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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today Amazon locked up the Android ecosystem

  I have been shouting from the rooftops, well the blog pages, that Amazon is poised to become a disruptor in the mobile space. The company has its own ecosystem that can compete nicely with that of Apple, and today with the launch of Cloud Drive and Cloud Player Amazon is quietly merging it with that of Android. It’s actually bumping out the Android system with its own, truth be tol...

In 2015: Android first, Windows Phone second, iPhone third

Smartphone vendors will ship more than 450 million smartphones in 2011 compared to the 303.4 million units shipped in 2010. Furthermore, the smartphone market will grow more than four times faster than the overall mobile phone market: 49.2 percent in 2011 as more consumers and enterprise users turn in their feature phones for smartphones, according to International Data Corporation (IDC...

Safety agency fails to investigate crib bumper cases

Yet group is trying to decide if the popular nursery product poses suffocation risks Michelle Bobinski's infant son, Tyler Baker, died in 2007. The Wenona, Ill., boy was found at his sitter's home with his face in a crib bumper pad. “I’d never heard about a child suffocating on anything in a crib,” Bobinski said. (Scott Strazzante, Chicago Tribune / March 29, 2011) Share0diggThe nanny checked on Madison Morr twice during her afternoon nap. The second time, Madison's skin was...

Potential H1N1 "Swine Flu" Vírus Outbreak Concern On US-Mexico Border

At least three people have died while infected with theH1N1 flu virus, also known asSwine Flu in El Paso, USA and Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, officials have announced. Information regarding one of the patients, a 76-year-old male, indicates that the virus was a secondary factor in his death in February; he had several health problems already. Fernando Gonzalez, an epidemiologist for El Paso Department of Health, stressed there is no reason for alarm, while at the same time assuring people that the authorities are taking this investigation seriousl...

Enrique Iglesias won't join Britney Spears on tour

NEW YORK (AP) — Enrique Iglesias won't be joining Britney Spears on an upcoming tour despite her announcement that he would.Spears said Tuesday morning on ABC's "Good Morning America" that the pair would be hitting the road together.Iglesias representative Gary Mantoosh said later in a statement to The Associated Press his client and Spears won't tour "despite initial reports based on formal discussions of the possible ru...

Finally, California Finds a Surplus: 50 Feet of Snow

David McNew/Getty ImagesA field near Bakersfield, Calif., in 2008, part of a three-year drought. Wetter weather has arrived. SAN FRANCISCO — Sure, fine, California may have its problems right now. There is the budget, yes, what with that pesky $26.5 billion deficit, and the legislative stalemate with its, you know, stalemate-ness. Unemployment is still high, and so is anxiety, about everything from housing prices to radioactive clouds drifting over from Jap...

Washington Debates Idea of Arming Libyan Rebels

This article is by Mark Landler, Elisabeth Bumiller and Steven Lee Myers.. Anja Niedringhaus/Associated PressA Libyan rebel urged people to leave as government forces shelled an area near Bin Jawad in northern Libya on Tuesday. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is engaged in a fierce debate over whether to supply weapons to the rebels in Libya, senior officials said on Tuesday, with some fearful that providing arms would deepen American involvement in a civil war and...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

20 protesters killed in the Syrian town, Sanamein

ELIZABETH JACKSON: The violent protests sweeping the Middle East show no sign of abating. Big crowds have turned out in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria and Jordan, renewing calls for freedom and democratic reforms. In Syria witnesses are reporting another mass shooting, with as many as 20 killed in the southern town of Sanamein, not far from where another mass killing happened on Wednesda...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Does 4G Deliver?

Most wireless carriers’ commercials feature claims that their networks are now 4G, the successor to current 3G networks. One thing these commercials fail to do is explain what 4G really is, and that’s likely because none of the major carriers — AT&T, Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile — actually has 4G networks. 4G isn’t a technology — it’s a benchmark. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations agency tasked with regulating such things, 4G is a wireless standard....

Cara Mendaftar Domain Gratis CO.CC

Pertama tama kunjungi dulu web yang melayani domain gratis www.co.cc, tapi sebelumnya rencanakan terlebih dahulu kira-kira nama domain apa yang akan dijadikan domain web/blognya. Sebagai contoh di sini saya akan membuat domain dengan nama "piran"selanjutnya karena rencananya saya akan membuat domain dengan nama piran maka ketik kata piran pada kotak kosong antara www. dan Co.CC....

Household chemical link to early menopause

MORGANTOWN, W.Va., March 24 (UPI) -- Perfluorocarbons, better known as PFCs, contained in many household products such as food containers are linked to early menopause, U.S. researchers say.Lead author Sarah Knox of the West Virginia University School of Medicine in Morgantown, W.Va., and colleagues says PFCs are man-made chemicals -- used for water- and stain-repellants -- in a variety of household products including food containers, clothing, furniture, carpets and paints. Their broad used has resulted in widespread dissemination in water, air, soil, plant life, animals and humans, Knox sa...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Indonesia Stocks: Astra, Bank Central Asia, Energi Mega

Shares of the following companies may have unusual moves in Indonesian trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses, and share prices are as of the noon Jakarta-time break. The Jakarta Composite index (JCI) advanced 38.12 points, or 1.1 percent, to 3,594.36. Energy companies: PT Medco Energi Internasional (MEDC IJ), Indonesia’s biggest listed oil company, gained 1.8 percent to 2,850 rupiah and PT Energi Mega Persada (ENRG IJ), the second largest, rose 1.6 percent to 127 rupiah....

