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Monday, June 29, 2009

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Zen is Very Simple.

James: Zen Master Seung Sahn is one of the most fascinating personalities and wise teachers in Buddhism today. His style is so approachable from the videos, quotes and writings that I have seen/read.

He has a way of teaching serious subjects in fun, innovative and yet always challenging ways. The ability to teach from so many different angles is the sign of a great teacher to me because people learn in various ways and are at different points along the spectrum of practice.

From the 1985 Sumner Kyol Che Opening, Ceremony:

Linc just said, "Zen is very simple. Dishwashing time, just wash dishes; sitting time, just sit; driving time, just drive; talking time, just talk; walking time, just walk." That's all. Not special. But that is very difficult. That is absolutes thinking. When you're doing something, just do it. No opposites. No subject, no object. No inside, no outside. Outside and inside become one. That's called absolutes.

It's easy to talk about "When you're doing something, just do it," but action is very difficult. Sitting: thinking, thinking, thinking. Chanting: also thinking, thinking. Bowing time: not so much, but some thinking, thinking, checking, checking mind appear. Then you have a problem.

But don't hold. Thinking is OK. Checking is OK. Only holding is a problem. Don't hold. Feeling coming, going, OK. Don't hold. If your mind is not holding anything, it is clear like space. Clear like space means that sometimes clouds come, sometimes rain or lightning or airplane comes, or even a missile blows up, BOOM! World explodes, but the air is never broken. This space is never broken.

Yeah, other things are broken but this space is never changing. Even if a nuclear bomb explodes, it doesn't matter. Space is space. That mind is very important. If something in your mind explodes, then don't hold it. Then it will disappear. Sometimes anger mind appears but soon disappears. But if you hold it, you have a problem. Appear, disappear, that's OK. Don't hold. Then it becomes wisdom. My anger mind becomes wisdom. My desire mind becomes wisdom. Everything becomes wisdom. That's interesting, yeah? So don't hold. That's very important point.

-Zen Master Seung Sahn

~Peace to all beings~

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Have Seen the Devil and It is Us.

"We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form."

--William Ralph Inge, writer and Anglican Prelate (1860-1954).

~Peace to all beings~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pengumuman Daftar Nama Pandita Lokapalasraya yang Lolos dalam Pengukuhan Pandita Lokapalasraya Zhenfo Zong Periode IV

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum

Pengumuman Daftar Nama Pandita Lokapalasraya yang Lolos dalam Pengukuhan Pandita Lokapalasraya Zhenfo Zong Periode IV

(Berita Khusus TBF)

(Acarya Lianjie / Berita Khusus TBF Seattle) Setelah hasil ujian tertulis, pelantunan Sutra dan Mantra, dan ujian lisan dari Pengukuhan Pandita Lokapalasraya Periode IV True Buddha Foundation dirundingkan dan diperiksa oleh Main Committee, total 89 orang dinyatakan lolos dan diangkat menjadi Pandita Lokapalasraya Zhenfo Zong. Masa bakti dari tanggal 16 Juni 2009 s.d. 1 Januari 2012. Sertifikat Pandita Lokapalasraya akan berangsur-angsur dikirim!

Berikut daftar nama Pandita Lokapalasraya yang lolos. (nama tidak berurut):

