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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ngobrol via Facebook Messenger

Hari ini saya buka FB saya, tidak biasanya sebuah pesan muncul di bagian atas halaman facebook saya tentang "Mengobrol dari Komputer, Dengan aplikasi Messenger untuk windows yang baru, anda dapat mengobrol dengan teman tanpa membuka Facebook". Saya coba melakukan installasi aplikasi mesenger facebook ini. Setelah berhasil melakukan installasi kemudian menjalankannya, ternyata FB Messenger ini...

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Lost Treasures of Afghanistan" (video)

National Geographic; Wisdom QuarterlyDuring Afghanistan's civil war in the 1990s, the National Museum outside [the capital] Kabul was literally on the front line, repeatedly attacked by rocket fire and looted by [CIA-inspired] warlords.    Then, during the reign of the fundamentalist [CIA-created] Taliban regime, all non-Islamic statues and tombs were ordered destroyed. This led to the loss of two-thirds of the hundred thousand items in the Kabul museum.       ...

Ancient Buddhism in Pakistan, China (video)

Siddhartha Chabukswar; updated June 2012, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly The former Buddhist civilization of northwestern India, now Islamic Pakistan    SWAT, Pakistan (formerly northwestern India) - Militants are holding sway in restive Swat Valley. They are destroying the remnants and heritage of Gandhara Buddhist civilization there.In the absence of appropriate security arrangements, a historic rock-carved image of the Buddha (near Jahanabad) has already been partially...

Another "Buddha" - Padmasambhava (video)

Buddhist Films; Wisdom Quarterly (DharmaPublishingBookstore.com)This is the dramatic story not of Maitreya, the Buddha-to-come, but of the ancient Indian Buddhist missionary Guru Padmasambhava. He was born in Udhyana -- modern Swat Valley, Pakistan -- and traveled across mountains and icy desert plains, moving across the spectacular Himalayas and finally reaching the Tibetan Plateau. Benoy K. Behl created this film to tell his story of one of the most forceful personalities of all history....

Can girls be sex addicts? (video)

TurnMeOnDamnit.com; Amber Dorrian, Seven, Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Indieculturebox Sex addiction (whether called nymphomania or satyriasis) is a sad condition, but it is funny and entertaining as the topic of a Scandinavian teen sex comedy -- with all the neurosis and discomfort of high school.  TURN ME ON, DAMNIT! was awarded "Best Screenplay" at the Tribeca Film Festival 2011. It is a story about a group of teenage friends who feel trapped in the Norwegian small town they live in, which...

Facelift for Pakistan Buddha (Jahanabad)

Dawn.com; Wisdom QuarterlySculpture of the Buddha with face destroyed by Taliban, Jahanabad, Swat Valley, Pakistan (AP)   JAHANABAD, Pakistan (ancient Gandhara, India) - When the [CIA-created] Taliban blew the face off a towering, 1,500-year-old rock carving of the Buddha in northwest Pakistan almost five years ago, it fell to an intrepid  Italian archaeologist to come to the rescue.   Thanks to the efforts of Luca Olivieri and his partners, the 6-meter (nearly 20-foot)-tall...

Condom Contest and cover art (video)

SCPR.org; Patt Morrison; Wisdom QuarterlyActivists with large packets for "Love Condoms" campaign (Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images)   Are you sex-positive (wiki)? The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health wants to know what image of the City of Angels gets you in the mood. The artwork of ten lucky Angelenos will be chosen to appear on 1,000,001 condom wrappers in the Health Department’s new “L.A.’s Next Sex Symbol” contest -- with the goal of promoting safer sex and reducing...

Nepal, My Nepal

Arun Shrivastava, South Asia Correspondent (Salem-News.com)(Hscindia) The Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) is a great example of one person's vision: Ven. Sanghasena established the MIMC in 1986 to offer both spiritual instructions as well as desperately needed humanitarian services to impoverished people in the remote Buddhist land of Ladakh, India, which neighbors Nepal in the Himalayas. A dedicated team of social workers, teachers, doctors, monks, nuns, community leaders,...

