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Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Tao of Joy Every Day by Derek Lin.

The beauty of Taoism is that the wisdom is simple yet profound and that is the strength of Derek Lin's book, The Tao of Joy Every Day: 365 Days of Tao Living. Its easy reference style makes it a great gift for those who are often too busy for deep, extended, contemplative meditation. The book offers up easily digestible wisdom for when you need a quick bit of inspiration. It is a great way to start the day, and it's small size makes it ideal for a nightstand book. It's short but powerful entries...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bodhi Day Message of 2011: The Gift of the Dharma.

PHOTO CREDIT: Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree gazing upon the morning star. Image provided by the American Public Broadcasting Service, which was used in their documentary titled, "The Buddha."Today marks the day that Buddha found his way out of the maze of suffering. Otherwise known as his "enlightenment." Countless Buddhists, worldwide, mark this day each year with personal reflection, meditation, and gratitude. For me, while the actual moment of enlightenment is to be honored, the essence...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Manfaatkan 50 SMS Gratis Google

Banyak operator telepon seluler (ponsel) menawarkan program telepon gratis ada yang mengatakan telepon gratis hingga 24 jam yang juga yang mengatakan 100 sms gratis, ribuan sms gratis. Semua sms gratis tersebut biasanya disertai dengan syarat tertentu baru bisa menikmati sms dan telpon gratis namun kali ini berbeda dengan google yang menyediakan sms gratis tanpa syarat, namun untuk melakukan ...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Visits Burma.

Every minute of every day, while we sit in the relative comfort of our homes, Buddhist monks in Burma are being tortured in prisons. And when they aren't being beaten, they are huddled in dirty, dark and disease ridden cells. All this they endure because they wouldn't sit by and watch the people of Burma be treated like garbage by the dictatorial regime. Their courage was driven, in part, by the deep compassion developed from practicing the Dharma. They are the conscience of the world standing up...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Generation X Inheriting American Buddhism.

PHOTO CREDIT: Buddha Statue in Thailand by chok photoFrom, "The Buddhist Channel": Buddhism in America is at a crossroads. The best-known Buddhist leaders, mostly white converts who emerged from the counterculture and protest movements of the Vietnam era, are nearing retirement or dying. Charlotte Joko Beck, a pioneer of Zen practice in America, passed away in June.The next generation of teachers is pushing in new directions, shaped by the do-it-yourself ethos of the Internet age and a desire to...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

iLivelihood: Steve Jobs and Right Livelihood.

PHOTO CREDIT: "Green Apple" by Suat Eman. It is true that the inventor of the iPhone, Steve Jobs, was a genius and a true visionary. His inventions revolutionized modern society, which rightfully gives him a place among legends such as Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. It is also true that he dabbled in Zen Buddhism but I feel it goes too far when Lama Surya Das describes Steve Jobs as exemplifying the Buddhist teaching of "Right Livelihood."Right Livelihood is one of numerous teachings by Buddha on...

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Dalai Lama: Buddhism's Teddy Bear.

When my world-weary eyes fall upon the aura of the Dalai Lama, it has the same effect as a light dose of the anti-anxiety medication I take. It is so powerfully calming and soothing to meditate upon his image that I can't imagine the energy that must warm the space when in his presence. Yet, truly he seems to regard everyone with the same reverence as we regard him. It's always a dicey endeavor to speak of someone as "enlightened" because it's simply a word, whereas the pure state of enlightenment...

Monday, October 31, 2011

John Lennon: Bodhisattva.

~I bow to the Buddha within y...

Friday, October 28, 2011

6 Tempat Membuat Blog Gratis

Membuat blog gratis bagi orang awam, pada awalnya mengalami kesulitan selain karena tidak tahu apa itu blog dan bagaimana cara membuat blog hingga dimana saja tempat membuat blog gratis.Membuatnya mungkin mudah namun hal yang paling penting adalah tempat yang disediakan, dan untuk tempat yang disediakan ini bisa dianalogikan sebagai sebuah lahan tanah yg seseorang boleh membangun rumah di...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nuclear Weapons Don't Make The World Safer.

