
Saturday, April 23, 2011


The biggest obstacle for the success of meditation and the attainment of knowledge is one element or more than five barriers.All practice toward enlightenment can be regarded as an attempt to overcome the five obstacles, first of all internalize it while the time to experience and knowledge Jhana, and then completely overcome through the development of the Noble Eightfold Path completely.
So, what are the Five Obstacles this? Five barriers consist of:< Kamacchanda: Lust Desire 
Vyapada: Willingness Evil 
Thina-middha: Laziness and inaction 
Uddhacca-Kukucca: Anxiety and Regret 
Vicikiccha: Doubt

1. Lust Desire 
Referring to the specific desire to seek happiness through the five senses: sense of sight, sense of hearing, sense of smell, the senses of taste and sense of touch. But it specifically does not cover all the aspiration to achieve happiness obtained through the sixth sense of mind.
In extreme forms, craving to be an obsession to find pleasure in things like sex, good food, or beautiful music. Also includes a desire to exchange aggravation or even the sad experience of the five senses with a pleasant experience, the desire for sensory comfort.
Buddhists liken craving with debt. Any pleasure experienced through the five senses which one should be paid to the displeasure of hunting without putting compassion in the form of separation, loss, or hunger and emptiness when the fun ends.While the debt, is always associated with flowers, then this is like the Buddha said, the pleasure gained less than the suffering that must be paid.
In meditation, craving to conquer someone within a certain time to let go of concern for the physical body and the activities of the five senses. Most people assume that the five senses are there to serve and protect the physical body, but in reality jasmanilah agency that serves the five senses in this world play a role in the search for pleasure. Thus, the Buddha once said, "The five senses are the world" and to leave this world for the sake of enjoying the happiness of another form of Jhana, there are times when one must stop ALL forms of concern for the physical body and five senses.
When the desire has been conquered, in the inner meditator there is no longer an interest in the lure of pleasure or even to the physical body comfort. Physical body has disappeared and the five senses have been disabled. The mind becomes calm and free to look into. The difference between the five senses and penaklukkannya activity, equal to the difference between looking out the window and looked into the mirror. A mind free from the activities of the five senses to really look inward and examine his true nature. Only from there that our wisdom about, such as "who we are, where and why" may develop.

2. Willingness Evil Referring to the desire to punish, hurt or destroy. This is merely covering one's hatred, or even suatusituasi, and he can generate a lot of energy that is very seductive and addictive. At first, the power of evil intentions always justify everything, so easily destroy our ability to judge fairly. This also includes malicious intent toward someone, or in other words known as a mistake, which rejected any possibility of happiness. In meditation, evil intentions emerge in the form of hatred towards the object of meditation, refused to accept it so that the attention of someone forced to wander everywhere.
Buddhists liken ill with ill. Just as the disease that claimed the freedom and happiness of a person's health, the ill will snatch freedom and peace of one's happiness.
Evil intentions can be overcome by developing Metta, loving-kindness. When the resulting ill will against anyone, Metta teaches one to understand the person more deeply than all the things that hurt you, to understand why someone hurt you (often because they hurt themselves with terrible) and encouraged him to put aside the pain he felt with the radiate love to others. But if this is beyond one's abilities, Metta direct a person to not constantly wish evil on him, so that the memory of their deeds do not hurt you deeper.Similarly, if malice was directed to himself, with metta we do not just look at somebody wrong, we can understand one's mistakes, and raises the courage to forgive them, learn from it, and releasing it, then, if malicious intent directed toward the object of meditation(usually this is the reason why a meditator can not feel peace), Metta embrace the object of meditation with attention and pleasure. For example, like a mother who radiates nature Metta to his son, as well as a meditator can observe the breath, say, with the same quality of attention of observation. Then this will be like the impossibility of the loss of attention on the breath because of inadvertence, as well as the impossibility of a mother forget her baby in a shopping center, and this also would like the impossibility of leaving the attention on the breath to divert the mind as when a mother who was confused eliminate her baby!When malice has been resolved, it will form lasting relationships with others, with oneself, and in meditation, a lasting relationship with the object of meditation that fun will cause a person to mature into a full-uptake of attention.