Nama Dharma Tempat Ibadah
蓮花麗兒 Lianhua Li'er 尊勝雷藏寺 True Buddha Vijaya Temple
蓮花冠長Lianhua Guanzhang 淨印雷藏寺 Jing Yin Temple
蓮余 Lianyu 菩提雷藏寺 PTT Buddhist Society
Lotus Renee Lyn 尊勝雷藏寺 True Buddha Vijaya Temple
蓮花綺連 Lianhua Qilian 緬因同修會 True Buddha Society of Maine
蓮花松殷 Lianhua Songyin 本淨同修會 Benjing Tongxiuhui
蓮花艾杰 Lianhua Yijie 蓮聖同修會 Liansheng Tongxiuhui
蓮花雁翔 Lianhua Yanxiang 華光雷藏寺 Lotus Light Lei Zang Si Temple
蓮花大鵬Lianhua Dapeng 梭那同修會 True Buddha Culture Society
蓮花俊賢 Lianhua Junxian 三重同修會 Sanzhong Tongxiuhui
蓮花志偉 Lianhua Zhiwei 沙巴雷藏寺 Persatuan Penganut Buddha Rey Tsang Shih
蓮花耀斌 Lianhua Yaobin 真諦雷藏寺 Templo Zen-Ti
蓮花一琳 Lianhua Yilin 華光雷藏寺 Lotus Light Lei Zang Si Temple
蓮花月娥 Lianhua Yue'e 禪妙同修會 La Societe Bouddhiste du Quebec
蓮花文明 Lianhua Wenming 六度堂 Liudu Tang
蓮花麗君 Lianhua Lijun 倫敦雷藏寺 London True Buddha Temple
蓮花宓韵 Lianhua Miyun 中觀堂 Chung-kuan Tang
蓮花一佳 Lianhua Yijia 真諦雷藏寺Templo Zen-Ti
蓮花潤姍 Lianhua Runshan 淨印雷藏寺 Jing Yin Temple
蓮花綜麒 Lianhua Zongqi 板橋同修會 Banqiao Tongxiuhui
蓮花啟亮 Lianhua Qiliang 大覺堂 Vihara Padma Suci
蓮花淑芳 Lianhua Shufang 通慧堂 Tonghui Tang
蓮花光明 Lianhua Guangming香華堂 Xianghua Tang
蓮花宜玲 Lianhua Yiling 廣喜堂 Guangxi Tang
蓮花友宸 Lianhua Youchen 太平同修會 Taiping Tongxiuhui
蓮花妙姿 Lianhua Miaozhi 密儀雷藏寺 True Buddha Society of Houston True BuddhaTemple
蓮花玉芬 Lianhua Yufen 法舟堂 Fazhou Tang
蓮花紗央莉 Lianhua Shayangli福圓堂 Fu Yen True Buddha Temple
蓮花子川Lianhua Zichuan 法聲堂 Fasheng Tang
蓮花惠玲Lianhua Huiling 廣喜堂 Guangxi Tang
蓮花佳羚 Lianhua Jialing 板橋同修會 Baoqiao Tongxiuhui
蓮花光忠 Lianhua Guangzhong華德同修會(尚未認可)Huade Tongxiuhui (izin belum turun)
蓮花歲程 Lianhua Suicheng 雷藏寺(新加坡) Lei Zang Si(Singapore)
蓮花文輝 Lianhua Wenhui 護弘堂 Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Chen Foh Chong (Foo Hong Tong)
蓮花靝霖 Lianhua Tianlin 嚴明雷藏寺 True Buddha School : YEN MING TANG Buddhist Meditation
蓮花佩慈 Lianhua Peici 法記堂 Faji Tang
蓮花翔閏 Lianhua Xiangrun 圓月堂 Vihara Satya Buddha Purnama
蓮花慧瑾 Lianhua Huijin 真渡雷藏寺 London True Buddha Temple
蓮花志慶 Lianhua Zhiqing 寶輪堂 Baolun Tang
蓮花秀華Lianhua Xiuhua 禪妙同修會 La Societe Bouddhiste du Quebec
蓮花新梅 Lianhua Xinmei 金剛雷藏寺 True Buddha Diamond Temple of New York
蓮花淑菁 Lianhua Shujing 三重同修會 Sanzhong Tongxiuhui
蓮花景星 Lianhua Jingxing 通慧堂 Tonghui Tang
蓮花緬業 Lianhua Mianye 法顯堂 Pertubuhan Chen Fo Cong Fa Xian Tang
蓮嶔 Lianqin 菩提雷藏寺 PTT Buddhist Society
蓮花嬿驊Lianhua Yanhua 三輪雷藏寺 Sanlun Leizang Si
蓮花麗姬 Lianhua Liji 中觀堂 Chung-kuan Tang
蓮花建逸 Lianhua Jianyi 嚴山雷藏寺 Yen Shang Lei Zang Temple
蓮花源華 Lianhua Yuanhua 圓務堂 Vihara Vajra Bumi Silampari
蓮花昆安 Lianhua Kun'an 天仙堂 Tianxian Tang
蓮花素珠 Lianhua Suzhu 聖輪雷藏寺 Vihara Vajra Bhumi Sriwijaya
蓮花美玉 Lianhua Meiyu 圓達堂 Cetya Vajra Bumi Mulawarman
蓮巧 Lianqiao 淨心同修會 Jingxin Tongxiuhui
蓮花耀輝 Lianhua Yaohui 圓月堂 Vihara Satya Buddha Purnama
蓮花永昌 Lianhua Yongchang 護弘堂 Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Chen Foh Chong (Foo Hong Tong)
蓮花圓虹Lianhua Yuanhong 印尼雷藏寺 Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara
蓮花秀碧Lianhua Xiubi 圓英堂 Cetya Vajra Bumi Stabat
蓮花健明 Lianhua Jianming 本淨同修會 Benjing Tongxiuhui
蓮花春燕 Lianhua Chunyan 大覺堂 Vihara Padma Suci
蓮花文良 Lianhua Wenliang 三寶壟雷藏寺 Vihara Maha Welas Asih
蓮花玟君 Lianhua Minjun 智王同修會 Zhiwang Tongxiuhui (尚未認可) (izin belum turun)
蓮花宗貴 Lianhua Zonggui 安住同修會 Anzhu Tongxiuhui
蓮花金龍 Lianhua Jinlong 須彌同修會(尚未認可)(izin belum turun)
Robert George Rosinski 淨音雷藏寺 True Buddha School - Chin Yin Buddhist Society of Edmonton
蓮花仙龍 Lianhua Xianlong 圓弘堂 Vihara Vajra Bumi Serasan Sekundang
蓮花福興 Lianhua Fuxing 須彌同修會(尚未認可)(izin belum turun)
蓮花翠蓮 Lianhua Cuilian 密行堂 Mixing Tang
PADMA WALUYO 定智同修會 Vihara Purnama Bali Buluh Indah
蓮花永偉Lianhua Yongwei 金仙堂 Vihara Vajra Bumi Simalungun
蓮花Lianhua Tasimun 印尼雷藏寺 Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara
蓮花紹宏 Lianhua Shaohong 佛光堂 Vihara Vajra Bumi Jayakarta
蓮花亞友Lianhua Yayou 淨願同修會 Pertubuhan Penganut Buddha Chen Foh Chong Kedah Selatan
蓮花志偉 Lianhua Zhiwei 棉蘭雷藏寺 Medan Leizang Si
蓮花穎明 Lianhua Yingming 金仙堂 Vihara Vajra Bumi Simalungun
蓮花葉力 Lianhua Yeli 圓務堂 Vihara Vajra Bumi Silampari
蓮花憲生 Lianhua Huisheng 多寶同修會 Duobao Tongxiuhui
蓮花佳新 Lianhua Jiaxin 尊平堂 Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Jun Ping Tang
蓮花文祥 Lianhua Wenxiang 真德雷藏寺 Vihara Vajra Bumi Kerta Yuga
蓮花映茴 Lianhua Yinghui 明觀雷藏寺 Mingguan Leizang Si
蓮花金添 Lianhua Jintian 直心堂 Pertubuhan Penganut Agama Buddha Zhen Fo Zhong Lian Yi Hui Negeri Perak
蓮花若忠 Lianhua Ruozhong 圓達堂 Cetya Vajra Bumi Mulawarman
蓮花兆繁 Lianhua Zhaofan 棉蘭雷藏寺 Medan Leizang Si
蓮花尚榕 Lianhua Shangrong 大音堂 Maha Cetiya Zhen Fo Zong
蓮花永順 Lianhua Yongshun 慈園堂 Vihara Satya Buddha Dharma
蓮花清榮 Lianhua Qingrong 印尼密教總會 Majelis Agama Buddha Tantrayana Satya Buddha Indonesia
蓮花登義 Lianhua Dengyi 真德雷藏寺 Vihara Vajra Bumi Kerta Yuga
Suprayitno 寶積同修會 Vihara Vajra Bhumi Balaputra
蓮花金光 Lianhua Jinguang 明觀雷藏寺 Mingguan Leizang Si
Padma Setiyawan 寶王同修會 Vihara Vajra Bumi Dharma Vidya

