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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ilmu Komputer Mengubah Format Inch Menjadi Centimeter Office 2007

Mengatur margin adalah hal yang penting termasuk ilmu komputer tentang cara mengubah format inch menjadi centimeter office 2007 adalah hal yang mutlak diperlukan dalam melakukan editing artikel, khususnya orang indonesia yang sehari menggunakan besaran meter dalam menghitung besaran panjang sehingga format default microsoft office word 2007 dalam inch harus diubah menjadi centimeter agar sesuai...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner's Mental State.

Well, that was a short hiatus!! I'm glad I didn't force the inspiration though--force never works. It fights the natural flow of the stream of life. Now, on with the new post!!(Artists rendering of accused killer, Jared Lee Loughner, in court. Photo Credit: Associated Press) By Richard A. Serrano, Los Angeles Times ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Low on Inspiration: A Hiatus.

As many of you can see, I haven't written much lately. Well, it appears that I've been bitten by the "writer's block" bug. Be sure to subscribe by email to the blog for my return. In the meantime, check out the vast archives, located on the lower right hand column of the blog. I will try to return soon, replete with fresh ideas and insights; it might be later today, or a couple weeks from now!! But, rest assured, I won't go far, dear readers!! As always, I'll be reading my fellow bloggers' posts...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fragile Bones Miracle Grow Back

Usnishavijaya Buddha Locani Source: Buddhist Usnishavijaya book LocaniQuoted by Zhiwei Zhu  I was Lianhua Ruencheng (莲花 润 成). On 28 May this year (1996) I had an accident at the waist when she was working in the building, the pain is unbearable.  When examined to the doctor, it turns out down the spine near the waist part sprained cartilage, and the next day just be handled by the hospital.  On 28 June, the company allowed me to be checked with X-rays It turns out the...

English: This article explains the importance of Mahachakra

Book 148 : Power of Mantra Chanting Chapter 5: Revoking One's Dharma Power Translated by Yew Chung Cheng Edited by Luljeta Subasic Proofread by Mimosa Chapter 5 - Revoking One's Dharma PowerOnce, I had a rather strange dream. I found myself flying through mountains and ridges. While ascending to the highest peak, I saw a Tibetan Rinpoche sitting on a flat platform with two lamas beside him. One of them was hoisting a banner while the other was blowing a trumpet.I simply floated into the space above and soared freely above the Tibetan Rinpoche.This Rinpoche asked the lamas beside him, "Who is that...

In loving gratitude to our Friends Henry and Sonia whose input to our book study group is invaluable.

We decided to do something a little different for the daily Buddhist Note. We are all a part of a  study group which meets Thursday Nights to read and discuss Dharma books. Currently we are studying "The Words of My Perfect Teacher" by Patrul Rinpoche. We have been studying the intricacies of Bodhicitta for the last 3 weeks. Henry and Sonia are an older couple who have enhanced our ability to understand and feel Bodhicitta. They share with us what it is like to be older and the sufferings of older people. They have given us so much to digest and understand about when we will get older, and...

Miracle Body Maya (Original title: Kidney Stones)

By Maha Acarya LianshengSource: World Vision OtherQuoted by Zhiwei Zhu  Kidneys are one of the important organs in the human body, the layman said: "The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys" are five types of internal organs.  Taiwan people called "kidney" is the "fruit belt", because it is at the waist, each in left and right, red-brown color, shaped like a peanut pig, convex outside and concave inside.  Kidney function is to filter out impurities in the blood, then exit the...

Between Wife and Lover Deposits

By Maha Acarya Lian ShengFrom the book Living This Moment of PurityQuoted by Zhiwei Zhu  On a sweltering afternoon, an old man came to the 50's I for a consultation. After complaining too hot a few times, this man asked for a glass of cold water.  I hastily went to get water and come back with three glasses of water, 2 cups of water and one small. By placing a large glass of water in front of the guest beside me and put the rest, the man asked, "Why did you bring 2 cups of water? One...