Are Bigfoot Alien Entities? (video)

Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D., Huff Post Weird News; "Finding Bigfoot" (Animal Planet) (LINK)Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases. The earliest clues date back to 1888, when a cattleman described an encounter with friendly Indians in Humboldt County, California. They led him to a cave where he saw a hefty humanoid creature covered in long, shiny black hair,...

"Zombies, Demons, and Fallen Angels" (video)

PIWarsVideo; PropheticInfoWars.com; SteveQuayle.com; HomelandSecurityUS.com Three-part Hagmann and Hagmann Report (June 3, 2012), an interview with Steve Quayle. "The answer to fear is faith and understanding."Zombies (telegraph.co.uk)Steven Quayle is a wonderful researcher and broadcaster, but he is an unapologetic Christian, which makes some of his material off-putting. At times he starts thumping his Bible, quoting scripture, and focusing on Issa, Son of Zeus, a kind of Sakka. These are the idioms...

UFOs summoned over Los Angeles (video)

Robert Bingham interview by Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly NEXT SUMMONING AND GROUP VIEWING (FREE): 4th of July, 2012, MacArthur ParkVarious types of UFO craft (vimana)In response to It's true: UFOs over Los Angeles (video), Anonymous writes: "Was this in MacArthur Park? I stumbled on this video on youtube; didn't know this was going on last Sunday. What's this all about? He summons UFOs? The footage is pretty interesting to say the least. Do you think they could be the UFO's sometimes...

The "only" way to enlightenment?

GROWING UP MARA (2) with Mara Schaeffer and Dharmachari Seven, Wisdom Quarterly"IGNORANCE CHEERFULLY RETURNED IF NOT COMPLETELY ENLIGHTENED"  MARA: I insist that different traditions have somewhat different visions of "enlightenment" -- referencing Alan Watts, Joseph Goldstein, Adyashanti, [B. Alan Wallace, etc.].   Yes, Rodney, we can all just get along.SEVEN: Yes! That's kind of the problem. The historical Buddha meant something very specific. But various Buddhist schools use the...

Intention Experiment: science of spirituality

Lynne McTaggart (TheIntentionExperiment.com); Amber Dorrian, Wisdom QuarterlyThis is a book without an ending. The Intention Experiment, which was voted a Top Amazon 100 by readers and is now a worldwide sensation, is the first book to provide full scientific evidence for the power of human intention. It is also the first book to invite readers to take an active part in its original research. The book seeks to answer the most fundamental question left open by The Field: If we are all connected,...

Zen Wisdom from Other Dimensions (video)

Intelligent-Infinity.com; Wisdom Quarterly  Wynn Free has been in conversation with a voice that says it (they) created the universe. Download the free book. How could Free determine if they are who they say? Moreover, how can we can determine it for ourselves? As Free suggests, instead of "believing" anything, let us simply be open to the possibility. As we explore the work, read the material, and listen to conference calls, we will be exposed to a new way of understanding the universe...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Buddhist artifacts in Maldives destroyed

OnIslam.net; Wisdom QuarterlyFew realize that the diving paradise known as the Maldives, most of which is at or close to sea level and doomed to destruction as the planet warms due to manmade and natural causes, used to be Buddhist.   Now some entity or agency has brought about a coup and is trying to create international outrage by destroying priceless Buddhist art and history. What kind Company or clandestine service would do such a thing? Surely not the CIA, who created the Taliban...

Penguins are sexually depraved perverts (video)

Periscopepost.com expanded by Wisdom QuarterlyAre penguins perverts? New pamphlet reveals “sexual depravity” of birds[It's not just rapist ducks.] Century-old Antarctic account alleges necrophilia and sexual abuse among penguins.   BackgroundDeviants? (slapthepenguin.com)A pamphlet has emerged detailing apparent sexual depravity among penguins. Written by George Levick, a scientist with the 1910-13 Scott Antarctic Expedition, Sexual Habits of the Adélie Penguin contains observations...

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