
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Genesis Earth and Man in the Buddhist view

The occurrence of the earth and humans are also unique concept in Buddhism, especially about the first man to appear on our earth is not just one or two people, about the first man on earth we are only described by the Buddha in the Digha Nikaya, Sutta and Bharmajala Agganna Sutta. Here below is a description of Aggana Sutta.
Vasettha, there is one day, sooner or later, after a long period, when the world is destroyed. And when this happens, generally the creatures reborn in Abhassara (natural light), where they lived from the creation of the mind (mano maya), covered with ravishment, has a luminous body, floating in space, live in splendor. They live such a long time in the future.At that time (our planet) are all made of water, pitch black. There is no sun or moon is visible, there are no stars or constellation-a constellation that looks, day or night does not exist, ... men and women does not exist. The creatures known only as beings only.Vasetha, sooner or later, after a long time for these creatures, the land with the juice comes out of the water. Just like other forms of froth (foam) on the surface of the cooled cooked rice milk, so the emergence of the land. Land that has the color, smell, and taste.Just as dadi dudu or pure butter, dmeikianlah soil color, the same as pure bee honey, so sweet land. Then, Vasetha, among the creatures that have a greedy nature (lolajatiko) said: "O, what is it?" and cider tasting ground with his finger. By tasting it, he was overwhelmed by the juice and craving entered into him. Other creatures follow the example of his deeds, land cider tasting with your fingers ... creatures began to eat cider land, breaking the clumps of soil extract it with their hands. And by doing this, light body of the creatures had disappeared. With the disappearance of their light, the sun, moon, stars and constellations, constellation visible ... day and night ... occur. Similarly, Vasetha, to the extent that the earth was formed again.
Vasettha, then the creatures that enjoy the ground cider, eat it, live with it, and thus in a period that lasted a long time. Based on what they eat it, then they become solid bodies, and formed various kinds of body shapes. Some creatures have a beautiful body shape and some are bad. And because of these circumstances, those who have a beautiful body shape look down on those who have a bad body shape ... then extract the ground and even then disappeared ...... when the land disappeared juices ... plant emerges from soil (bhumipappatiko). How to plant-like fungus ... They enjoy, get food, living with plants that emerged from the land, and this goes a long way in the once ... (As above). While they are proud of the beauty of themselves, they become arrogant and conceited, the plants that emerged from the ground that too disappeared. Furthermore ivy (badalata) appears ... dadi color of milk or butter is pure, pure sweetness like honey bees ....
They enjoy, get food and live with the ivy ... then their bodies become more dense, and the difference in their bodies became more clearly visible; most beautiful look and some look bad. And because of this situation, then those who have a beautiful body shape look down on those who have a body shape that bad ...While they are proud of the beauty of their body shape to become arrogant and conceited; the ivy that too disappeared.Then, Vasettha, when the ivy gone ... came the rice plant (sali) that ripen in the open, without the bran and now, fragrant and clean grains. In the afternoon they gathered and took him to dinner, and next morning it had grown rice and cook again. When in the morning they gather and membawankya untu kmakan afternoon, then on the afternoon of rice has been grown and cooked again, so it appears continuous rice.Vasettha, then the creatures that enjoy the rice (cooked) from the open, get food and live with the rice plant, and this goes a long way in the future once. Based on the dose that they enjoy and eat it, then their bodies grow more dense, and their bodies namoak differences more clearly. For women seem kind kewanitaanya (itthilinga) and for men it is clear his manhood (purisalinga), then she very concerned about the situation klaki men, and men were very concerned about the situation of women. Because they are very concerned about the situation themselves sati each other, then timbulah Indriya lust that burned their bodies. And as a result of lust Indriya, they perform sex relationships ... 3)Teciptanya earth and the universe as described above may be somewhat confusing, the author will try to explain it further.Explanation of the Buddha on the creation of earth and life is can be seen in Aganna Sutta which is the book of the 27th of the Digha Nikaya, which summarizes the long sermons of the Buddha.
"Then it's time, [O], Vasettha, when, sooner or later, ona period of time, the world over. And when this happens, the creatureliving mostly born in the Natural Light (Abhassara), and therethey lived, made of mind, fed by the ravishment, luminousalone, floating in the air,serialized in glory, and so they survive for the timelong, long periods of time. Then came the time, [O],Vasettha, sooner or later the world started to evolve again. When thishappens, these creatures down from Nature Abhasara, usually proceedhis life as a human being. "
Then it's time, [O], Vasettha, when, sooner or later, ona period of time, this world pass away "refers to the destruction of the universelong, and all terkondesasi into energy, this is referred towith Natural Light Natural Abhassara or, because the light itself ismanifestation of energy. Therefore, the Buddha clearly explainedthat at that time they have no form, and only consists ofmind. Which of these thoughts shows the continuity of energy from the creaturelife, which is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.Science pengetahuanpunacknowledge that the earth is not directly created one try, which wasamazing was that the Buddha hadknow this. Contrary to common views are recognized 2500years ago, who said that the world was created directlyby supernatural beings. The process of development of this earth is clearThe Buddha mentioned in the sentence:, [O], Vasettha, sooner or laterThis world started to evolve again. At the time of formation of developmentthis world, then the creatures began to continue his birth, whichappear in sentences of the Sutta: "continues to live as human beings", whichintended to continue his life as a human being is to continue his birthreturn up to become a creature that has a physical form again.Aboutfalling creature from outer space, scientists do not oppose it,given the theory of panspermia, that life was taken from outer space.It has been proved by the discovery of meteorites from the planet Mars, whichcontaining spores of life.