In Libyan Conflict, Is Endgame A Stalemate?

Tracer fire is seen from anti-aircraft fire above the hotel where foreign media and government officials are staying, in Tripoli, Libya, on March 20. Allied forces are pounding Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and the forces loyal to him. Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and the forces loyal to him are still getting pounded. Since Operation Odyssey Dawn began last Saturday, more than 160 cruise missiles have been launched and jet fighters from at least four countries have dropped bombs on targets all...

Major Fire Breaks Out at Miami International Airport

Courtesy Gregory CastilloMarch 23: Massive fuel fire breaks out at Miami International Airport. DEVELOPINGA major fuel fire broke out at Miami International Airport late Wednesday night, with fire crews summoned from across the area, the Miami Herald reported.The conflagration, on the east side of the airport, was graded a second alarm blaze, with smoke and flames visible from nearby roads around 11:00 p.m. local time.The fire was caused by a fuel tank farm in the southeast corner of the airport,...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Buddhism: Opium for the Masses?

Buddhism has long been ignored in America but now that it is gaining in popularity, it is often being labeled as being practiced mostly by "New Age" types looking for the next spiritual fad. That seems to be the general thesis of Mark Vernon's recent article, "Buddhism is the New Opium of the People" for The Guardian news outlet. His example upfront is that of David and Victoria Beckham's four foot golden Buddha in their living room and how it smacks of consumerism.And, perhaps he would be right...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cara Kirim Dokumen Lewat Email

Sebenarnya artikel ini sudah banyak yg tulis di blognya masing-masing, namun pagi ini saya biasa selalu membuka group Belajar Ilmu Komputer di Facebook, kebetulan ada yang menanyakan bagaimana cara mengirim file presentasi power melalui email dan pertanyaan selengkapnya seperti ini : kang klo kita ingin mengirim gambar/power poin lewat email gimana caranya a?Mau bergabung bersama Belajar...

Libya activity 'may accept averted massacre' - PM

The aggressive activity by affiliation armament in Libya may accept helped to anticipate a "bloody massacre" in Benghazi, Prime Abbot David Cameron has told MPs. On 21 March 2011, aperture a Commons agitation on the UN Security Council resolution authorising the intervention, the prime abbot claimed that the activity had amorphous "just in the nick of time...

Japan battles to revive power to quake-hit nuke plant, radiation found in food and water

TOKYO, March twenty one (Xinhua) -- Efforts to rig power cables to 2 reactors at the quake-hit Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in northeast Japan were suspended Monday evening following the looks of smoke rising from the reactors' housing buildings. Owner and operator of the stricken plant, Tokyo electrical Power Co. (TEPCO), said it pulled out its employees briefly at around 3:55 p.m. native time as a precautionary live following the sighting of grey billowing smoke, though the utility noted that no explosion was heard at the No. three reactor building...

Explosions bedrock Libyan capital

Anti-aircraft blaze erupts in Tripoli afterwards day of abundant angry amid protesters and Gaddafi armament elsewhere. Loud explosions accept rocked the Libyan capital, Tripoli, for a third night as armament loyal to Muammar Gaddafi advance to stop any new advance from an all-embracing aggressive affiliation administration a no-fly breadth over the country. Gunfire and anti-aircraft blaze aswell lit up the sky backward on Monday in and about the capital, breadth two ample explosions could be heard...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Source: Lotus Health King February 23, 2011 French Discovery Some people do not use persistence, a lot of people to learn what law are not very conscientious, be a few days to forget, this is no way. Like me, Master perseverance and writing every day, to be able to write two hundred and twenty, we must amend the law every day, four years remain unchanged, daily Jade Pond Golden Mother of the seven Dafa, all are the same, in fact, we Buddhist practice is to never chang...

Cara Install dan Membuat Web Blog Wordpress di Komputer Lokal

Untuk membuat web blog dengan wordpress ini saya anggap rekan blogger sudah paham melakukan install dan menggunakan apache dan mysql pada komputer lokal. Jika belum silahkan baca cara artikel Cara Install Apache dan MySQL dalam Paket XAMPP.Pertama dowload wordpress terbaru dari alamat resminya di http://wordpress.org/latest.zip dan simpan di drive lokal komputer anda. Ingat folder wordpress...