Pandita Lokapalasraya Zhenfo Zong adalah sadhaka yang membangkitkan Bodhicitta agung membantu menggerakkan usaha Bodhi di tempat ibadah di mana ia berstatus tetap, seorang pandita lokapalasraya tidak hanya tekun belajar Buddhadharma secara individu, juga mendorong semua umat untuk berlatih dan belajar bersama, mendekati mereka lewat kebenaran Dharma, serta bersama-sama mencapai alam suci yang bersih dan bercahaya. Di atas sertifikat Pandita Lokapalasraya tercantum: mendukung Mulacarya Zhenfo Zong Buddha Hidup Liansheng, setulus hati membabarkan Dharma Tantra Zhenfo Zong dan menyeberangkan insan luas, menaati dengan keras Sila Samaya dan menaati Sila-Sila Zhenfo Zong sepanjang hayat dikandung badan, mematuhi Anggaran Dasar Organisasi True Buddha Foundation, mematuhi dengan keras anggaran dasar tata tertib Pandita Lokapalasraya, aktif menggalakkan Dharmabakti sesuai dengan resolusi TBF. TBF berharap agar Para Pandita Lokapalasraya mencamkan dalam hati: teladanilah Sadparamita Bodhisattva, marilah bersatu padu dan bekerja sama menyelamatkan dan menyeberangkan insan luas sesuai dengan operasional tempat ibadah.

