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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve.

They say that the body is a temple and I agree, which might seem odd to some spiritualists because in several religious traditions to mark the skin is considered desecration. I feel that the body is one of the most beautiful works of art known to the human eye and that it only seems natural to honor it by adorning it with meaningful and inspirational designs. Just like monks might adorn a temple with mantras, spires, statues, sculpted trim and other accents that express the sacredness of the Dharma...

Monday, September 27, 2010

In Defense of the Kalama Sutra.

My writings lately on the Kalama Sutra being a Buddhist version of the "scientific method" have sparked a discussion about its essence. Found here. And, so, I decided to make a new post using my comments addressing the points of the readers Dylan and Jayavara. Dylan mentioned a discourse of the Kalama Sutra by the Theravadan monk Bhikkhu Bodhi. I won't speculate on Dylan's intentions in posting that link but I do disagree slightly with the Bhikkhu's analysis on the sutra. I want to make it clear...

Having the Kalama Sutra as a Foundation.

My last post mentioned the Kalama Sutra and a discussion in the comment section had me analyzing this fundamental sutra further. Doug commented how the Kalama Sutra hit him like a bolt and is aiding him in gaining a deeper, and wider awareness of the Dharma.I have mentioned here before that I have been (and still am) deeply influenced by science. I don't agree with some Buddhists who say the Dharma and science have nothing in common, or shouldn't in fact interact. I think the Kalama Sutra teaches...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Menampilkan Folder Dihidden Virus

Virus memang sangat menjengkelkan, ada virus yang merusak, menghapus data namun ada virus hanya menyembunyikan data.Seperti yang saya alami kemarin, salah seorang konsumen saya yang saya bantu memberikan materi belajar internet di rumahnya, kebetulan di komputer konsumen saya ini tidak terpasang antivirus sehingga virus dengan leluasa masuk ke komputer ini tanpa permisi...Kemunginan...

Putting Buddhist Leaders on a Pedestal.

It isn't a secret that some in the west have an infatuation with Buddhism. It is still relatively new to the majority of Americans, having only really been absorbed by the white populations that make up most of the country since the 1950s. So, it still is in a bit of a honeymoon phase where for some in these white populations put the teachers on pedestals. For my non-American readers that means thinking that a certain person is perfect, so much so that you're willing to look past obvious faults...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Install Dua Office Dalam Satu Komputer

Cepatnya perkembangan microsoft office membuat pengguna komputer kewalahan mempelajarinya sehingga tidak bisa menguasai microsoft office versi seblumnya dan kita sudah dihadapkan dengan microsoft office versi terbaru.Belum sempat belajar secara tuntas microsoft office versi yang lebih kecil sudah ada microsoft office versi terbaru sehingga kita sebagai pengguna microsoft office dalam...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sex, Sin and Zen: A Buddhist Exploration of Sex.

I was honored to review a copy of Brad Warner's new book titled, Sex, Sin and Zen: A Buddhist Exploration of Sex from Celibacy to Polyamory and Everything in Between. I have yet to finish the book but it's a page turner, eye opener and refreshing expose on the confluence of Buddhism and sexuality. As someone who has long had sexual scars from the upbringing of the religion of my youth; I have long contemplated upon how as a Buddhist I should approach sexuality.Until this book, most of what I have...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Growing Pressure on European Union for a United Nations Investigation of Burmese Regime.

From the U.S. Campaign for Burma:Pressure on the European Union (EU) to support an UN investigation into crimes against humanity in Burma is growing. This week three prominent dissident groups in Burma, the All Burma Monks Alliance, the 88 Generation Students and the All Burma Federation of Student Union sent an open letter to the EU asking for their support. The pressure is working--just this week Hungary announced it supports the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into crimes...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Health, Disease, Karma and Past Lives.

It seems that karma is one of the least understood principles of Buddhism. Yet, at its core it is not too dissimilar to Newtons third law of motion, which says that for every action there is a reaction. Thus, in essence karma is nothing different than cause and effect, which isn't as mystical and confusing as some might think. It stands to reason that if I hit my friend in the head with a hammer that there will be a reaction--and rightly so!!At times though we can become obsessed with our karma...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blogger In Draft Kini Dilengkapi dengan Blogger Stats

Pertama kali melihat menu stats di blogger stats terlintas google analytics, dan memang tidak selengkap di google analitycs namun fasilitas yang ada di blogger stats tidak kalah dengan google analytics karena mampu memberikan informasi mengenai perkembangan blog kita secara real time.Fitur blogger stats ini mempermudah pemilik blog khususnya yang menggunakan Blogger In Draft untuk meman...

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