Large Tumors in the Head

By Maha Acarya Lian ShengQuoted by Zhiwei Zhu  A mother holding a child came to see me, this child was about 3 years, on top of his head grow big chunk of tumor, large tumor in the amount of chicken eggs, a black child's hair, however, large tumors bald, no even a single hair that grows in top.  The Mother said, "Great Master Lu, I read your book, you never touched a child with hand tumors, and tumors of children are disappearing in a flash, is that correct?"  I said, "Yes...

Generating Bodhicitta

By Maha Acarya LianshengSource: Padmakumara 8Quoted by Zhiwei Zhu  Thus, most people achieve liberation through the Sakyamuni Buddha in the roadarahatship. Book of the Mahayana books translated in time in the future after philosophyMahayana flourished in India. At first, Sakyamuni Buddha spoke mostlyabout the Hinayana and the arahatship's. However, we should not criticize the teachings of Hinayanabecause the Hinayana is the foundation on which the Mahayana built. Without...

The secret on Padmakumara

By Living Buddha Lian-sheng. (page 2, True Buddha News, 118 issue, November 15-30, 1996) Translated by Yuan Zheng Tang. Let me begin with a verse: With a pure body, nothing arises, Nothing is more, and nothing is less, The difference between Dharma realms lies in gain and attachment, Padmakumara is his pseudonym.Having attained Buddhahood, I sit quietly in meditative stabilization. My body is the same as that of Buddhas of past, present and future lives - while my self-nature is illuminating....

"What is taught by the Buddha?"

The best way to answer this question is by quoting the words of Buddha himself, "Know this, O monks: first and now I teach only suffering and how to eliminate suffering." Regardless of whether the answer is consistent or not with what you think, please consider this a good thing either. There are many ways to answer the questions above, but the Buddha's words are very appropriate summary. Buddha teaches only dukkha and the path to eliminate suffering.The main principle is to distance the questions had nothing to do directly with the disappearance of dukkha. Do not spend time to ask,...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Jewel Praise praise the 'jewels' of the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha 1. Any creature that gathered here, the good of the world or from space, it may all beings be happy. Likewise, I hope they listen attentively to what was said. (222)2. Therefore, O beings, look good. Pancarkanlah affection to the people who make offerings to you day and night. Therefore, protect them with sincere hearts. (223)3. Any property that is here or in another world, or whatever priceless jewel is in the natural eco-paradise, there were no comparable Tathágata. This priceless...


Good Life The monks are advised dispel things that could make them deviatefrom the holy life 1. If people leave the married life, become a hermit and live a lifeof celibacy and pure, this is the most precious jewel. (274) 2. But if by nature he is too much talk, and glad to hurt the othersare rough, the lives of people like this to be of no benefit andincreased his...

NAVA1 Sutta

BoatHow to choose a good teacher and scholar1. People have to respect a person from whom he learned the Dhamma, like saluting the gods Indra. Educated person who respected it, because it pleased the pupils, will make the Dhamma clear. (316)2. After notice and consider it, the wise man even practicing the Dhamma, and thus become educated, intelligent and skilled. And because the alert, he was hanging out with teachers like that. (317)3. People who follow the stupid and humble teacher, who has not realized the meaning of the Dhamma, and the envious, will be close...


Correct Behavior Sariputta: 1. People with a character like what, what behaviors, what kind of action, which will be established so as to achieve the highest welfare? (324) The Buddha: 2. He is a person who salute the older, who does not envy, who knows a good time to meet his teacher, who knows a good time to listen attentively to the sermons that dibabarkan well by his teacher. (325)3. He is a man who met his teacher at the right time, the submissive, who throw kepalaannya violence. He remember and practice the teachings, have self-control and morality. (326) 4. He...


Vangisa received assurance that the teacher has achieved nirvana One time the Buddha dwelt at the monastery near Alavi Aggalava.At that time, Nigrodhakappa Majesty, Majesty Vangisa guidance counselor, recently died there. Then, a fruit-thought comes to mind YM Vangisa (who live alone) in meditation: does teacher mentor has achieved nirvana or not. Then in the evening, YM Vangisa [with friends] facing the Buddha and respectfully ask this:1. We asked the Buddha who has perfect wisdom, who can dispel doubts in the world-the famous monk, who has the grandeur and peace of mind, who...