Hormat kami,

True Buddha Foundation
sumber : http://www.wihara.com/forum/true-buddha-school/3575-pengumuman-hasil-kelulusan-ujian-pandita-lokapalasraya.html

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pembayaran Kedua dari Kumpulblogger

Pada akhir bulan mei lalu tepatnya tanggal 25 mei 2009 saya menerima pembayaran pertama kumpulblogger.com. Pada saat itu blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer genap 1 tahun online di internet, dan pada saat menerima pembayaran kedua dari kumpulblogger.com ini saya juga meluncurkan sebuah website yang merupakan kelanjutan dari pengembangan blog ini.


Bahagia memang saat menerima pembayaran dari

Friday, June 19, 2009

Belajar Membuat Website dengan Joomla

Pada awal tahun 2008 tepatnya di bulan mei saya memulai belajar tentang membuat blog, mempercantik blog hingga satu tahun sudah bergelut dengan blog dan pada akhirnya sudah tiba saatnya untuk belajar tentang website.

Pada awalnya memang tidak terbayangkan bagaimana caranya membuat sebuah website seperti yang sering saya lihat di dunia internet. Dengan adanya matakuliah pemrograman web yang

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is Buddhism Masochistic?

Author Ben Dench certainly isn't the first person to claim that Buddhism teaches self-annihilation and nihilism but I wanted to touch on his article because there is still a lot of misinformation in the west in particular about Buddhism. For example, many Americans continue to think we Buddhists see Buddha as a Creator God to be worshiped. Dench insinuates that the Buddhist denial of the self is escapism and abandonment of life. Unfortunately Mr. Dench like many critics of Buddhism seems not to have studied the issue enough to understand what Buddhists mean by the denial of self.

He says, "In Buddhism, the existence of a self is denied and the goal of Buddhism is to snuff out the flame of consciousness and cease reincarnation." Wow, sounds pretty bad if that's was the truth. We don't seek to "snuff out the flame of consciousness" but rather the flame of desire. As I understand it, (to over simplify this) In Buddhism consciousness is simply awareness of being. In Buddhism our current state of being is limited by much suffering. So why would a person not want to be free of suffering one day? None of us wants to suffer and so at it's core Buddhism seeks to snuff out suffering--not happiness and a sense of meaning as Mr. Dench seems to insinuate.

Now, concerning the idea of denying the existence of a "self"--There are differences a bit on the view of the self between Theravada and Mahayana so I'll speak from the point of view of a Mahayanist. Buddhists deny a permanent self because upon closer inspection through meditation and contemplation it is seen that the idea of a self is a delusion. Thus if something is a delusion then why would we want to embrace it? The understanding of this idea of the "self" being a delusion hinges upon the Buddhist teaching of Dependent Arising, which says phenomena rise along side each other in an interdependent fabric of cause and effect. This is because of that--and that, and that. This computer exists because minerals exist, chemicals exist, engineering exists, designers exist, assemblers exist and so on. Without all of those existing in unison--there is no "computer" as such.

We think we are an individual but if that were the case then we'd have to have appeared in this life without the influence of parents--we'd be an anomaly. Instead we have the DNA of both our mother and father who have their DNA as a result of their mother and father. You have a name but it was given to you by your parents. You have interests but they were developed because of certain conditions and influences, which arose from the infinite pool of potentialities of life. You can not say for example that you'd be the same "permanent self," which you claim that you are now if you had been born under different circumstances. The human manifestation is ENTIRELY dependent upon innumerable factors.

