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Friday, August 31, 2012

I Hate Tadolf Swiftler (video)

Amber Dorrian, I. Rony,  and Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyMr. Hitler enjoying nice dinner party conversation (Hugo Jaeger/TIME/Getty Images)  Acting chops on Saturday Night LiveTadolf isn't so bad. But Swiftler I cannot abide, as Jiminy Glick might put it, and I think he would agree, what with her smug poses, pretentious relationships, and overblown shows.  How long will the world stand idly by as she promotes her Naziesque patterns of behavior inducing teens to pout and break...

Alien abduction and hybrid children (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly (TheHybridChildren) LINK   Bridget Nielsen is a healer in Santa Monica, artist, mother on  many dimensions, and a longtime alien abductee used to produce hybrid human-alien children. Abductees are hypnotized and brainwashed to repress any memory of such events, but Nielsen has managed to remember and realize what continues to happen to her as her body is used in this increasingly common practice. There are now millions...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Relationships are what we do with them

Dhr. Seven, Amber Dorrian, Dev, Wisdom Quarterly; Nisha Gulati Blue space avatar with Radha Devi, the faithful consort (vishnu108.deviantart.com)   Once upon a time, a girl was born into the world and lived among milk maidens. She grew up to be of surpassing beauty with a retinue. Her countenance shone like a space-faring (celestial) devi. Then she met a boy.   Males have kept the story, the history, which is his-story not her-story. So they put the man in the ascendant and think...

Zen: Banishing a Ghost

Roshi Jeff Albrizze (PasaDharma.org), Ron Crosthwaite, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly"Brown Lady" ghost (answers.com)    Banishing a GhostThe wife of a man became very sick. On her deathbed, she said to him, "I love you so much! I don't want to leave you, and I don't want you to betray me. Promise that you will not see any other women once I die, or I will return to haunt you!" For several months after her death, the husband avoided other women. But then he met someone and fell...

"It will pass" (meditation)

James Khan (detoxifynow.com); Meditation Committee, Wisdom QuarterlyA student went to a meditation teacher and complained:   "My meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted! My legs ache! I'm constantly falling asleep! It's just horrible!"  "It will pass," the teacher replied matter of factly.  A week later, the student came back to the teacher to report:   "My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware! I feel so peaceful! I feel so alive! It's just wonderful!' ...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Punk Rock: My Career as a Jerk (video)

Johnny Whiteside (LAWeekly.com); Cinefamily.org; Wisdom Quarterly (BlankTV) From the Net's biggest, uncensored, completely D.I.Y. punk, hardcore, indie, and alternative music video site, BlankTV.com The Circle Jerks were always one of the most explosive, engaging, and wildly enjoyable forces in punk rock: a militant shock troupe whose mixture of frantic hedonism, naked aggression, withering whimsy, and walloping music was never less than flabbergasting.    There ain't hyperbole...

Creationism is bad for children (video)

The Young Turks; Wisdom Quarterly  Scientist and children's television personality Bill Nye, in a newly released online video, panned biblical creationism, and implored American parents who reject the scientific theory of evolution not to teach their beliefs to their youngsters:   "I say to the grownups, 'If you want to deny evolution and live in your world that's completely inconsistent with everything we've observed in the universe that's fine. But don't make your kids do it,'" said Nye, best known as host of the educational TV series "Bill Nye the Science Guy."   ...

JAHANABAD, Pakistan (AP) — When the Taliban blew the face off a towering, 1,500-year-old rock carving of Buddha in northwest Pakistan almost five years ago, it fell to an intrepid Italian archaeologist to come to the rescue. Thanks to the efforts of Luca Olivieri and his partners, the 6-meter (nearly 20-foot)-tall image near the town of Jahanabad is getting a facelift, and many other archaeological treasures in the scenic Swat Valley are being excavated and preserved. Hard-line Muslims have a history of targeting Buddhist, Hindu and other religious sites they consider heretical to Islam....

