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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Buddhism for Vampires" (Halloween)

David Chapman (Buddhism-for-Vampires.com); Wisdom Quarterly HALLOWEEN SERIESCOMING SOON, BREAKING NEWS: Peaceful Buddhists go on murderous rampage. European vampires were killed and given a special postmortem meal -- a stake. Here a female had a brick placed in her mouth to prevent her from feasting on blood (Daily Mail). WQ has been sitting on this Bon/Black Magic exposé. For Halloween, we introduce B.F.V.   Cheater and Sap vamps (Life&Style)“Buddhism for vampires? That’s silly. Buddhism...

China: "Buddhism has a 'devil' as its 'Pope'"

Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly HALLOWEEN SERIESChina thinks this humble CIA operative/asset (not "agent") -- spiritual leader and former head of state, Tibetan "God-King" or Vajrayana "Pope" -- is the devil (AP/Examiner.com).   Bon is the  pre-Buddhist black magic infused shamanism of Tibet and Bhutan. It blended with the missionary religion of peace and enlightenment from the subcontinent below.   But Buddhism did not displace Himalayan superstitions,...

Shambhala: Save on all Buddhist titles

Shambhala Publications; Wisdom QuarterlySave 30% and get free shipping (by 3-31-13 when using the code BCAL12 at checkout, U.S. Media Mail only) on Shambhala's entire Buddhist catalogue now including Snow Lion. Want a sneak peek of the catalogue? Check it out online to find: new books and audio, special offers and discounts, excerpts and author interviews, articles and mo...

Canada seeks to restrict religious freedom

Barbara Lamb; Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly Anyone can be imprisoned, tormented, and deprived of humanity (ULC/themonastery.org)   As Buddhist practitioners some of us volunteer serving a prison community (mutually supportive sangha). We have seen how spiritual practice can transform lives and lead to real rehabilitation.Unfortunately, the Canadian Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, is cancelling the contracts of all part-time, non-Christian chaplains in federal penitentiaries --...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Art Beyond Reason (video)

Art by Octavio Ocampo, RasMarley/Flickr.com (photographs); Wisdom Quarterly"Buddha" by Ocatvio Ocampo   "Woman and Mountains Shiva"The artist Octavio Ocampo was born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. He studied art from early childhood. In high school, Ocampo painted murals for the Preparatory School and the City Hall of Celaya.    Ruth Rivera, daughter of artist and muralist Diego Rivera, and Maria Luisa Mendoza encouraged him to attend the School of Painting and Sculpture...

HAARP: Storm "Sandy" smashing US (live)

GoHarrison.com (USTREAM); Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY) UPDATED 11-11-12 H.A.A.R.P. can steer storms, guide them like "smart bombs," averting disaster or bringing it on. It is currently being brought on with super-storm Sandy. This once-in-a-thousand-year storm has gotten help from climate chaos. It is not a "natural" disaster.       (CLIP, 7:27 mins) It is well known -- with documentaries on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, BBC, Stanford Research Inst., AP, Reuters, Bloomberg,  as confessed to by Ben "Weather Weapons" Livingston -- and admitted that the government...

Monday, October 29, 2012

RAP Fest "Cali X-mas" to rock L.A. (video)

Power106.com; Seth Auberon, Boo and Tee, Wisdom Quarterly (CNN's Kyunh Lah reports on Buddhist monk "Mr. Happiness" (Ven. Koncho Tagai)    Boo can't wait to bounce!LOS ANGELES, California - KWPR (105.9 FM) announced the lineup for "Cali Christmas" today -- an enormous night of hip hop and gangster rap music.  Pre-sale tickets will be offered (ensuring an instant sell-out when tickets are released to the public) on Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012. But buyers have to sign up and log in to get...

Nagas in the News: The Killing Fields

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Tamjty (historical photo). HALLOWEEN SERIESPrisoner portraits during atheist-Maoist-communist takeover of Buddhist Cambodia by Pol Pot and the NAGAS' own Khmer Rouge ("Red Army"). What followed in terms of police state war crimes and genocide of its own citizens is referred to as "Killing Fields." Murder on an unimaginable scale: Killing Fields(Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum) Upon arrival at the secret prison, victims were first photographed and required to give detailed autobiographies,...

RCTI TV Online Live streaming

RCTI TV Online Live streaming : Bagi sobat yang ingin nonton RCTI Online streaming.jangan kewatir disini ada solusinya untuk melihat acara-acara RCTI yang anda banga-banggakan.Sebagai penyedia layanan tv online RCTI (Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia)Sekarang buat sobat yang ingin nonton RCTI Online live streaming,cukup dengan koneksi internet sobat bisa nonton sepuasnya siaran langsung RCTI streaming,Mivo Tv online, ANTV,SCTV,Global TV,MNC TV streaming,Indosiar,Trans7,TV One Terlengkap gratis.dan...

Mnc TV Online Live streaming

MNC TV - MNC TV Online Live streaming.Sebelumnya saya sudah share TV streaming di blog ini yaitu Mivo TV dan RCTI TV Online,sekarang akan memberikan tayangan TV Streaming Online MNC TV. dulu dikenal dengan nama TPI pertama mengudara 1 Januari 1991 sekarang ganti dengan MNC TV mulai mengudara sejak 20 Oktober 2010.MNC Tv Cukup dengan koneksi internet sambil duduk manis depan komputer kita bisa menikmati tayangan-tayangan yang kita sukai yang dipersembahkan oleh stasiun MNC Tv  online streaming...

Tips Membeli Komputer Rakitan

Biasanya barang bergaransi adalah barang-barang yang cukup berkualitas, bila dibanding dengan barang yang dijual tanpa garansi. Garansi sama dengan memberikan jaminan untuk masa tertentu barang tersebut tidak akan rusak, seperti itulah kira-kira arti dari garansi menurut Belajar Ilmu Komputer. Meski sudah mengetahui kalau barang tersebut bergaransi, jangan langsung percaya begitu saja, apalagi...

The SCIENCE of Monsters and Ghosts

Wisdom Quarterly HALLOWEEN SERIESToo bad most of us do not believe in science. If we did, we'd believe in ghosts. What will happen when science dictates there is enough evidence for disembodied phenomena? Frightening thought. Science-lovers run out of haunted dwellings as quickly as ignoramuses. Why? The body knows what the brain cannot yet accept. What? Seen and unseen monstrosities roam about and among us. Wisdom Quarterly is only interested in the real-life ones in history and today.Buddhist...

Meditation: "Campfire for the Mind" (MP3)

DavidRuben.me (CoasttoCoastAM.com, 10-27-12); Wisdom Quarterly HALLOWEEN SERIES"St. Michael" is Buddhism's Sakka, Deva-RulerHumans have used fire to protect themselves from nocturnal dangers for thousands of years. The larger the fire, the more its deterrent.Enemies seeking to do evil/harm (to enact greed, hate/fear, delusion) and predatory/parasitic animals fear fire because of their nature.   Space-devas/heavenly light-beings (WQ)But for humans fire represents light and warmth and energy....

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