It's not, "You are nothing--period, end of sentence." It's more like, "You are nothing because you are apart of EVERYTHING." That said, however, the word "nothing" carries too much negative meaning. So instead how about saying, "You have no permanent self not because you're a bad person or a loser but because that "self" is LIMITING your enjoyment, peace and meaning. It's holding you back instead of allowing you freedom." When you realize that you are BOTH "you" AND everything else--How can you NOT see the "self" as limiting and imprisonment??? I like the analogy used by many that "I" am a wave:
D.T. Suzuki has the analogy of a wave on the ocean as symbolic of man’s sense of self. A wave arises on the ocean and looks down and sees the ocean all around. It says, “ I know that I am because I am not the ocean nor am I all the other individual waves, I exist separate from them”. It has separated itself from the ocean to know itself as an individual wave. This separation actually creates the ‘self’; it is both an act and a fact of this separation. Now it makes all its judgments as a separated self. In this act it is also separated from itself, it knows that it is but not who it really is. Now it tries to go outward to find itself but it cannot. When it goes inward it is also problematic, why, because the act of going inward is still the act of separating from the ocean to be able to go inward.

So this wave is alienated from itself, it’s surroundings and the ocean. But the fact of the matter is, who is the wave fundamentally? Is it the individual wave? No, there’s really no such thing. So who is looking for this awakening? The fact is that the wave is really just a manifestation of the ocean; it never was separated in reality but only knew itself as separated. It has to stop the ego process, the act of separating, in the hope that the ocean can rise up to see itself as both the wave and the ocean. It is one hundred percent wave and one hundred percent ocean, not at any point ever separated. The wave seeking the ocean/enlightenment/nirvana is the ocean seeking the wave. When the breakthrough occurs it is not new or just starting but a realization of what always really was. This is a non-dual duality. Both itself as wave and ocean.
JAMES: So we can quickly see that we are variations of the same essence repeating itself in beautiful, myriad ways in a timeless state. How can an individual wave feel that it has more meaning as just a wave then as a wave AND the entire, beautiful, amazingly diverse ocean!! Thus, Buddhism doesn't say, "You have no self (you're not an individual wave)...Thus you're worthless." If Buddhist teachings stopped there as Ben Dench seems to be implying then yeah, that would be pretty miserable. If that's what someone thought Buddhism to be then I can see why someone like Mr. Dench would say it's masochistic and leads to feelings of meaninglessness. However, you just read in the wave story--that's not the end. I think some people hear, "You have no self..." along with words like "emptiness" and that's all they hear. That would indeed lead to wondering why in the hell anyone would want to follow Buddhism!!

As the wonderful Neil deGrasse Tyson says, the same iron in meteors is the same iron that pulses through our veins--that's what Buddhist's are talking about when they deny the reality of the "self." It's the idea that we are larger than our individual "selves"--we are interdependent upon each other, which gives most people a tremendous sense of well being and meaning. Does that sound like nihilism to you?

Individualism is much more limiting and alienating than Buddhism as individualism's answer for all life's problems is extreme self-indulgence, which doesn't bring peace and lasting happiness. When self-indulgence doesn't work we deny everything and become angry, bitter and nihilistic. Buddha taught to avoid EITHER extreme of eternalism or nihilism. After trying to live both extremes himself he came upon the idea of walking the middle-path of neither extreme and finally he found peace. So when it's understood in this light it, no self actually gives a person GREATER meaning in life--not less. This is the context that is missing in the Dench article but I realize that in English the terms no-self and emptiness sound like annilation, pessimism, fatalism and nihilism.

~Peace to all beings~

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Beauty in Science.

I especially like the quote at the end by the fabulous Neil deGrasse Tyson. As well as his quote about the iron in the giant meteor he mentions being the same iron in our blood. Interconnection is so damn cool!!!

That's in part (and the Sam. Harris quote about meditating in a cave like a mystic [or Buddhist I would add] but not making unjustifiable claims about those experiences) why I like the combination of Buddhism and science. Interconnection makes me feel so at peace and in harmony with all that is.

But back to the Sam Harris quote about being able to meditate but not making unjustifiable claims. Buddhist masters warn students that along the way they will experience all kinds of interesting phenomena in their brains upon deep meditation. However, those experiences are still ego trying to make special claims and declarations that these empty phenomena are something other than distractions. They are in fact (most meditation masters will tell you) false horizons/false feelings of realizing enlightenment. So like a diamond we shine forward and cut through all of these delusions.

You know, when I first started meditating and first go into Buddhism I use to think delusions were mainly ones that made you feel like you were worthless. However, the longer I practice the more I realize that often the hardest delusions to overcome and the ones that cause the most damage and cause the most setbacks to my path are delusions of grandeur.

