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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Honey Full Moon Offering (sutra)

Ven. Dr. Karunananda, Abbot (Bodhi Mission) Originally posted 5:00 amBangladeshi Buddhist devotees light candles at Nandakanon temple, Chittagong, on the occasion of Madhu Purnima, the biggest festival behind Vesak, which commemorates the Buddha spreading the message of peace (The Star Daily).   The full moon observance day of the Indian month of Bhaadra (August September) commemorates a time when Buddhist monastics in ancient India were disputing. Even the Buddha could not calm their...

Buddhist temples, homes burned, looted

BDNews24.com (Sunday, Sept. 30th, 2012, 4:30 am); Wisdom Quarterly UPDATED  COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh - A mob torched and vandalized a village of Buddhists in Cox's Bazar's Ramu Upazila early on Sunday in one of the worst religious attacks in Bangladesh apparently triggered by a Facebook posting allegedly defaming the Quran (Koran). Eyewitnesses and police said the assailants set fire to at least six Buddhist temples...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

7 Bahaya Akibat Kurang Tidur Bagi Kesehatan

     Bahaya akibat kurang tidur. Tidur merupakan aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan oleh manusia untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh dan pikirannya. Banyak sekali manfaat yang dapat kita peroleh dari aktivitas tidur tersebut. Salah satunya yaitu tubuh akan lebih bugar dan segar ketika bangun. Sehingga kita siap menghadapi hari-hari yang berat dan melelahkan yang harus kita jalani hari ini. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Banyak diantara kita yang mengabaikan aktivitas tidur ini. Ini dapat dibuktikan,...

Healing Conversations Fall Series (audio)

Wisdom Quarterly; Pam Oslie (AuraColors) (centraxis.blogspot.com)  Here is a wonderful opportunity to hear the latest from world-renowned, paradigm-shifting thinkers, healers, authors, and spiritual teachers. Aura specialist Pam Oslie has been invited to join 23 speakers on the free Healing Conversations Fall Series 2012.   Join Pamala Oslie, Lynn McTaggert, Dan Millman, Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, Dr. Christine Page, Freddy Silva, and more! Sept. 25-Dec. 22, 2012. (Join in at any...

Peace: Better than a 1,000 words

H. Kopp Delaney (photo); Wisdom Quarterly  "Better than a thousand empty words is a single word that bring peace," the Buddha states in the Dhammapada ("Imprint of the Dharma"), a collection of aphorisms and their origin stories.When the goal is peace, what might be said? We might say many thousands of words enumerating the pros of peace or arguing about the cons of violence.But as for inner peace, Would we have any? Would our listeners? It might be enough to say, "Stop" as the Buddha did to...

Burma's secret Muslim genocide (video)

Al Jazeera English (Special Report); Press TV; EncryptedReality4; Wisdom Quarterly Rohingya have been persecuted and discriminated against for decades, but few can even pronounce their name let alone know their plight. The UN describes them as one of the most persecuted minorities, yet their suffering increases. So are the world's democracies ignoring them? Guests: Justin Wintle, Brad Adams, Mohamed Nour, Dina Madani.Ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Burma (Orwellian police state Myanmar) is being carried out by nominally "Buddhist" police state troops. Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung...

Cara Install Driver Pada Komputer Laptop

Cara Install Driver Pada Komputer Laptop. Membeli laptop maupun komputer desktop seharusnya mendapatkan software bawaan komputer atau laptop atau biasa dikenal dengan driver tersebut, yang sudah disertakan dari pabrikan, namun akhir-akhir ini di kota Denpasar setiap kali saya membeli laptop, selalu saja tidak disertakan dengan software driver untuk laptop, katanya memang tidak ada driver jadi...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tips Mudah Agar Tidak Dingin Saat Mandi Pagi Dan Sore

     Mandi merupakan aktivitas yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Karena dengan mandi, maka kotoran yang melekat pada kulit akan hilang. Karena itulah mandi sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan kita utamanya kulit kita. Tapi kebanyakan orang, banyak yang tidak memperhatikan hal ini. Alasan utamanya yaitu ketika mandi maka rasa dingin yang akan kita hadapi.     Sahabat, Tips kesehatan. Penulis memiliki tips mudah agar anda semangat mandi pagi dan sore meskipun...

Ciri Penyakit Jantung Plus Pencegahan

     Jantung merupakan organ yang sangat vital pada tubuh manusia, meski tidak mengesampngkan peran organ-organ lainnya. Didalam tubuh kita, sistem peredaran darah selalu bekerja 24 jam untuk mengalirkan darah ke seluruh tubuh kita. Dalam hal ini, jantung merupakan salah satu organ yang berperan dalam mengalirkan darah keseluruh tubuh kita.     Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Dari keterangan tersebut di atas, kita jadi tahu bahwa begitu pentingnya peran jantung pada...

Zen Comes of Age with Shinzen Young

Seth Auberon, Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly; Shinzen Young (basicmindfulness.org)Wisdom Quarterly is often asked, "What is the best form of Buddhism?" We have to say, after examining the entire field of forms, there is no absolute "best." Best is what suits the practitioner at a given time.  When eating soup, a spoon is most useful; when eating tofu, a fork. But when eating crow a mask, a bib, and a b*rf bag are best.  However, Zen as practiced in the US is surely the "coolest."...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three Minds of Meditation

Seven Dharmachari and Ven. Vivekananda (Bodhi Vihara), Wisdom Quarterly"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly" - the Buddha (Cadi-cliff/flickr.com).   Three "minds" become evident while meditating. There is the Automatic Mind, the Choice Point (conscious awareness or adverting power), and the Peaceful Mind.Automatic Mind is the thinking that just...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Meditate to Tibetan singing bowls (audio)

Brian William Green (video); Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly     Breathe in, breathe out to the sound of the sea.Sit down, lay back, listen, and relax. Tibetan singing bowls transport us to the brink of serenity meditation, which means letting go and following the gong. It may lead to sleep (seeyouinsleep.com), a sign of needing more rest, or to rarefied fields of perception. Hold attention in one place, and watch the strengthened mind widen the field of consciousness...

How to get your Zombie to kill

Making Manchurian Candidates? Phil Stewart (Reuters, "Drug Turns Crime Victims Into Zombies"); Wisdom QuarterlyWhat does a Manchurian Candidate look like? (indybay.org)    There's nothing to fear but fear (and zombies).Halloween and the Day of the Dead are coming soon, so here's a true-life scary story.    BOGOTA, Colombia - The last thing Andrea Fernandez recalls before being drugged is holding her newborn baby on a Bogota city bus.     Police found...

"Ring of Power: Empire of the City" (video)

HelpFreeTheEarth.com; 911Investigator2 ("The Ring of Power - Present Past") (LINK) Ring of Power in ten-minute segments  ROP DVD (helpfreetheearth.com)This presentation is a marathon education. It weaves a solid quilt from history-as-we-didn't-know-it.   What there is to learn: Who really controls the "Empire of the City"? Go on an eye-opening journey into the life and times of Jesus (St. Issa). Take a crash course in REAL American history.    As huge as the terrain of this...

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