3. Laziness and inaction Referring to the severity of the physical body and mind bluntness that attract a person into inaction and the crippling depression.Buddhists liken it to a prisoner in a cramped, dark cell, unable to breathe free air and enjoying the sun light. In meditation, this led to concern that weak and fragmented, which even could cause a person to sleep while meditating without even realizing it!
Laziness and inertia can be overcome by generating energy.Energy is always there but few who know how to activate it, like the energy it can be activated. By setting a goal, a legitimate objective, is an effective and prudent way to generate energy, because with free will develop an interest to perform a given task. A small child has a natural interest and energy of interest, because his world was so new. So, if someone can learn to see someone's life or meditation a person with a "mind of a beginner", one could even see a new angle corner and the possibilities that a refreshing, that away from someone from laziness and inertia, remain active and energetic. In other words, a person can develop a joy in whatever it does to train the perception to see the beauty in ordinary things, thus can generate an interest to avoid extreme fatigue, namely laziness and inaction.
The mind has two main functions, "doing" and "recognize". How to meditate is to quiet the "do" to completely calm while defending function "recognize". Laziness and inertia arise when someone with a reckless calm both of these functions either "do" or "recognize", because it can not distinguish between them.Laziness and inertia is a common problem that slow and hinder a person in his training. A skilled meditator will continue to observe the initial sign of laziness and indolence with sharp, so he can realize his arrival and dodge before it's too late. Like when they arrive at a crossroads, one can choose the path that is far from laziness and inaction.
Laziness and inertia is a physical and mental condition of the body that is not fun, which is too rigid to achieve happiness Jhana and too blind to realize any knowledge. In short, this is a waste of valuable time.

4. Anxiety Referring to the mind like a monkey, always swinging from one branch to another branch, without having to dwell long on everything. This is because the condition of the mind that is always looking for faults, can not be satisfied with everything that exists, it must keep moving to find something better, forever.
Buddhists liken anxiety with slaves, who continue to follow the orders of a tyrant boss, who crave perfection and never let anyone stop.
Anxiety can be overcome by developing a sense of satisfaction, which is the opposite of looking for mistakes. Someone learning to live happily in the simplicity, content with little possesses, instead of always wanting more. Someone who is grateful at this moment is better than always thinking of shortage. For example, in meditation, anxiety is often in the form of impatience to move quickly to the next level. The fastest progress, instead achieved by those who are satisfied with their current level. This is a deep satisfaction that ripen to the next level. So beware of "wanting something" and instead learn how to rest in the full sense of complacency that respect. Thus, the function of "doing" it disappears and meditasipun grow.
Remorse refers to a certain anxiety, caused by the effects of the evil one's kamma. The only way to overcome a sense of regret, anxiety due to a bad conscience is to purify one's virtue and become wise and good. In essence, it is impossible for someone who is immoral or who like to indulge themselves to get ahead and thrive in meditation.

5. Doubt Doubt referring to the disturbing questions that arise in the mind when one should move further in silence. Doubt can be a person's ability to question, "Can I do this?" Or questioning how "street kutempuh What is correct?" Or even question the meaning of "What is this?". It should be remembered that this question is an obstacle obstacle in meditation because they asked at the wrong time, thereby becoming a nuisance, which obscures the clear view of a person.
Buddhists liken hesitation with getting lost in the desert, without knowing directions. Such doubts can be resolved by collecting the clear instructions, have a good map, so that someone can recognize the subtle clues in the foreign area when meditating in depth and to know where the road that will be pursued. Doubts of doubt in the ability to overcome by finding a teacher who advanced to guide her develop her confidence. A teacher of meditation as a coach who convinced the team sports that they will succeed.Buddha said that a person can and will reach Jhana and Enlightenment if he sincerely and patience to follow instructions given. The only uncertainty is the "when"! Experience also overcome keraguraguan someone in his abilities and also the avoidance of doubt whether he was on the right path. When a person is aware of the beautiful street level, then he knows that someone is actually having the ability to achieve the highest, then this is the road that leads people to it.
Doubt a continuously alleged, "Is this jhana?", "What way?" Can be overcome by being aware of such questions, it is best removed all the way back, until the last minute meditation. The jury will only provide an assessment at the end of the trial, when all the evidence has been submitted. In other words, a skilled meditator evidence to pursue a series of quiet, look only at the end to find the meaning.
End of doubt in the meditation explained with a mind that has been fully believe in the silence that will not interfere in the inner voice.Like to have a good driver, he sat calmly in his journey as a form of kepercayaaannya against the driver.
Any problems that arise in meditation will be one of the Five Obstacles or combinations thereof. So, if someone is having difficulty, use the hurdle Five scheme as a "checklist" to identify the main problem. Then you will know the appropriate treatment, apply the earnest and beyond obstacles towards a deeper meditation.
When the Five Obstacles have been fully resolved, there are no obstructions between the meditator with happiness Jhana. So, pass certain examinations of the Five Obstacles is the ability to enter the Jhana.

May All Beings Be Happy,

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