~Peace to all beings~

Monday, June 8, 2009

Where Science and Buddhism Meet.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Tank Man. Has Anything Changed Since?

Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Let us remember the Tiananmen Massacre and honor the memory of the victims. Freedom, peace and redemption will triumph one day for China. I remember the '89 revolution very well and especially tank man. It has me thinking on this 20th anniversary of my own inner tank man, which is my Buddha nature that stands up to the oppressive power of greed, hatred and delusion. May we all reconnect with our inner tank man.

If tank man can stand up to the overwhelming power of the Chinese authoritarian regime then it gives me hope that I can overcome the things that prevent me from realizing less suffering. First and foremost of course he stands for personal freedoms for China but the lasting power of his example is that the message is universal. It tells me that we are much stronger than we realize and is a powerfully motivating reminder that yes, indeed I will realize liberation because the potential is there and I need that reminder to keep me motivated.

~Peace to all beings~

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mengenal Jenis Kabel Jaringan Twisted Pair

Kabel twisted pair adalah jenis kabel yang digunakan dalam jaringan yang mana didalam kabel tersebut terdapat pasangan kabel yang saling berlilitan sehingga biasa disebut dengan twisted pair. Bagi kita yang belum mengenal mana yang disebut dengan kabel twisted pair, bisa diperhatikan kabel telpon rumah, dilihat dari bentuk fisiknya hampir sama dengan kabel twisted pair untuk jaringan Local Area

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Penjelasan Perintah DOS COPY dalam Jaringan

Mohon maaf apabila pada postingan tentang perintah COPY menggunakan dos prompt kali lalu belum begitu jelas sehingga sengaja saya melengkapi postingan kali ini untuk memperjelas postingan perintah COPY pada kesempatan sebelumnya.

Pada postingan pertama itu sebenarnya adalah menjelaskan perintah copy pada komputer yang berada dalam jaringan dan komunikasi pada jaringan tersebut berjalan dengan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mengubah Warna dan Huruf Blog

Warna template blog pada saat pembuatan kadang kurang sesuai dengan keinginan sang pemilik blog, sehingga para pemilik blog sering meng-utak-atik warna blog dan juga warna teks atau fonts yang sudah menjadi bawaan standard templatenya.

Warna-warna maupun bentuk font standard bawaan template tertentu ini masih bisa diubah dan bisa disesuaikan dengan keinginan pemilik blog, dan apa sajakah yang

Monday, June 1, 2009

Buddhism Inc.

DISCLAIMER: This post is heavily laden with sacrasm and satire about the odd ways that people use Buddhist buzz words that are apparently "en vogue" with our pop culture to sell just about anything. In the end this subject doesn't have any real impact on my own practice but it is a bit annoying and silly in the absurd so I thought I'd write about it in a humorous way. I hope you enjoy!!


Do you ever get tired of carrying your karma around all over samsara jumbled up in your mind? Do you wish that there was a better way to organize your karma as you travel along the middle lane of the Dharma Highway to Nirvanaville? Well, your worries. are. over!! The future has arrived!!

Introducing the Nirvana Organizer Bag from Zen Class Travel!!!! You say you've never heard of Zen Class but have heard of First Class and Business Class when traveling? No problem!! Zen Class is where Zen Buddhists meditate at their home on the desired day of travel. They meditate so deeply that they are magically transported through the air to their desired destination!! It's as easy as that--so why not become a Zen Buddhist today to take advantage of the Zen Class Travel!! But WAIT!!! Don't order yet--when you order now you'll also get the Nirvana Organizer Bag. You don't want to be caught in Nirvanaville without IT.

James: So there you have it--another odd yet humourous example of a product being sold using Buddhism. The Zen Class Travel isn't an actual class of travel on airlines but the name of the company who pumps out this "Nirvana Organizer Bag." I was just having fun with the name. :) Actually, I find the whole thing quite odd really but then again I've learned over and over not to be surprised by samsara. Now if I could just find one of those "Easy Buttons" advertized on t.v. Let me explain, the advertisement for my non-American t.v. viewing audience.

There is an office materials supply company here called, "Staples" and they have a new advert up that explains that shopping with them is like pushing an, "easy button" which easilly takes care of any office needs you might have. So all this has me wondering how long it will be before some scam/business man comes out with an, "easy button" to enable instant enlightenment--with one simple, easy, push of the button!! No, I clearly realize that it's not that easy--I was just playing with the concept of this cross-pollunation between Buddhism, business and advertising.

~Peace to all beings~