Radiation Fears Aggravate Nation’s Woes

Add fears of radiation to the long list of troubles threatening Japan’s export-led economy.Enlarge This ImageRungroj Yongrit/European Pressphoto AgencyOfficials from Thailand's food safety agency take samples of frozen fishes and food products imported from Japan at the Bangkok airport.RelatedJapan Races to Restart Reactors’ Cooling System (March 19, 2011) Add to PortfolioNissan Motor Co Go to your Portfolio »Enlarge This ImageChaiwat Subprasom/ReutersFood testing in Bangkok. No significant...

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Wish of Comfort for the Japanese People.

My heart throbs with empathy for the Japanese who are experiencing such all-encompassing destruction and suffering from the natural disaster.I hold you in my heart through-out the day, and wish I could just spend some time with each person suffering to offer a warm blanket, listen to your fears and comfort your distress in any small way that I can. Perhaps a warm wash cloth to wipe off the grit or soft socks to bring some small comfort to your strong spirit.I don't have a lot of money but I have...

Local Radio Station Threatened by Cuts

ORLAND — Roughly a quarter of WERU 89.9 FM’s annual operating budget would disappear if lawmakers kill federal funding for public broadcasting.Karen Doherty deejays her Monday afternoon radio program at WERU’s Orland headquarters. The community radio station, which broadcasts everything from reggae to organic gardening tips, is threatened by possible cuts to federal funding for public broadcasting. — ELLSWORTH AMERICAN PHOTO BY CYNDI WOOD“Everything we do there could be less of,” said General Manager...

UN Approves Military Action by U.S., Allies Against Libya

By Ola Galal, Massoud A. Derhally and Bill Varner(Updates 11th paragraph with Obama telephone call to British, French leaders. For more news on Mideast turmoil, see EXTRA and MET.)March 18 (Bloomberg) -- The United Nations Security Council authorized a no-fly zone and other military action to prevent Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi from making good on his threat to conquer the rebel capital, Benghazi, and “destroy” the opposition movement.The council provided the legal basis for the U.S., France, the U.K. and several Arab nations to intervene in the Libyan conflict to avert a feared bloodbath if...

Japan works to restore power at crippled reactors

Japanese engineers are racing to restore a power cable to the quake-ravaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in the hope of restarting pumps needed to pour cold water on overheating fuel rods and avert a catastrophic release of radiation.Even if the engineers manage to connect the power, it is not clear the pumps will work as they may have been damaged in the earthquake or subsequent explosions and there are real fears of the electricity shorting and causing another explosi...

Japan works to restore power at crippled reactors

Japanese engineers are racing to restore a power cable to the quake-ravaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in the hope of restarting pumps needed to pour cold water on overheating fuel rods and avert a catastrophic release of radiation.Even if the engineers manage to connect the power, it is not clear the pumps will work as they may have been damaged in the earthquake or subsequent explosions and there are real fears of the electricity shorting and causing another explosion.Officials will also continue water-bombing in the hope of bringing radiation emissions under control.Australia is among a...

Cara Install Apache dan MySQL dalam paket XAMPP

Apache adalah merupakan sebuah program yang berfungsi sebagai server web yang dapat dijalankan di banyak sistem operasi (OS). Apache ini harus di install di komputer lokal agar kita bisa memiliki web server lokal sebelum web blog yang kita buat di upload atau disimpan di web server online. Dengan kata lain apache menjadikan komputer kita adalah webserver lokal yang mampu menerima respon dari...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Buddhism: A Refuge for the Japanese.

Video feed from myfoxphilly.comSensoji Temple in Asakusa, which is Japan's oldest, survived the earthquake but it's spire shook quite a bit; as you can see in this video. I'm not sure what the laughing was about in the background of the clip but the footage is a metaphor for the stability of the Dharma. The temple is dedicated to the Bodhisattva, Guan Yin, (Avalokiteshvara) the Bodhisattva of compassion.I personally don't believe in the literal existence of the Bodhisattva, but I believe in the archetype and that it can help uplift ourselves, others and give us a feeling of safety. It also gives...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last Defense at Troubled Reactors: 50 Japanese Workers - 2

(Page 2 of 2)Daiichi is not synonymous with Chernobyl in terms of the severity of contamination. The Ukrainian reactor blew up and spewed huge amounts of radiation for 10 days in 1986. But workers at the plants have a bond.MultimediaInteractive FeatureHow a Reactor Shuts Down and What Happens in a MeltdownInteractive FeatureVideo: Japan’s Natural and Nuclear DisastersRelatedBlaze at Reactor Adds to Challenges (March 16, 2011) Certainties of Modern Life Upended in Japan (March 16, 2011) Wind...

Last Defense at Troubled Reactors: 50 Japanese Workers

A small crew of technicians, braving radiation and fire, became the only people remaining at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on Tuesday — and perhaps Japan’s last chance of preventing a broader nuclear catastrophe.MultimediaInteractive FeatureHow a Reactor Shuts Down and What Happens in a MeltdownInteractive FeatureVideo: Japan’s Natural and Nuclear DisastersRelatedBlaze at Reactor Adds to Challenges (March 16, 2011) Certainties of Modern Life Upended in Japan (March 16,...

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