Buddhism, India's gift to Steve Jobs

Like it has done to so many icons across the world, India was the source of spirituality to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who later converted to Buddhism. Jobs had taken a "spiritual retreat to India" and "traversing through the country had sparked Jobs' conversion to Buddhism," a CNN report said. Jobs had travelled to India in the late 1970s, with money he had saved working as a technician at a video games manufacturer in the U...

Buddhism in China

Buddhism has a 2,000-year old history in China. The country is estimated to have nearly 100 million Buddhist followers. Apart from Buddhism, China's main religions include Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. Chinese mainland has 20,000 Buddhist temples and about 200,000 Buddhist monks and nuns. The Buddhist Association of China is a national religious organization. There are 34 Buddhist schools and colleges...

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Burning Man" Festival begins (Webcam)

BurningMan.com; Wisdom Quarterly (Kehrig video-still, Toronto Nuit Blanche, 2010)    The effigy of a man burning with..."The whole world is burning," the Buddha said. So why not the effigy of a man on a beach in a desert? The Burning Man Music (and Art) Festival begins today.    Driving out? First, read the 2012 Survival Guide. Bringing kids? Try the Kidsville Survival Guide for families. Get valuable tips at the Burning Blog, including the Burner's Guide to Leaving No Trace,...

Seven things the Buddha taught

Dhr. Seven and Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyReclining Buddha in Pagan, Burma (KateMcKenna/flickr.com)    Buddha and change (Omoo/flickr.com)Before passing into final nirvana, the Buddha gave a final exhortation. He had taught seven essential things:1. As soon as a desire arises, dissatisfaction co-arises. Our entire psycho-physical existence is beset by this unsatisfactoriness. Clinging makes it worse. By their own nature things fall away. Everything of which we are composed falls away....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Buddha's First Sermon (sutra)

Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly translation (Dhammachakapavattana Sutra, SN 56.11)(My-Third-Eye/flickr.com)PREFACE: Seven weeks after the great enlightenment, the former ascetic Prince Siddhartha, now the fully awakened Buddha, set out to teach his five former companions. He realized that they were still stuck in the futility of struggling by severe asceticism near India' holy city on the Ganges, Varanasi. He had previously practiced with them undertaking the most extreme penances and painful observances....

Biodata Pasha Ungu

Biodata Pasha Ungu - Setelah kami hadirkan Biodata Coboy Junior dan juga biodata girlband Blink serta Cherry belle sekarang kami share biadata Pasha ungu,Pasha (lahir di Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah, 27 November 1979; umur 32 tahun), seorang pria berdarah Bugis,adalah vokalis grup band Ungu. Pasha bergabung dengan Ungu pada tahun 1999. Pasha adalah anak dari pasangan Syamsuddin Said dan Andi Bumbeng.Sebelum bergabung dengan Ungu, Pasha sebelumnya telah muncul di dunia hiburan Indonesia sebagai model...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Duddhism and the Wonders of Thailand (video)

Amber Dorrian, CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom QuarterlyDude-ism: Path to Big Lebowski Enlightenment             video platform   video management   video solutions   video player (ABC) Inside the bathrobe-wearing, hard-drinking, real-life Church of The Latter Day Dude as conceived of in Buddhist Thailand      Bangkok and Bhutan's Religious PenisesBangkoksightseeing.org (alinavitenberg/flickr.com)BANGKOK, Swissotel Nai Lert Park,...

The Most Dangerous Man in America (videos)

Wisdom Quarterly    Bradley Manning protesters call out Pres. B.S. Obama (again) (RTAmerica) The Occupy Movement in Oakland has a new target now: Obama. One hundred protesters occupied his campaign office calling for the release of US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning. They invaded the offices of the Obama re-election campaign in California and stayed inside for hours before being forced out by police. RT Correspondent Ramon Galindo brings the latest from LA.The Most Dangerous Man in America...

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