Let us read further Sutta text is:"At that time, everything is a world that consists of water, darkpitch,. There is no sun or moon is visible, noconstellation of stars and constellations visible-day andno night, month or mid month there has been no, the yearsas well as the seasons do not exist, men and women does not exist.These creatures known only as beings only. Vasettha, sooner orslow after a long period for these creatures,ground with the juice comes out of the water. Same asfroth forms on the surface of the cooled cooked rice milk, sothe emergence of the land, just like pure honey bee, so sweetthe land. "It's amazing the Buddha had once said that lifeoriginated from water, with the sentence: "one world of water", according to scienceknowledge of water is essential for life and life beginswater. Only in 1657, Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, the inventor of the microscope,found that there are very small creatures that live in rain water. Also itThis does not conflict with science which says that the earthThis used to be liquid. At the newly formed earth, of course, still happeninghaze that occurred from the cooling earth, the sun and thereforestar is not visible, it is also an extraordinary stated in the Suttathis. Obviously this Sutta said. "No moon nor sun appeared, nostars were the resource persons seen, nor constellations ". This means that the actual solarand the stars already existed, but not yet visible, so it does not conflictwith science that says that the sun is older than the earth,many religions that arise when it says that the earth is older thansun, but this is true according to science:Excerpts from the book "Geographica, the complete Illustrated reference world."ha10 periplus publication, as follows: "A Little Less than 5 billionsyears ago, the Sun was formed in a cloud of interstellar gas. The infant sunwas surrounded by a cooling disk of gas and dust, the solar nebula, Nowhereknots of material were the resource persons forming, cooling, breaking, and merging. The largerobjects, Called planetisimals, grew by accreting Smaller particles, Until aFew protoplanets dominated. The protoplanets from the warm inner parts ofBecame disc small rocky planets. Further out, in a cooler region, ICES Nowhereof water, ammonia, and methane Could condense, the giant planets formed.These planets grew in mass more rapidly, forming deep atmospheres Wouldrocky cores. The giants planets copied the sun's creation in miniature diskto create the moons. "
Here it is clear that the sun was 5 billion years, and there are more advancebefore planet2. Further on page 20 mentioned the earth formedaround 4500-5000 million years ago. Science also agreed thatlife initially was not sex or asexual, thisin line with what the Buddha spoke, that: "These creatures onlycreatures known as just ", ie there is no distinction of maleor female, male or female.The next section is to describe the emergence of single-celled plants:"These creatures, the land with the juice comes out of the water.Just like other forms of scum on the surface of the cooled cooked rice milk "Single-celled algae such as diatoms, desmids and other breedto divide, from one to two, two become four toachieve ribuan.yang form a golden brown layer onsurface water, some others form a layer or floweryfoaming at the water's surface, and give a particular taste in water.So are admirably clear teachings of the Buddha's Sutta gives anan accurate depiction of the emergence of the first life formsingle-celled plants.Then we read again the next Sutta:"Then Vasettha, among the creatures who have the innate naturegreedy (lolajatiko) said, "Oh, is it?" and taste the essence of the landwith his finger. By tasting it, he was overwhelmed by the cider, andcraving entered into him. And all other creatures followexample of his deeds, land cider tasting with her fingers. Withtasted it, then they are covered by the sari, and craving entryinto them. And the creatures began to eat the soil extract,sari-sari clot breaking ground with their hands. And withdo this, light body creatures that become lost. Withdisappearance of the light of their bodies, then matahri, moon, stars andconstellation, the constellation appears. Similarly, with day and night, moonand mid-month, the seasons and years ensued. ThusVasettha, to the extent that the earth was formed again.Vasettha, then creatures that enjoy the ground cider, eat,live with it, and thus in a period that lasted a long time.Based on the dose they eat it, then their bodies becomesolid, and terwujudlah various forms. Some creatures haveform a beautiful and most creatures have a body shape that bad.And because of this situation, then those who have a beautiful body shapelook down on those who have poor body shape, withthinking: "We're more beautiful than they are, they are worse thanus ". While they were proud of their beauty, so be proudand arrogant, then that too disappeared juices soil.With the disappearance of cider land, they gathered together andmeratapinya "darling, delicious! dear delicious!". So now,if people enjoy the taste, he would say "Oh, delicious! Oh,delicious! "true what they say is just followgreeting the past, without them knowing the meaning of those words. "
