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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Arizona Bans Karma--Seriously.

Since the dark days of the attacks on America by radical, Islamic terrorists on September 11th 2001, there has been a growing intolerance here for non-Judeo-Christian religions. This has, unfortunately, been mostly aimed at the American-Muslim community in a misguided attempt to combat radical Islam.Unfortunately, there are numerous people in America who can't seem to make a distinction between an Islamic terrorist and an Islamic moderate practicing their religion freely as allowed under the American...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adobe Premiere: The Basics Pt 1

A look at how to use Adobe Premiere CS3. this WILL get you to be know how to edit/create movies and the options within this program. I hope you if you watch these 2 part video you will have an idea on how to do things within Premiere. (Original File) from Premiere was 2.2 Gig but converted it to 30Mb so sorry for the loss of quali...

How to Use Motion Tracking – Adobe Premiere Elements 8

How to use motion tracking in Adobe Premiere Elements 8. This video will show you how to use the tool to create quick motion tracking without having to use keyframing. It can be used to track any subject or part of a subject in your videos. This tool helps you make nice effects with clip art, videos, photos, or text.Video Rating: 5 / 5This video will show you how to make a lightsabre in Adobe Premiere Elements 8. It also shows you how to make lightning shoot from your hand. It is a great demo with effects and sou...

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Essential Training DVD Part 10/60


Premiere Pro CS5 Ultra Key Sample Footage

Sample footage produced by the Adobe Premiere CS5 Ultra Key. This footage was produced with Panasonic AVCCAM footage (HMC150) edited “RAW” in Premiere Pro CS5. No rendering was required during editing, it played in real time on the timeline, and Premiere exported this seven or so minutes of keyed footage in less than fifteen minutes. Meaning — it took longer to upload this to YouTube than it did to encode it.Video Rating: 0 / 5It’s no secret that two of the biggest enhancements in CS5 are the Mercury...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Buddhism and Valentines Day.

This year the average American will spend $116 on Valentine's Day, which is a holiday in honor of love. In years past, I have boycotted Valentine's Day because of it's commercialism but this year I have decided to focus on the love aspect while discarding the consumerism that clouds this day dedicated to love. In honor of the true meaning of love, I would like to share several quotes from Buddhist thinkers on the subject. First, it is important to understand what true love is about.Zen master Thich...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Interview with an American Buddhist Soldier Serving in Afghanistan. Part II.

And, now, the second half of my inteview with American Buddhist Lieutenant Hunnewell who is currently serving in the U.S. military in the war in Afghanistan (to read the first half of the interview, click on this sentence):4). How do your other soldiers feel about your Buddhist practice?On occasion I will receive questions about what the Buddhist practice entails and am increasingly receiving questions pertaining to the subjects of meditation and mindfulness. The Army is educating Soldiers more...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Vary changes to speed or direction with Time Remapping

Vary change to clip speedMove an unsplit speed keyframeMove a split speed keyframePlay a clip backward, then forwardRemove the Time Remapping effectYou can speed up, slow down, play backward, or freeze video portions of a clip using the Time Remapping effect. Using speed keyframes, you can change speed numerous times within the same clip. Take a clip of a man walking, for example. You can show him moving forward quickly, slowing suddenly, stopping mid-step, and even walking backward, before resuming...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Membagi Side Bar Menjadi 2 Kolom

Artikel membagi sidebar blogspot menjadi 2 kolom ini sebenarnya sudah banyak sobat blogger yang menulis di blognya namun berhubung ada sobat pengunjung blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer yang menanyakan maka saya juga ikutan menulis cara membagi sidebar menjadi 2 kolom ini agar pengunjung blog BIK Pemula ini tidak susah mencari lagi kesana-kemari.Membagi sidebar menjadi dua kolom atau dengan kata...

Color Correction Tutorial – Adobe Premiere Elements

Here is my updated version on a Color Correction Tutorial in Adobe Premiere Elements (7.0). My Personal Channel: www.youtube.com Twitter: www.twitter....

Reverse Video Tutorial

Using adobe Premiere for editing your vi...

Interview with an American Buddhist Soldier Serving in Afghanistan.

(Above: 1st Lt. Stephen J. Hunnewell)Recently I was given the opportunity and honor to interview Buddhist Soldier and two-time Bronze Star Medal recipient, 1st Lt. Stephen J. Hunnewell, who is currently serving with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. I just first want to say how wonderful it is to know that there are Buddhists in the military. It is my hope that the calming teachings of Buddhism are helping the soldier deal with the stresses of combat.I was humbled to be able to interview such a unique...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cara Membuat Langganan Artikel Melalui Email di Blog

Langganan artikel biasanya dikenal dengan subscribe yang mana setiap pengunjung memasukan alamat email ke blog seseorang guna mendapatkan update artikel terbaru sehingga tidak ketinggalan informasi yang ada pada blog tersebut.Artikel ini sebenarnya sudah banyak diposting oleh rekan-rekan blogger yang lain dan dianggap sudah jadul namun tidak ada salahkan saya tulis kembali caranya disini...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Colorado Town Allows Funeral Pyre Cremation.

CRESTONE, Colo. -- Belinda Ellis' farewell went as she wanted. One by one, her family placed juniper boughs and logs about her body, covered in red cloth atop a rectangular steel grate inside a brick-lined hearth. With a torch, her husband lit the fire that consumed her, sending billows of smoke into the blue-gray sky of dawn. The outdoor funeral pyre in this southern Colorado mountain town is unique. Funeral and cremation industry officials say they are unaware of any other place in the nation...

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