The above is a nuclear weapon 600 times stronger than the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It is mercifully the last of the most powerful nuclear weapons in the United States of America. There is a profound saying in America about the greedy desires of building a massive military in the delusional belief warfare creates peace; nobody truly "wins" in a war. The original quote speaks of Air Force bombers but I altered it a bit to address the issue of nuclear weapons. To paraphrase, "It will be a...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

REPOST: Buddhist Economics

---This is a repost from 2009. I decided to repost it given the continued, poor economy---We currently find ourselves in a global economic crisis. There aren't many in the world who can say that they haven't been affected in some way by these difficult times. Yet in between hyperventilating fits I am realizing that I knew this was coming. It's a cyclical thing.Buddha certainly saw this coming all those thousands of years ago. I find myself depressed now and then that the world is in such terrible...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wanted: Urban Monks.

"All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else."-BuddhaI really like this striking image--the pagoda speaks of the timelessness of the Dharma while the buildings project the essential, utilitarian-nature of day-to-day modern life. Perhaps some might try and crop out the buildings from this picture believing they take away from the pagoda. But nothing in this world exists in a...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Receive 1000 Backlinks For Free!

Receive 1000 Backlinks For Free!: 247backlinks.info is giving away 1000 free backlinks (no purchase necessary) if you sign up using this li...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Cara Membuat Artikel Terkait Wordpress

Banyak bloger sudah menulis artikel tentang cara membuat artikel terkait wordpress, namun blog Belajar Komputer ini juga menulis artikel yang sama supaya membantu pengunjung blog Ilmu KOmputer Gratis ini. Artikel terkait yang dimaksud adalah artikel yang selalu muncul di bagian bawah dari artikel yang diposting. Dengan memasang artikel terkait di bagian akhir suatu tulisan membuat blog kita...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Kehidupan masyarakat dalam mengejar kekayaan, misalnya, pada masa pemerintahan 2004-2009, tidak ada hal seperti BLT dan sedikit bantuan dari pemerintah. untuk mobil-mobil mewah yang biasa masih ingin mengucapkan terima kasih, karena setiap hari ganti mobil untuk menggantikan Kantor pesawat naik alias.juga tidak bisa bahkan minibus pecah. Bagi mereka yang benar-benar tidak mampu untuk menggunakan transportasi umum, BLT tidak diragukan lagi sangat diantisipasi dan diharapkan untuk menyertakan...

Troy Davis, facing execution, for polygraph

ATLANTA - An inmate convicted of Georgia, which has attracted followers of a former president of the Pope is set to be executed Wednesday after losing what had been the most realistic opportunity to avoid the lethal injection.  Troy Davis was left with little to do on Tuesday, but hopes to be executed for a murder he insists he did not commit, after Georgia pardons board turned down his request for clemency. As his scheduled execution approached 19:00 Wednesday, his followers resorted to exaggerated....

Gang Rape arrest Jakarta quarter, new information revealed

A fourth suspect wanted for the gang rape of a woman aboard a public minibus was arrested earlier this month in South Jakarta on Tuesday, police said. Andri police captured, alias Putaw in Padang, West Sumatra, where it is believed he fled after the incident on September 1, according to the police chief of South Jakarta Mr. COMRA. Imam Sugianto. Two others, and Aris Sebastian, also arrested in Padang earlier this month, while Yogi, the driver of Angkota (minibus) in question, was arrested in Jakarta on September 13. The three suspects captured in Padang are still detained there because the...

SEA Games 20 Salas received certification feasibility

A series of preparation have been carried out by the Jakarta Provincial Government to welcome SEA games event held in November 11-22 in Jakarta and Palembang. 20 locations that will be used for 24 different sports have proven their viability by the team of the organization's technical delegate from each branch. Although the places are not quite finished, but it has been certified by the verification team viability. For SEA Games as well as 8572 people will visit Jakarta. 3149 In particular athletes,...

NASA hiring private contractors for space transportation

NASA has unveiled plans to buy a full range of spacecraft, launch vehicles, mission operations and ground support mid to transport astronauts to the International Space Station and LEO . According to the proposed NASA project, the integrated design contract will be awarded to several private companies that can provide designs for all operations relating to the issuance and recovery. The agency will spend up to $ 1,610 million for the project that runs from July 2012 to April 2014, officials said. "This effort will lead IDC through the critical design phase to fully incorporate human condition...

Lawyer: Iran to free U.S. hikers

The Iranian lawyer of U.S. two hikers imprisoned in the Islamic Republic for two years on charges of illegally entering the country says CBS News the paperwork to see them on bail has been signed, and is out of jail on Wednesday. Shafiei Masoud said the guarantee document was signed on Wednesday by a third judge, whose vacation had delayed the process of Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal. Shafiei said the last remaining obstacle - a "minor" technical barrier to the transfer of $ 1 million in bail money in the correct account in Tehran - was resolved, and he was on his way to the notorious Evin prison...