Vangisa mendapat kepastian bahwa gurunya telah mencapai Nibbana Suatu ketika Sang Buddha berdiam di dekat Alavi di vihara Aggalava. Pada saat itu, Yang Mulia Nigrodhakappa, guru pembimbing Yang Mulia Vangisa, belum lama wafat di sana. Kemudian, suatu buah-pikir muncul di benak YM Vangisa (yang hidup menyendiri) dalam meditasinya: apakah guru pembimbingnya telah mencapai Nibbana atau belum. Maka di petang harinya, YM Vangisa [bersama teman-temannya] menghadap Sang Buddha dan dengan hormat menanyakan hal ini: 1.Kami bertanya kepada Sang Buddha yang memiliki kebijaksanaan sempurna, yang bisa menghalau...


Actions that Ensure SuccessDefinition of the highest blessingsSo I have heard: One time the Buddha dwelt near Savatthi, in the monastery Anathapindika Jeta Forest. On a beautiful night, came the gods with a brilliant light that illuminated the entire Jeta Forest.He went to the Buddha, giving respect, and stood on one side and said to the Buddha in the following verse:1. Many gods and men, for want of prosperity, have reflected on what the act of promising success. Explain whether the act was the highest that guarantee success? 1 (258) The Buddha:2. Not associating with people...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Soundgarden reunion fell into place by chance

(Reuters) - As rock'n'roll reunions go, the current reemergence of Soundgarden after a 13-year split is sadly short of salacious intrigue.The four members of the hard rock band, working on a new album and preparing to begin a monthlong North American tour in July, did not have to complete prison terms or rehab stints.And, despite a report in the satirical newspaper The Onion, lead guitarist Kim Thayil was not working as a daytime supervisor at a Cinnabon baked-goods store.Thayil, 50, who did indeed keep a low profile after the band fell apart in 1997 amid internal tensions, told Reuters on Friday...

Gov. Brown to skip tax increase this year

In March, Gov. Jerry Brown enacted 13 bills that aimed to cut $11.2 billion from California's budget deficit. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / March 24, 2011)Reporting from Sacramento -- A surge in revenue has prompted Gov. Jerry Brown to scale back his proposal for more taxes, even as his administration on Friday announced its intention to close 70 state parks. Officials familiar with Brown's plans said the revised budget he presents Monday will propose raising...

Army makes tough choice to save New Orleans, Baton Rouge

ZOOMLee Esther Bridges, 58, stands near her Vicksburg, Miss., home Thursday and wonders what she will do once the floodwater recedes. / ROGELIO V. SOLIS/Associated PressZOOMBuildings outside a levee take on water Thursday in Morgan City, La., an area likely to be inundated when the Morganza Spillway releases water. / PATRICK SEMANSKY/Associated PressBUTTE LAROSE, La. -- In an agonizing trade-off, Army engineers said they will open a key spillway along the bulging Mississippi River as early as Saturday...

Three dead in Sukoharjo terrorism raid


Bush says he wasn’t overjoyed by bin Laden news

Eds: Adds details. With AP Photos.LAS VEGAS — George W. Bush says he was “not overjoyed” when President Barack Obama told him Osama bin Laden was dead because the campaign to track down the al-Qaida leader was done not “out of hatred, but to exact judgment.” The former president who initiated the hunt for bin Laden after 9/11 made his first candid public comments on bin Laden’s killing Wednesday at a conference of hedge fund managers in Las Vegas, ABC News reported Friday.Bush said he was eating...

Morganza Spillway Expected to Open Today, Flooding Louisiana Cajun Country

The opening of Louisiana’s Morganza floodway today may send enough water to fill a football field 10 feet deep every second across the heart of Cajun country, eventually filling an area almost as large as Connecticut.Major General Michael Walsh, president of the Mississippi River Commission, has told Col. Edward Fleming to open the spillway as soon as the river’s flow reaches 1.5 million cubic feet per second at Louisiana’s Red River Landing, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said in a statement.The spillway, built in 1954, can release 600,000 cubic feet of water...

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