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Saturday, November 27, 2010


James: I know karma doesn't necessarily work this way, but this sure is ironic:Bernard Matthews, known in Britain as the 'turkey tycoon,' died on Thursday [Thanksgiving, when many Americans eat turkey and give thanks for things in their life] at the age of 80, his company said. "He is the man who effectively put turkey on the plates of everyday working familie...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Altar 2.0

I've finally got the altar up at our new house. I've been wanting a Chinese style altar table for some time as I really like the designs. Plus, at the old place the altar was sitting on our entertainment center. So, it was a bit cramped. I also like that this altar has a little storage space inside; behind a set of small doors in the front of it. You can kind of see them with the knobs in this picture. They slide back and forth, and there is surprisingly more room in it then you might think form...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Surviving Imprisonment as a Buddhist.

As the echoes of the "Saffron Revolution" in Burma continue to reverberate, I have often contemplated the humble monks living in a very real "Hell Realm" of unjust imprisonment. Along with other Buddhists living in prison. One doesn't have to look very far in this world to find the "Hell Realm."Nor does one necessarily need to believe in a metaphysical "Hell Realm" to experience the concept rattling your fragile sense of identity. For these Buddhist in prison, however, their "Hell Realm" is an all...

Friday, November 19, 2010

"Rebel Buddha" Drawing Results.

This is a second clip from the interview with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche (see another clip here) about his book, "Rebel Buddha." Special thanks to Shambhala for the clip. Being a rebel isn't in contrast with Buddhism, so long as it doesn't bring suffering. The Buddha himself was something of a rebel. I enjoyed how the rinpoche explained too that we must channel that rebellious energy, so that it brings about helpful change rather than painful change.Now, onto other business; the results are in from the drawing for the "Rebel Buddha" and the hat has spoken. I was over-whelmed by the response to this...

Dzogchen Ponlop on an American Buddhism.

Interesting view point from the author of "Rebel Buddha" (see my review of the book by clicking on this sentence) on the possibility and viability of an "American Buddhism." Special thanks to the "Rebel Buddha" blog for the video. This isn't coming from a pop-star, celebrity or a person who tries on the latest, "Buddhist flavor of the month." This is Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. A very respected, world-renowned, Tibetan Buddhist scholar, and one of the highest teachers in the Nyingma lineage. He is...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Yuk Belajar Menghitung Jumlah Jenis Kelamin Pada Microsoft Office Exel

Sebagai seorang guru atau seorang administrasi atau karyawan di sebuah lembaga pendidikan atau sekolah merupakan salah satu hal yang diwajibkan untuk mengetahui jumlah siswa yang terdaftar pada sekolah tersebut. Baik dari besar keseluruhan jumlah siswa, kemudian berapa banyaknya siswa yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan.Meski bisa dilakukan dengan cara menghitung secara manual...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stand up to Mistreatment of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and the Transgendered.

James: I am so proud of of this young man for having the courage to face so many powerful adults at this meeting and standing up for his convictions. It's takes a lot of bravery, and I applaud him for it but it is a sad day when kids have to make this argument because enough adults still don't get it. I refuse to stand-by and watch our young people and fellow adults be discriminated against and bullied until those victims take their own life. No more violence, no more hate. We must stand up to these bullies and tell them that we will no longer tolerate our kids being harassed until they think...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Shifting Sands of Change.

(PHOTO CREDIT: Shifting Sands in the Maowusu Desert in China, by Michael Reynolds/EPA).I was contemplating today about the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma and how quickly change can occur. Day after day, month after month and year after year it seemed that Suu Kyi would be frozen in her house arrest for the rest of her life. Then, over-night the seemingly impossible occurred--she was released into the arms of her joyful supporters. It still remains to be seen what effect this will have...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Released from House Arrest!!

(PHOTO CREDIT: REUTERS)YANGON, Myanmar — Myanmar's military government freed its archrival, democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, on Saturday after her latest term of detention expired. Several thousand jubilant supporters streamed to her residence. Suu Kyi has been jailed or under house arrest for more than 15 of the last 21 years.James: You would think that after all the abuse Aung San Suu Kyi has endured at the hands of the military dictatorship in Burma, that she'd be a broken spirit. Yet, she...

Saturday, November 13, 2010


***I am deleting this post because it is causing suffering for some. And, I'm closing the comments section. Goodizen? I understanding that you meant well and weren't trying to plagerize my work. Thank-you for getting back to me. I am working on being less attached to words. It's a fine balance to live in the world but without attachments. Anyway, don't worry anymore. Let's just both breath...and let the confusion and stress fly-off with the wind.***~Peace to all bein...

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Rebel Buddha" by Dzogchen Ponlop. Unleash the Rebel Within!!

When many of us think of a rebel we think of someone who challenges the status quo because of a feeling of confinement or discomfort with how society is unfolding. Buddhist master Dzogchen Penlop shows us in his book, Rebel Buddha that we all have a rebel within. It is the seed of awakening in our brain that was planted by our karma, which begins to grow and stretch against the confines of the ego-mind. It is our inherent Buddha nature or awakened essence that is reclaiming our mind bit by bit,...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Terbaru dari Blogger

Blogger sangat paham dengan kebutuhan para blogger yang selalu melakukan modifikasi blog agar semakin hari blognya akan berpenampilan semakin menarik dan semakin betah pengunjung berlama-lama di blog buatannya.Dengan selalu melakukan update kebutuhan-kebutuhan akan semua blogger, kini blogger melengkapi gadget-gadget pada blogspot dan ada beberapa gadget baru diantaranya Popular Posts dan...

Depression: A Reality of Samsara.

The last few days have been hard ones. I have chronic depression as some of you know from the bipolar end of my Schizoaffective disorder. When we are depressed and feeling defeated; it's all we can think about. In a sense, it's a denial that things are impermanent, and thus a denial that things will get better at some point. Thus, the depression becomes a downward spiral of self-fulling prophecy.We aren't bad or to blame for this denial because we wouldn't do it if we honestly didn't believe the...

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