Adobe Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 to support 3D games

Adobe has announced it is enabling 3D gaming for users of its software for Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 installed on their machines. Both applications allow 3D games on mobile devices of all kinds including IOS devices, Android, Blackberry OS Tablet computer, Mac and Windows. The software also allows 3D gaming on TVs and other connected platforms. Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 provide a cross-platform environment to deliver games and video content to a wide audience with the single platform. AIR has...

Google + opens, will struggle to Facebook

Google Inc (GOOG.O) and Facebook brought out a variety of new social networking features on the back-to-back announcements on Tuesday, underlining the increased competition of Internet users. Google has integrated its search engine in its flagship three-month-old social networks - with the membership and is open to the public Internet - and expanded its "meeting places" video-chat feature to allow mobile use and broadcasting. The company said on its official blog welcomed the gathering places role - in which up to nine people can connect and chat with a user in the video - will be available...

How to search for truth

A summary of the Kalama Sutta (Free Basic Research), a guide to finding the truth with wisdom, as taught by the Buddha: During his life, Buddha once came to a village inhabited by people of Kalama. Kalama tribes including the most intelligent group of people and scholars in India. He went to ask the Buddha, "How do we know what is taught right? All other spiritual masters (over 60 religious beliefs at the time) came saying that teach only one thing is certain, that all other teaching is not true. " In response, the Buddha smiled softly and replied: 1. Do not believe what you hear just because...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Way of Rich With Rp 1.000,00

1960 1000 Rupiah Indonesian note People's lives in pursuit of wealth, for example, during the reign of 2004-2009, there is no such thing as a BLT and a little help from the government. to the usual luxury cars still want to thank the CAT, as each day replace the car to replace the Office of the shuttle rose alias. also could not even minibus broke.  For those who are completely unable to use public transport, the BLT is undoubtedly highly anticipated and is expected to include the usual luxury...

Promotes tourism in the city to China

In order to introduce the tourism potential of the city of Jakarta and improve the attractiveness of foreign tourists who visited Jakarta, Jakarta Tourism and Culture constantly promote the tourism and culture in several major cities. This month, Jakarta Tourism and Culture is being promotion in three cities in China, namely Guangzhou, Chongqing and Beijing. These promotions are filled with the issue of participating Roadshow 2011 in Jakarta 10 Jakarta tourism industries.  Jakarta Head of Tourism...

Euro falls on downgrade Italy, Greece concerns

The euro fell sharply on Tuesday, nearing a seven-month low against the dollar after Standard and Poor's cut its debt rating in Italy and as investors worry about whether Greece can borrow money much needed cash international lenders. These concerns encouraged investors to exit a wide range of riskier assets, with the Australian dollar briefly linked with the growth economy, currency hit a one-month low and emerging as the Brazilian real is under heavy pressure. The European single currency hit...

Netflix Move Sets up potential sale or spin-off

Decision of Netflix Inc. (NFLX) 's DVD to divide its operations from the service of transmission of strains of reduced emblematic mail order business and paves the way for an eventual exit, analysts said. A pure-play business online would be smaller and faster growth, more freedom to experiment, said George Askew, an analyst at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. in Baltimore. "The separation of the transmission line and DVD will be the stage for the division or the sale of the DVD business in the future," said Askew, who has a "hold" rating on the shares. Netflix has dropped 31 percent in the last three...

Mempunyai Niat Beramal Bagi Makhluk Hidup, Maka Andapun Mempunyai Berkah Besar!

Mempunyai Niat Beramal Bagi Makhluk Hidup, Maka Andapun Mempunyai Berkah Besar! Oleh Maha Mula Acharya LianshengDiterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Sembahsujud kepada Biksu Liaoming, Acharya Sakya Dezhung, Gyalwa Karmapa ke-16, Acharya Thubten Dhargye. Sembahsujud kepada Tri Ratna di mandala. Gurudhara, para Acharya, Dharmacarya, biksu lhama, dharmaduta, pandita lokapalasraya, ketua vihara, dan para saudara sedharma, selamat sore semuanya! Hari ini hadir lagi di Vihara Vajragarbha Fuyu (福佑雷藏寺), di daerah...

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