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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Apple Sues Samsung Over Galaxy Android Devices

Apple is hitting Samsung with a patent infringement lawsuit, alleging that the Galaxy smartphones and tablets by Samsung infringe on Apple’s patents relating to the iPhone and the iPad.According to the suit filed on Friday in the US District Court in Northern California, Apple is seeking injunctions, actual and punitive damages from Samsung.“Rather than innovate and develop its own technol...

LG to Launch T-Mobile G-Slate on April 20

The Motorola Xoom is currently the only major Android tablet on the market which runs Android 3.0 Honeycomb. All the other Android tablets are either mediocre, or run Android 2.2 Froyo, which isn’t meant for tablets.LG had announced the T-Mobile G-Slate at CES 2011, but it had just dropped off the radar after the initial announcement. It was spotted again at CTIA 2011, where we had done a quick hands-on of the Android tablet.Today, TMONews has confirmed the official launch date for the T-Mobile...

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Four Noble Truths

 42. The essence of the teachings of the Buddha are the Four Noble Truths (Ariya Sacca cattari). To understand the Four Noble Truths, to say someone has to understand Buddhism. The Buddha gives limitations on the First Truth, as follows: So, what is the noble truth of suffering (dukkha Ariya Sacca)? Birth is suffering, age is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, sadness, sorrow, pain, sorrow, desire and despair are suffering, being separated from a loved one is suffering, together with the unwelcome is penderitaan.1 Seen from the above statement, that...


34. Often questioned in the community: "What happens after we die?" There are three different answers to that question. Those who believe in the existence of "maha-god ruler of the universe" would say, that after death one will go to one, eternal heaven or eternal hell depends on the deeds or religious person. Others say that if a person's life ended, also ending its existence. It is the belief "annihilation at death", which is a materialistic view. The Buddha said, after death, we will be born in new life, and that the process of death and rebirth will continue until...


26. It has been mentioned before, that after death, we will be reborn in one of the six realms of existence. Then, how can circumstances that require delivery in their respective natural?Before answering that question, let us see the Buddhist view on the cause of all things generally happen. Some people will rely answers to all the circumstances that happened, good or bad, to God. However Buddhism denies the divinity of such characteristics, then how to explain nature's life-such a dynamic universe, universe is always full of upheaval, interactions and events? Buddhism,...


8. How and when life begins is a mystery and will probably remain so. Most religions claim that their God who created life. However, this statement may not be able to answer how life began, because if God is a living creature, it should therefore be consistent with the understanding, that 'life comes from life'. And, in this case can not be explained how the life of God (as a person) begins. Apart from the legends, so far, there are two scientific theories that try to explain how life originated on earth. First, is the Haldane-Oparin hypothesis, which is named after...


It can be said, almost every religion has the myth that tries to explain the origin and natural aspects of the universe. Ancient Egyptians believed that the gods created the universe Khnumm then create man from clay and Goddess Hathor breathed life to them. Ancient Greeks believed that all things made by Oceanus, the first water. Ancient Jews and the Christians have two legends of creation, both recorded in the book of the Bible. The first one says, that the Hebrew created the universe and the light and dark on the first day, water and dry land on day two, all the plants on...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Recognizing, Forgiveness and Letting Go - Wisdom of Silence -By : Ajahn Brahm

Recognizing, Forgiveness and Letting Go For those of you who have difficulty meditating, it is because you have not learned how to release at the time of meditation. Why can not we let go of the simple things like the past or the future? Why do we not care what someone has done and said to us today? The more you think about it, the more bodohlah become. As the old saying, "When someone calls you an idiot, the more often you remember, the more frequent they call you idiot!" If you immediately release it, you'll never think about it again. At most they just call you an idiot...

Predict the future (Collection of Ajahn Brahm's lecture)

Many people who want to know the future. Some people are so not patiently waiting for what will happen, so they began to seek the services of shamans and soothsayers. I have a warning for you regarding the soothsayers: do not believe the forecasters are poor! The monks who practice meditation is considered as a great astrologer, but usually they are not easy to work with. One day, a race which has long been a disciple of Ajahn Chah asked the professor to predict its future. Ajahn Chah rejected: the good monk-tellers did not predict. But the student persisted. He reminds...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

knowlege is important: Past deeds story of the Buddha

knowlege is important: Past deeds story of the Buddha: "One time, disaster struck the city Vesali hunger, beginning with a long dry season and harsh.  As a result of drought that almost all the c....

Past deeds story of the Buddha

One time, disaster struck the city Vesali hunger, beginning with a long dry season and harsh. As a result of drought that almost all the crops failed and many people died of starvation. This was followed by the spread of epidemic diseases. Because the public no longer able to handle the disposal of the corpses, the stench in the air attract the attention of the giants. Population Vesali face disaster damage inflicted by famine, disease, and also the presence of giants. In the grief and anguish, they try to find perlindungan.Mereka think to seek help from various sources,...

Vajrayana Buddhist meaning of Patience by Tulku Tsori Rinpoche

Tulku Tsori Rinpoche From a Vajrayana Buddhist point of view there are 3 levels of patience. The first level of patience is what we all know to be tolerance. To be able to listen to someone without interjecting and understanding that persons point of view by putting oneself in their shoes and just being tolerant and patient. The second level of patience is action! Yes, believe it or not action. To be benefitting others through your actions. This level of patience is not about waiting,...

The Dalai Lama, Science, Buddhism and the Kalama Sutra.

One of the reasons I am a Buddhist, is in how the DL answers the first question about science and Buddhism. He is asked, "What if science confirms something that contradicts your faith?"*Note: Sutta and Sutra refer to the same thing but are from two different ancient languages.James: How many belief systems out there are willing to adapt when new scientific proof contradicts their teachings? Not many. The Dalai Lama's sane and realistic response echoes one of my favorite sutras, the Kalama Sutra....

The Story of Two nun Yang Menjapa Mantra

Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Grand Master of ZhenFo Zong From the book of the 20 works of Maha Acarya Lian Sheng Quoted by Zhiwei Zhu   This story is very interesting, but I do not see it with eyes own. This story is told by a nun in San Cu. Please read it. Believe it or not, it's up to you.   There were two nuns who meditated on the mountain. They do not read Silk, nor nian-fo (dhikr Buddhist name). They only concentrate menjapa mantra...

Kaka Jataka

"In the never ending fear ..." - This story is told by the Master when it dwells in Jetavana, about a wise adviser. These events continued from Bhaddasala-Jataka. At a time when Brahmadatta reigned in Benares, Bodhisattva is reborn as a crow. One day, the priest king went out of town and into a river. He was a shower there. And after the scent and perfume himself, he put on his clothes and returned to the city. On the road tunnel located at the city gate there are two small birds such as crows and they said to his companion. "I intend to pollute these brahmins...

Change Others

"Every time you try to change others," said Teacher, "ask yourself this: What will be given by the change is: pride, pleasure, or my benefit? " He told this story to them: A man willing to jump off a bridge. A police officer rushed over to him, "Do not! Do not!" Connect the police, "Do not do that. Why is a young man like you who have not even yet alive, to think for plunge into the...

change others "Every time you try to change others," said Teacher, "ask yourself this: What will be given by the change is: pride, pleasure, or my benefit? " He told this story to them: A man willing to jump off a bridge. A police officer rushed over to him, "Do not! Do not!" Connect the police, "Do not do that. Why is a young man like you who have not even yet alive, to think for plunge into the...

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