangatlah penting untuk selalu diperhatikan dan dirawat agar penggunaan sistem operasi windows tetap stabil sehingga aplikasi yang ada di dalamnya tetap bisa dapat digunakan.Namun tidak selamanya sistem operasi itu berjalan mulus...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Burma Building Nukes.

A new investigation has revealed that Burma has begun a nuclear weapons program with the help of North Korea. A documentary made by the Norway-based group Democratic Voice of Burma says evidence has come from top-secret material smuggled out of the country over several years. The investigation found the south-east Asian country was a long way from producing a nuclear weapon, but had gone to great lengths to acquire the technology and expertise to do so. Read the full report: Click on this sentence.The...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How Do Love Your Self if There is No-Self?

Buddha is well known for teaching that there is no such thing as a "self" but something I have struggled with for some time is, "how does self-love fit into that context?" My therapist is trying to help me love myself more because I don't always have the best self-esteem. I believe the Buddha too has taught about the importance of self-love.So, my dilemma from a Buddhist standpoint is, "how can I "love" my "self" if attaching importance (which love does to a degree) to a sense of, "self" is delusion...

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