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Friday, November 30, 2012

The Lost Lands of Buddhist Belief

Renuka Narayanan, Hindustan Times, Nov. 17, 2012; Wisdom QuarterlyFrench archaeological team on top of giant 4th century Buddhist stupa cut into mountain in Samangan province, Afghanistan, 2006. A historic site to the south and east is Mes Aynak now at risk from mining (John Moore/Getty Images).  Gandhara became Pakistan and AfghanistanIn today's religiously riven landscape, it's hard to imagine how Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism, and Christianity took turns to water the land,...

Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles (video)

UFOTVstudios; Pat Macpherson, Xochitl, Wisdom Quarterly MAYAN 2012 WATCH(UFOTV.com) The film MAYAN PROPHECIES AND CROP CIRCLES is a sensation. Why are people talking it? New night time surveillance footage of a crop circle formation appearing in a matter of seconds is one reason.   Discover the stunning connection between the crop circles and Mayan prophecies that go back thousands of years. Special issue on the MayaWait. Everyone knows crops circles are hoaxed using a string and...

Massive Black Hole found, Mercury has ice

Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom QuarterlyAccording to the Buddha there are countless inhabited worlds and world-systems (galaxies)  What we have been told about space, the akasha deva loka, is largely false, misleading, and isolating. We are not alone. We get information from "Others." We are not bound to this planet but are currently traveling far in outer space. When that will be revealed officially is difficult to say. Disclosure is at hand.  Bhutan temple...

Palestine wins; WikiLeaks' Manning speaks!

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, E. Landau, Wisdom QuarterlyDon't you dare criticize Israel, and god help you if you say the US backs war crimes!   The world has spoken, through the UN, recognizing unconscionable Israeli war crimes. It runs the largest open-air prison called Gaza and the West Bank, holding a 1.2 million-plus stateless population hostage without a means of support, sufficient food or means of providing for itself, without freedom to govern itself, to control its own...

CIA drone destroy homes in Indianapolis

Vice.com, Motherboard; Wisdom QuarterlyLife during wartime, living in a police state, and most of us won't look up to notice  Every drone is a war crime. And they're coming.The theories swirling around a mysterious, deadly explosion in Indianapolis over the weekend sound like the recipe for a futuristic Tom Clancy thriller or a dystopian video game.   “It was just mass chaos,” Dan Able, a Southside Indianapolis resident, told the Indianapolis Star. “You can’t even imagine...

Super Mario is a Buddhist (video)

Wisdom Quarterly; GodSlayerNES; Dr. Jane McGonigal (BuddhistGeeks.com); Dan Milano (ABC) A short film about two Buddhist moments in Mario and Zelda for the NES.   Super Mario is a BuddhistDr. McGonigal and Mario, 1st BG Conference(WQ) Prof. Jane McGonigal, Ph.D., is a game designer at Stanford Univ. who wants to change the world through gaming. She delivered a riveting presentation with her twin sister, also a Stanford professor (different hairdo), at the first Buddhist Geeks Conference...

The Great Pyramid in Alaska (audio)

Linda Moulton Howe (EarthFiles.com); Coast to Coast AM; Wisdom QuarterlyThe Alaska Pyramid is RealDiscussionRadio, Sept. 14, 2012Secret underground Alaskan power generating center (tumblr.com)   On August 10, 2012 Linda Moulton Howe first reported on a "high strangeness" finding in Alaska: a massive buried pyramid about 50 miles from Mt. McKinley. She has followed up on this story, and the explosive results can be heard in a riveting witness interview on this edition of Dreamland. ...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A most improbable world: Buddhist Kalmykia

Sandji Buvaev (kalmykia.eu),  Tomas Van Houtryve; edited by Seven, Wisdom QuarterlyGirls in Soviet era uniforms, Victory Day celebrations in the capital. Lenin was part Kalmyk, but that didn’t save Russia from the Communist Party’s wrath. Stalin ordered the entire Kalmyk population loaded onto cattle cars and deported to Siberia after WW II.  (Russian version) In 2010 I visited one of the most improbable places on Earth, the little-known European Republic of Kalmykia, a former Soviet...

Europe's Buddhist Kalmykia to get Bodhi tree

Kalmykia.eu; Amber Dorrian, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Russia Today (Kalmykia Tour) Gold Temple of the Buddha Shakyamuni. Хурул Золотой храм в городе Элиста. Калмыкия Европа. Буддийский храм "Золотая обитель Будды Шакьямуни".  The Golden Temple, Kalmyk capital, ElistaKalmykia is an indigenously European Buddhist region in southwestern Russia. It practices Vajrayana Buddhism, an esoteric form of the Dharma blended with Siberian shamanism, establishing a long but little known history...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The only Buddhist republic in Europe (video)

Russia Today; New.BBC.co.uk; Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly Northwestern climes for Central Asian BuddhistsKalmykia is in the steppe region in the south of European Russia. It is the only indigenous European Buddhist republic. A 2011 international Buddhist festival took place in a magnificent temple in Kalmykia's capital, Elista. Vajrayana monks, practicing in a Tibetan-Bhutanese-Mongolian style, are preparing a sand mandala.Ethnic Kalmyks are traditionally Buddhist (BBC)The monastery...

Apes have "mid-life crises," humans too

Wisdom QuarterlyBalding, flabby, and testosterone-poisoned, that's the crisis at mid-life (WQ)  Yet again proving that we humans are simply the most spiritually and intellectually (albeit not necessarily the most socially or emotionally) evolved of the apes, we aren't the only ones to go through a mid-life crisis.Everything we do, perhaps short of moral reasoning, exists in the animal world: tool-making, language (all animals communicate and some, without adequate voice boxes, manage to mimic...

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