Here the obvious one-celled animals into the food of the creaturesOther ancient, and because the food is then began to change aliasevolved, physical body begins to develop. In this part of the Buddhaincorporate moral teaching that is against greed and a sense of pride, soBuddhism is not merely a purely scientific doctrine, but alsomoral teachings. Given according to Buddhism, this physical bodydetermined by the mind. At that time the earth and its atmosphere began enoughstable and cold so it is very helpful for the development of living thingsnext, the moment the sun and other heavenly bodies startappear.The next sutta we read again:"Then, Vasettha, when the land disappeared juices for creatures that,emerged plants from the soil (Bhumi-pappatiko). How to growis like the growth of fungi. It has color, flavor, andsmell, just like pure butter milk or curd, so plant colorthat, just like pure honey bees, so the sweetness of the plant.Then the creatures began to eat the plants that emerged fromland. They enjoy, get food, live plantsemerged from the land, and it lasted so in timeslong time. Based on the dose they eat it, then the bodythey become more dense, and differences in their body shape looks moreclear. Some mehluk have a beautiful body shape and some creatureshave a bad body shape. And because of this situation, then those whohave a beautiful body shape memeandang randah those who havebad shape, with thinking, "We're more beautiful than they,they are worse than us. "Whilethey are proud of their beauty, so be proud and arrogant, thenplants that emerged from the ground and even thendisappeared. Furthermore ivy (baladata) appeared, and how the growthis like bamboo. This plant has a color, smell, and taste, the samesuch as pure butter milk or curd, so that plant color,same as pure bee honey, sweet demikanlah plant. "In accordance with science, plants begin to grow on land and morecomplex, such as fungi, which inPali language is called: Ahicchanttako, part also describes the evolutionseparately between the two kingdoms in the biological sciences, namely kingdom plantaria(Plants) and Animalia (animals). In the verses above we can alsoknow that the number of creatureslife more varied: ", then their bodies become more dense, anddifferences in their body shape appears to be more clear ". There is a creaturebeautiful shape and there are bad. Also the living things depend increasinglywith their food. It is also in line with science, namelyBird Finch Darwin, which is determined by the type of beak shapefood. Then the plants are also grown increasingly complex with the emergence ofivy, it describes the state of Prekambrium and Cambrian era.
Text next Sutta:Then, Vaettha, creatures began to eat the ivy.They enjoy, get food and live with ivy, and this goes a long way in the future once.Based on the dose they eat it, then their bodies becomemore dense, and different formstheir bodies look more clear. Some creatures have the body shapebeautiful and most creatures have a body shape that bad. And becausethis situation, then those who have a beautiful body shape, looking atlow those who have poor body shape, by thinking, "Wemore beautiful than they are, they are worse than us ". Whilethey are proud of their beauty, so be proud and arrogant, thenivy that too disappeared. With the disappearance of the ivy,they gathered together and meratapinya "pity us, we belonggone! ".Similarly today, when people are asked whattroubled him, they replied, "Have mercy on us!What we have been missing "that actually what they sayIt was followed at the time greetingpast, without knowing the meaning than the words. Then, Vasettha,when it disappeared ivyfor creatures that, comes the rice plant (sali) that ripen inoutdoor (akattha Pako), without the bran and husk, fragrant, withgrains of the net. Where in the afternoon they gather andtake her to dinner, then the next morning it had grown riceand cook again. When they gather in the morningand took him to lunch, then on the afternoon of rice has beengrow and cook again, so it appears continuous rice. Vasettha,The next creatures that enjoy the rice from the open, getfood and live with the rice plant, and this goesThus in the long termonce. Based on the dose that they enjoy and eat it, thentheir bodies grow more dense, and differences in their body shape seemmore clearly. For women it is clear her femininity (itthilinga) and forapparent malehis manhood (purisalinga). Then the women are very concerned aboutcircumstances of men, and men were very concerned about the circumstanceswomen. Because of their mutual attention to each situationother too much, then arises the sense that burning passion of their bodies.And as a result of lust sensessuch, they perform sexual intercourse (methuna).From the above verse we know is that the next phase of emergenceseed plants are said to be: plant grain onSutta above, is also being started to be divided into male and female. Inperiod of this evolution, living things began to develop its DNA, and withhelp the environment, namely water, heat and so forth to formnew cells. There are also moral teachings about pride and passion.
So these creatures eventually evolved into humans.
Conclusion:From here it was obvious conformity with science:a. Living things arise through a long development process.b. Living things evolved from the simplest life into themost complex.Posted by buddha school at 10:26 0 commentsSubmit by Email ThisBlogThis!Sharing to TwitterShare on FacebookShare to Google BuzzLabel: knowlege is ImportantThree Characteristics of LifeThree Characteristics of Life
Buddha also discovered that all life has three characteristics.
AniccaEverything is impermanent, and everything is in the process of changing into somethingother. For example, we are all in the process of aging. Even the stars and galaxies are inprocess of change.
DukkhaSince everything is impermanent, life is a target of affliction.There's alwaysthe desire for fun, and also a rejection of an unpleasant, whichresulting from the nature of life that is constantly changing.
AnattaNo self is eternal or unchanging. The 'self' whose existence we believe in, no otheronly consists of various mental and physical elements, which are in a state that is constantly changingby the process of Cause and Effect.

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