
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why we must destroy the Sphinx and Pyramids!

Al Arabiya; I. Rony, Wisdom Quarterly
These objects of awe and wonder need to be returned to dust; it's God's will (whatafy.com)
Murgan Salem al-Gohary (DreamTV)
An Egyptian jihad leader, with self-professed links to the [CIA's] Taliban, called for the “destruction of the Sphinx and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt,” drawing ties between the Egyptian relics and Buddha statues [in Bamiyan, Afghanistan], local media reported this week.

Murgan Salem al-Gohary, an Islamist leader twice-sentenced under former President Hosni Mubarak for advocating violence, called on Muslims to remove such “idols.”

Well, after sleeping on it, let's keep them.
“All Muslims are charged with applying the teachings of Islam to remove such idols, as we did in Afghanistan when we destroyed the Buddha statues,” he said on Saturday during a television interview on an Egyptian private channel, widely watched by Egyptian and Arab audiences.
“God ordered Prophet Mohammed to destroy idols,” he added. “When I was with the Taliban we destroyed the statue of Buddha, something the government failed to do.”

His comments came a day after thousands of ultraconservative Islamists gathered in Tahrir Square to call for the strict application of Sharia law in the new constitution.

But in retaliation to Gohary’s remarks, the vice president of Tunisia’s Ennahda party, Sheikh Abdel Fattah Moro, called the live program and told Gohary that famous historic military commander Amr ibn al-Aas did not destroy statues when he conquered Egypt.

Giza pyramid and ancient chimera Sphinx with cavern entrance under its paw and watermarks revealing its actual antiquity, Egypt, northern Africa (iamxa/trekearth.com)
“So who are you to do it?” he wondered. “The Prophet destroyed the idols because people worshipped them, but the Sphinx and the Pyramids are not worshiped.”

Gohary, 50, is well-known in Egypt for his advocacy of violence, Egypt Independent reported.

“He was sentenced twice, one of the two sentences being life imprisonment. He subsequently fled Egypt to Afghanistan... In 2007, he traveled from Pakistan to Syria, which then handed him over to Egypt. After Mubarak's fall in early 2011, he was released from prison by a judicial ruling,” the newspaper added. More

Two forms of Jesus (Issa), the popular vs. the historical, the make-believe vs.
the unknown. The edited Bible is not the place to look. Read the Apocrypha.
Thou Shalt Obey or Else
Pat Macpherson, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)

If it's God's will, who are we to argue? As Holy Book-obeying Christians and Muslims, we must follow leaders like Gohary into battle against these graven images and idols.
It's not The God's will, it's His command. (Kinda makes one wonder why He doesn't do it Himself, but who are we to question the almighty star-god?)
And it's not just him. The CIA created the "Taliban" from released prisoners in Pakistan and elsewhere, bringing them to a foreign land that did not practice violent jihad or Wahhabi-ism. What happened to the Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan, some of the largest in the world, and more recently to Buddhist rock art in Pakistan, is not an aberration of erratic Muslims.

These are staged activities -- staged by the CIA and US military PsyOps -- to infuriate otherwise peaceful bystanders. Why, for what? So that we will turn the other way whatever is done to our Muslim brothers and sisters. When we listen to religious edicts, particularly those of the barbaric Near East, we engage in a history of violence, from religious crusades, to imperial raids, to hegemony, and attempts at world domination.

How? Fear. In fear we kill, less often out of greed, and least often out of hate -- but always, always, co-motivated by delusion.

Whether Mr. Gotary really wants to destroy Egyptian heritage, long the pride of mathematically-amazing Muslims, it is no reason to call for or condone wars and attacks.
If propaganda says kill, let live. If propaganda says be afraid, live. Live and let live.

Maybe the CIA or extremist Christians and pious Islamists will demolish all art, particularly those gorgeous Greek nudes. So? That's on them. Stopping the destruction of arts and antiquities never needs to come to violence. Protection is defensive not offensive. Religious extremism is all around us.

The Near East has better reason to fear Judeo-Christian attacks than the West need fear the Near or Middle East.

But we would never know that because the mainstream media and the propaganda arm of our military constantly beats the drum of fear and war until we are ready to sign off on any atrocity -- drones, extrajudicial killings, assassinations, invasions, oil theft, rape, pedophilia, slavery, radioactive poisoning (particularly from the use of "depleted" uranium which is anything but depleted), and secret war crimes and unspeakable crimes against humanity we are not generally made aware of such as purposely contaminating water supplies, bombing hospitals, and worse.

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